Ice Chips

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Cassie's POV

"Christian, I don't feel good," I said waking up from my afternoon nap. He looked at me with confusion.

"Like throwing up?" He asked.

"I think the babies are coming," I said and he smiled. Christian got up and helped me out of bed. He grabbed our bags we packed, and then left to the hospital.

As we were on the way, Christian got a hold of our families and they were going to meet us there. "Babe it's really happening," Christian said and grabbed my hand.

"I'm not ready CY," I said and his thumb grazed my hand. 

"You're going to be a great mother," He said. When we got to the hospital, Christian got us checked in and then we got a room. They gave me a hospital gown and then hooked me up to a contraction machine.

Our families got there and they all somehow managed to pile into the room. The doctor soon followed. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Yelich," He said and then my dad made a face and I couldn't help but laugh a little since he was that flustered. "Baby A is head down, and Baby B, is trying its best, to position itself head first. If he does not make it, then there is a possibility of a C- section. You're dilated at a three right now."

Christian and I nodded our heads and then he left. I was pissed off. There was no way I was about to have a C-section. "I want everyone out," I mumbled to Christian. He somehow managed to get everyone out and he pulled a chair up next to the bed.

Christian's POV

"I'm not having a fucking C-section," Cassie said.

"Cas you might have to," I said and grabbed her hand. A contraction came and I looked at the screen and then back at Cassie.

"Stop fucking staring at me!" She yelled and she was clearly pissed off. "Get out." I left the room and when I got outside of the door, everyone looked at me.

"Just to let you know whatever is said in the delivery room stays in the delivery room," My mom said and the girls agreed.

"Why are you out here?" Ryan asked me.

"I looked at her while she was having a contraction," I said and everyone laughed. "What am I supposed to stare at?"

"Anywhere or anything except her," Her mom said. I could hear Cassie calling for me so I went back in the room.

"Can you bring me food?" She asked as I rubbed her forehead.

"Babe you're not able to eat," I said and she glared at me, "I didn't make the rules."

"Get out and send my dad in." I left once again and then sent her dad in. It took a few seconds before he came out as well.

"She asked me for food and I told her I could give her ice chips and she was pissed. Maybe Christian and Ryan go in. She will try her best to be nice since her brother will be in there." The two of us walked in and she looked at us.

"Hey Cas," Ryan said and held her hand.

"Ry, I'm so hungry."

"I can get you ice chips, that's about it," He told her and she nodded. "Okay we will head out and get you some."

"How the hell?" I asked Ryan as we walked out. He just laughed at me.

"The key is being nice as you possibly can. Don't eat food in front of her, don't stare at her, don't comment on anything, and don't comment when the baby is coming out. Only comment positive, like for example; when she's pushing the baby, you tell her that she's doing very good."

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