Mama Sick

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Christian's POV

We just lost a game in the post season, so we were done for the year. As I drove back home, I chose not to let my job frustrations follow me home. When I walked in the house, I took my shoes off and then the kids ran to me.

This was odd and unusual because they were never down here if Cassie wasn't down here too. "Mama sick," Noah said and I furrowed my brows.

"How so Noey?"

"She throw up."

"I tired," Mason said and I tried focusing on one thing at a time.

"Okay I'll put you guys down for a nap," I said and took them to their rooms. They both fell asleep fast and then I went to our room. She was sleeping on the bed. "Cas," I said and rubbed her head. Her head was kinda warm.

"What do you need?" She asked me and scooted over on the bed.

"Noah told me you were throwing up," I told her and she opened her eyes.

"Well Noah's lying," She said and turned the other way and fell back asleep. I left the room and cleaned around the house since we were leaving in two days.

Cassie's POV

When I woke up, it was six. How did I sleep until dinner time? I went downstairs and seen Christian sitting on the couch. "Hi babe," I said and sat on his lap.

"Hey, are you feeling better?"

"I feel like I have the flu again. Hopefully I'll feel better in a couple days or so."

"I don't like seeing you sick. What do you want for dinner? Vegetable soup? Any soup? Let me know so I can make you something."

I laughed a little. "I'll take vegetable soup. Are you still willing to risk getting sick for a kiss."

"Definitely," He said and pulled me in. I laughed a couple seconds into the kiss. "I love you so much baby."

"I love you too Mr. Yelich," I said and kissed him one more time before letting him get up. I brought the kids downstairs and we sat on the couch and watched Paw Patrol while Christian started dinner.

"Mama ice cream," Mason said in the middle of the episode.

"Where would you get that idea?" I asked and turned around and seen Christian eating my ice cream.

"This is my medicine," He said and I continued to stare at him. "I'll go out and get you some more after dinner."

"Alright," I said and watched the show until dinner was ready. We ate and fed the kids at the same time.

"So if anyone comes down our driveway, take the kids to the room."

"Christian I know. I stay by myself a lot." Christian knew how I got, I hated being home by myself at night just because what happened at my apartment with Jay and Daniel, and I just didn't like to as well because our nearest neighbors were like six or seven miles away. "Let's go lay in mommy and daddy's room," I told the kids after Christian left.

"We get ice cream too?" Noah asked and I shook my head no.

"Daddy is going to get me medicine because I wasn't feeling good earlier."

"Oh," He said and sounded so disappointed. I watched the kids play around on the bed until Christian got back. 

"What are you two doing in here?" Christian asked the boys and started tickling them. Their laughs were so adorable and I was so in love with them. They reminded me so much of Christian and I loved it.

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