I Don't Need His Name or Money

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Cassie's POV

"Mason, sit your butt down," I told him as I put Noah in his car seat. I can not believe how much this kid acts like me. Christian's looks, and of course my attitude and the way I act.

"No!" He yelled back at me. Christian walked out at the perfect time. Mason jumped into his seat and Christian opened his door. "I'm sorry," He said and I laughed as Christian whispered something into his ear. "I say I'm sorry!"

My eyes went wide and I waited for Christian to say something back to Mason. "Don't yell at me," He said calmly and finished putting him in the car seat. Christian came over to the driver's side and I looked at him. "I love you, be careful."

"I love you too, I'll see you later." I kissed him and then he waved bye to the boys. When we got to the baseball stadium at UCLA, I held the boys' hands. I grabbed our tickets out of my purse and the guy at the game read my name on them.

"Yelich?" He whispered to himself and it was kinda awkward because I didn't want to talk about Christian. "Yelich?" He asked me this time.

"Yes," I said and grabbed their hands again. He let us walk through and then we went and found our seats. As I sat there making sure the kids were fine, some random lady behind me was saying something.

"Um excuse me," I turned around and looked at her, "Can you cover up a little bit? You're distracting my husband."

"Um no I don't have to. If my brothers, and my husband can keep their eyes to themselves, I'm pretty sure your husband can do it to. It's called having respect and not sexualizing a woman because of what she's wearing."

"Well that was very rude. I bet your brothers do it and your husband when you're not around."

"My brothers definitely not. My dad taught them how to respect a woman. And tell me, who is my husband going to sexualize? His teammates during their games?"

"Now I know exactly who you are. You're married to Christian Yelich. You've yelled at people during a game before so I'm not surprised you're doing it right now. And I bet you just married him for his last name and the money. Fucking cleat chaser."

"Oh totally," I said sarcastically, "I don't need Christian's last name or money. I have a degree from Pepperdine University and I have my culinary degree as well. Two more than Christian has. Believe me, I don't need his name or money."

"Oh so take away his last name. You're a nobody then, right?" What the fuck does this shit even have to do with anything. All I came for was to watch Liam play and have a fun day before we leave for Arizona. And I bet all of this stressing and arguing was not good for the baby.

"Take away Yelich and I'm still a Braun." The lady's jaw dropped and then she didn't say anything back. "Believe me, I'm my own damn person, not just a professional athlete's wife." I turned back around and grabbed scooted closer to the kids.

After the game, we waited for Liam and he came and gave the kids and I hugs. "You played good!" I said and he smiled.

"Thank you," He said and then set his bag down. "I also want to say thanks for coming out and thanks for the check you and Christian gave me after graduation."

"Of course we wanted you to have a little bit of room in your budget. And we are leaving for Spring Training tomorrow so we wanted to catch a game before we were leaving. I tried getting Christian to come but he had plans with my brother, maybe another game I can try to get him to come out."

"Yes that sounds fun," He said. We talked for a few minutes and then I left with the kids. When I got home, Ryan and Mike were still over and I didn't mind.

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