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Cassie's POV

We were in the hotel room in Colorado and I woke up before Christian did. Last night I bought some pregnancy tests because time after time, I've been having pregnancy symptoms. I'm pretty sure Christian is suspicious because he's wanted me to take tests but I've told him no.

"Here goes nothing," I said and stuck the tests in the cup with my urine in it. This had to be the most stressful thing ever. I waited in the bathroom for the few minutes. While I waited I went through my Instagram. My timer went off and I walked back to the cup.

I closed my eyes and put the caps on all the ends. This had my heart racing, even though Christian didn't mind if I got pregnant. It took me a few seconds to build up the courage to open my eyes and look. When I decided to look I was surprised. Pregnant. All four tests read the same thing so this couldn't be a coincidence.

Today happened to be Father's Day so this is why I decided to take the tests today. I took a quick picture just because I didn't do this last time and I was so upset with myself.

As I cracked the bathroom door open, I found a spot to put my phone and record. Christian was still sound asleep and I was scared to wake him up because he was extremely tired from the game last night. I hid the tests behind my back and sat on his hips.

"Christian," I said and he didn't wake up. "Babe." He groaned a little and then opened his eyes.

"What time is it?" He asked me and I showed him my Apple Watch. "Why are you waking me up early?" He asked and played with my leg.

"I just wanted to say Happy Father's Day," I pulled the tests out from behind my back and he sat up making me move a little.

"Are you serious babe?" He asked excitedly and I nodded. Christian grabbed my face and kissed me. "I've been telling you!"

"I know, I should've listened," I said as we looked down at the tests.

"I really hope this one ends well," He said and I nodded.

"Me too baby." I said and got up and grabbed my phone and stopped recording. "Let me get a picture." I held the tests a few feet away from his face and he smiled.

"I'm making an appointment for when we get back to Milwaukee. But let me get a picture of us with the tests. And then one of just you." We took the pictures and then Christian made me an appointment.

"Christian I'm so excited," I said as we sat together on the bed.

"My baby better not be hurting their momma," Christian said and looked at my stomach. "How far along do you think you are?"

"I can't even tell you. You didn't use a condom at all so we will have to figure it out at the appointment."

"We still on a baby boy?" I nodded my head yes and he got excited. "When do you want to tell our family?"

"It all depends on how far along I am right now."

"I'm really excited baby. You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to get pregnant. But I ended up making the appointment for July eighth because we will both be home and that's the fastest they can get us in." I nodded my head and then kissed Christian.

"I can already see a little weight gain, maybe I am a lot farther than we think."

Christian's POV

The day has finally come, we are at the appointment checking on our baby. Cas was very nervous and I think it's because she's scared to hear about a miscarriage again but I kept reassuring her that she would be fine.

Everything I Need; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now