Behind My Back

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Cassie's POV

I had just got to the stadium to pick up Christian from whatever he had to do with the trainers. "I'm in so much pain," He said as I helped him into the car.

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said and then went back to my side. "How was it?"

"Alright I guess, I mean I will be back before the end of the season but damn does it suck having to sit out." I grabbed his hand and then started driving home. "Hi guys!" Christian yelled when the boys ran up to him.

"We go for ride with you?"

"Guys I can't drive right now. Uncle Cam or Mommy can take you." He went into the fridge and got some food from the night before.

"Hey, you left your phone here, and Ally kept calling you," Cam told me. I shook my head and ignored it. Christian pulled me close to him and held onto me. I knew everyone wanted to know what was up but I didn't want to talk about it. Cam and Christian started poking me.

"Tell us babe," Christian said, "I'll think about the new car situation." Regardless or not if I told him, I think the answer would continue to be the same thing. No on getting a new car.

"Ally might be pregnant," I mumbled and the two of them were still confused. Cam put his hand by his ear. "Ally might be pregnant and she doesn't know if it's Cody's because she cheated. I'm not helping her with it either."

"Shut the fuck up! Are you serious?" Christian yelled while Cam just stood there with his mouth open. I nodded and he pulled his phone out. I grabbed it so fast and put my hand over his mouth.

"I don't want us to be the one breaking it to him. Not right now at least." He nodded and then started eating. "This stays between us for now."

"Yes ma'am," They told me. I grabbed Brielle from her room and then played with her while the boys were doing who knows what.

"When are you going to grow little girl?" I asked Brielle and she smiled. "Babe come here," I yelled because I had no idea where he was.

He walked into the room and he smiled at Brielle. "Hi my baby girl," He said and took her from me. "I am so glad I get to be home with you for a while." He kissed her again and then he started playing with her.

"Cas what do you want for Mother's Day?" Cam asked coming into the room. I shrugged because it didn't matter. I really didn't want anything.

"If you can just protect us when Christian isn't here, that's enough. Actually I have a proposal," Both of them looked at me. "Get a gun for the house?"

"Woah," Christian said and I got annoyed with him. "Cas seriously, around our kids?" I nodded.

"Yes C," I said and he raised his eyebrows. Both of them have dealt with guns before so I'm surprised he's trying to fight me on this. "Come on Christian. We can discuss it later instead of now if you'd like." He nodded.

By now, the twins came into the room and they climbed into the bed with all of us. "We go get ice cream?"

"Everyone," Noah said and I looked at Cam and Christian. They nodded and we all got up and went downstairs. I grabbed my keys and we all went outside.

"You're driving?" Christian asked and I shook my head no. I handed the keys to Cam and then got the kids in the car, and then Christian.

When we got on the road, everything seemed like chaos. The twins were yelling, which led to Brielle crying. That led to Christian being upset because they made his baby cry, so he started yelling. Cam was annoyed with everyone yelling while he drove and I was getting a headache from my crazy family.

"If all of you don't shut up, I am going to yell," I said and everyone stopped. "I will make Cam turn this car around if you or Noah talk again," I told Mason.

"So what vacation are we taking this year?" Cam asked and Christian looked back at me.

"If I'm correct, you still owe us our vacation from our gender reveal," Christian said and Cam groaned. "Just the two of us while you watch the kids."

I loved the thought of the two of us being alone. "Off topic, but I'm cutting everyone's hair when we get back home." All of them groaned.

Christian's POV

When we got home, I was first to get my hair cut. She did a very good job but I wanted my longer hair. When she was cleaning my hair of the floor, I wrapped my arms from around her. "Hey handsome," She said and laughed.

"Hey, I wanted to know if tonight we could have some alone time." She got annoyed with me.

"Give it up Christian. Ever since you've been home, you can't keep it in your pants. You're in a cast too. So no."

"Me being in a cast is stopping us? When you broke your ankle, I still gave you what you wanted." She pushed me away gently and then Cam came over. I sat down on the couch in our room and went on my phone will Cassie continued to cut everyone's hair.

It felt like Cam was taking the longest, probably because they are gossiping. That's all they do when they are together. Mason and Noah were falling asleep waiting for her to be done. "Mom taking forever," Noah said and sat on my lap.

"I know, I'm sorry Noey." He nodded and then looked at my hair. "Mommy did a good job right?"

"Yes, she do mine like that?" I nodded and then got him up. I looked at him with his glasses on. He definitely looked like Cas but he's starting to look more like me.

Cassie's phone started to ring so I leaned over and answered it. "Hello Mrs. Yelich, I was calling regarding to your appointment of getting your tubes tied."

Oh fuck no. Cassie really has been going behind my back. I ended the call and took Noah off my lap and went into our bathroom. "Seriously?" I yelled and she jumped and dropped the clippers.

"What are you talking about Christian?" She asked and I looked at Cam and he got up and left. When the door shut, I looked back at her. "What babe?"

"Getting your tubes tied? What the fuck Cas?"

She looked down. "It wasn't even a for sure thing. It was just an appointment to see how the process would be."

"The fact that you didn't even think to tell me about it. Cas come on."

"C I wasn't going to go through with it until talking to you about it. I even told the lady that it probably wouldn't be for a few years or so. I was going to leave it up to you on how many more kids we have."

I was shocked. She always said she wanted three, so the fact she compromised for me, made me surprised. "Cas, for real?" She nodded her head and then I really felt bad. "I'm sorry. It's just I thought you already went through and made an appointment to have it done."

"I promise I would never do a serious thing like that without talking to you first."

"I'll give you a back rub and you can have some wine tonight. Sorry C," I told her and kissed her and she nodded.

Cam and the twins came back in and she finished their haircuts. "Damn look at how cute my boys are," Cas said looking at the four of us.

"Handsome mommy!" Mason yelled. He definitely listened to me say that multiple times to Cas.

We ordered dinner, and all ate in our room. We never did this but it felt nice to switch things up every so often.

Happy New Year everyone! Last year when I started writing these books, I didn't expect all of this love for them. It definitely made me very happy! Thank you for the support! And if you ever want to talk, you can send me messages.

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