What Happened to Him?

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Cassie's POV

This morning I woke up before Christian did, so I fed the babies and then decided to make breakfast for him. When I heard Christian coming down the stairs, I looked towards them. "Good morning handsome," I said when he walked down.

He was wearing shorts and a hoodie and came over to me. "Hey beautiful," He said and kissed me and placed his hands under my hoodie. "Oh damn, just underwear." Christian lifted it up, "Lace underwear."

"And what's your point?" I asked and turned back around. He pulled down my underwear. "Christian I'm making you breakfast."

"Okay we can multitask," Christian said and I could hear him take his shorts off.

"Babe," I said and pulled my underwear back up. "Not right now, and the boys are right there."

"Okay fine," He said and turned me back around. Christian kissed me again and I smiled.

"You're so touchy today," I told him and he shrugged.

"You look really beautiful today. And I can't give my fiancé any love?"

"Are you sure you don't need anything?" I asked and got a plate out. I gave Christian his food and then looked at him.

"No I don't think I need anything," He said and started eating.

"Okay," I mumbled and then made myself some food. I sat next to Christian and ate. "Christian if you want or need something, you know you can tell me."

"I just thought you looked really good today," He said and rubbed my thigh.

"I'm in pajamas from last night." I was very confused and he was kinda throwing me off.

"Okay whatever. I won't ever compliment you ever again. Thank you for breakfast," Christian put his stuff in the sink and went out on the patio.

Well I didn't mean to make him mad. Instead of bothering him, I let him cool off and I would let him talk to me when he was ready. One of the babies started crying and I went and looked at them and it was Noah. "Noah what's wrong?" I asked like he could talk back to me.

Christian came in and looked at Noah. "What happened to him?" He asked and took him from me.

"I'm trying to figure it out Christian," I said and looked at Noah again. He tugged on his left ear and I frowned. There was like a weird liquid coming out of his ear.

"Give me a tissue," Christian said and I ran upstairs and grabbed the box. He took one and tried cleaning the liquid but he started crying louder and he tried covering his ear. Mason woke up and started crying.

"Oh my gosh," I said and covered my eyes. A couple seconds later I picked up Mason and rubbed through his little bit of hair.

"I'm going to take Mason to your mom's and take Noah to the hospital."

"Alright, let me get their bag ready, and I'll put the boys in their seats."

Alecia's POV

"Hey Cassie," I said walking out to her car. "What's up?"

"Um I have to take Noah to the hospital, can you watch Mason, and I'll try my best to be back before you leave for the game."

"Yes of course. If you aren't back, I'll just take Mason with me to the game and you can meet me there. Or if you aren't going to go, just let me know," I told her and took Mason's car seat.

"Thank you so much. I'll text you or call you as soon as I know what's wrong."

"Alright Cas," I said and let her go.

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