I Love You Like Crazy

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Cassie's POV

Christian's been gone for about five days and I decided we were going to go see him. I didn't want to take two babies on a plane, so I decided I was going to drive us to Minnesota.

I got everything in the car and we started a long road trip. The kids slept until about halfway there and then they got hungry. I was nervous about stopping and feeding them because I didn't know the area and some of the people in this town were creepy. I decided to feed the both of them in the car and change their diapers and clothes in there as well.

Christian called me, as I fed the boys in the back of the car. "Hi baby," I said and put the phone on speaker.

"Hi beautiful. I miss you."

"I miss you too," I said and smiled. There was silence for a couple of seconds.

"What are you and my boys doing?"

"I'm actually feeding them right now. They're going to town. Doesn't look like you'll be getting these anytime soon."

"No they're coming off by the end of this month."

"Yeah yeah, what are you up to?"

"Nothing I was just bored because we have a while until we have to be at the stadium. So I thought I would call my lover."

"You're so cute," I told him and then Mason came off of me. "Christian I have to go, I think Mason is done eating."

"Alright, I love you."

"I love you too," I said and then hung up. Mason was definitely about to throw up. I tried getting a burp cloth, but he threw up on my shirt and it landed on Noah as well. Noah started crying and I groaned. I put Noah in his car seat and cleaned him up quickly. Then I made sure Mason was done throwing up. I changed their diapers and clothes and I changed my shirt.

We got back on the road and the boys just babbled most of the ride there.

Christian's POV

"Come on, let's go chill in the lobby," Ryan said.

"Why are you being weird about this?" I asked him.

"I just want to get out of the room," He told me and opened the door.

"Fine," I said and grabbed my wallet and phone. We got in the elevator and then we walked to the lobby. "I hope that tonight we-" I looked up and seen Cassie holding both of the kids and I got excited. "When did you get here babe?" I asked as I hugged her.

"Like twenty minutes ago," She said with a chuckle. I took the boys from her and they opened their eyes and looked at me. "Say hi to daddy Mason and Noah."

They fell back asleep and I just laughed. "You knew about this Brauny?"

"Of course I did. She's my little sister."

"Do you want to go to our room?" Cassie asked me and I nodded.

"I'll be back in a little bit," I told Ryan and he nodded. We took the elevator and went into Cassie's room. I laid the boys on the bed and made farting noises on their stomachs. They giggled and played with my hair.

"So what time do you have to leave?" Cassie asked and picked up Noah.

"In two hours," I told her and put Mason in the Pack n' Play.

"Give me some love before you have to leave," She said and put Noah in there as well.

"Say less," I said and she laid on top of me. We kissed for a couple minutes and she started biting on my neck. "No hickies Cas."

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