I Promise

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Cassie's POV

I woke up to the kids jumping on the bed. "Stop," I said with a groan. They continued jumping on the bed. "Mason and Noah!" I yelled and the boys stopped and Christian woke up as well.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Mommy yell," Noah said.

"Yeah because you guys are annoying me. What do you guys want?"

"Swim." I grabbed Christian's phone off the nightstand and look at the time. "It's literally six in the morning. The pool doesn't open until nine."

"They aren't going to go back to sleep," Christian whispered into my ear. He kissed my neck after and the boys covered their eyes. I pushed him away for a couple of seconds.

"How about we all get ready, go eat, and then we could go out to the beach until the pool opens."

The boys looked at Christian like he was in charge. "Your mom is making decisions not me, but I like that idea." They kissed my face and all of them except me got up. "Are you going to get ready?"

"Christian, my legs are killing me. I don't know what kind of magic you worked but it was so awesome yesterday."

"Oh was it? Should we go for another round right now?"

"Christian your kids will beat me if we don't go down to swim."

"It'll be a quickie, I promise." I stared at his face and he knew he already had me convinced.

"Well my legs are hurting already, so why not?"

Christian's POV

As we walked down to the breakfast area with the kids, I can tell Cassie was in some pain. "Cas are you alright?"

"What do you think?" She asked with a chuckle. While we waited in line, Cassie handed me Noah. "I need to get back into the gym."

"For now I am your gym," I whispered and she hit me.

"Stop being so sexual you weirdo," She whispered back.

"Why are you getting freaked out? We slept with each other on the first date?"

"Because you won't stop talking about sex Christian." I set the kids down as we finally got to the front of the line and got a table. "Are you guys excited to get in the water?"

"Swim?" Noah asked.

"You can't swim yet silly. You're just going to be in the water." Cassie looked at me, "You're teaching them how to swim in a few years or so."

"Alright," I said and looked at the menu.

Cassie's POV

When we got to beach, the kids were so excited. Although they couldn't swim, they thought getting in the water was pretty fun. I looked at Christian who was wearing his sunglasses and he was walking out to the water with the kids. They were so cute.

Christian held both the kids up and a wave came and they grabbed onto him tightly. I decided to go out there with them. As I got to where they were, Christian somehow managed to hold me too.

"You're so handsome," I told Christian and he pecked my lips. "And my boys, you are so cute," I said and kissed their cheeks.

We stayed out there for a little bit before Christian got tired of holding all three of us. "Woah," Christian said as we walked back to our towels. "Where's the rest of your bathing suit?"

"This is the entire bathing suit," I said and he came behind me and was rubbing up against me. "What's your problem?"

"Some guy was staring at your ass. I don't mind if you wear this but I don't want some pervert staring at you."

"Oh okay," I said and put the kids towels on them and dried them off. Christian was looking at the guy that was staring at me. "Hey I put some shorts on you can stop staring," I called out and Christian looked at me.

"Cas," He said with a chuckle.

"Let's go to the room for a little bit and then we can go to the pool." We went up to the room and the kids fell asleep. "I thought we had plans for the pool."

"We have plans to cuddle now," Christian said and pulled me onto the other bed.

"Let me shower and then we can cuddle."

"I'll join," Christian said and I groaned. He didn't take the hint and still followed me. As I tried showering, he tried getting very handsy with me.

"I'm not doing this right now. I want to relax Christian," I said and got out. He sighed as I got out and left. About ten minutes later, Christian came back out and he laid with me. He rubbed my stomach and he was putting me to sleep.

"Cas," Christian whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too." He turned me over and I was looking into his eyes. "So I really hope to get pregnant by February."

"Is there a specific reason why?"

"No I just hate not being able to give us a family. Like you're able to do everything on your end right and I constantly fail babe."

"Cassie I've told you before it's fine. Even just trying to put a baby in you is very fun. If it doesn't happen by then, I don't want you to feel discouraged. When the time is right, we will find out we are having another baby. Now give me a kiss." I leaned in and kissed his lips. "So can I see if you have any milk left in there?"

"Yes but you better not get caught by your kids," I said and he lifted my shirt. I played with his hair while he just played with me.

"Mama?" Noah asked. I lifted my head so Christian didn't have to stop.

"Yes babe?" I asked him.

"Sweep mama?" I looked at Christian and he shook his head no.

"Daddy's trying to sleep babe." Christian hated being interrupted. "Why don't you want to sleep with Mason?"

He didn't answer and got out of bed. Noah walked over to our bed and I took Christian off and put my shirt down. "Dada," He said and tapped on Christian's back.

Christian picked him up and then he laid in between us. I rubbed Noah's face and he fell asleep right next to Christian. "It was for the best, I couldn't go any longer. They're just sensitive, sorry."

"It's alright, don't apologize babe." The kids slept for a while and when they woke up they didn't want to go swimming anymore.

"Dada you have milk?" Mason asked and poked Christian's nipple.

"Nope, milk doesn't come from there buddy," Christian said trying to convince the boys that nothing came from there.

"Mama?" He asked me while turning around.

"Nope, I don't have milk. I can make you a bottle," I said and picked him up and kissed his face. His cute little giggle made Christian and I smile.

I really wanted another kid but I didn't know how long it would take at this point. The thought of this made me so sad but I didn't want Christian to see me like this.

"So mama and I talked about you guys staying in your own beds when we get back home." The boys looked at Christian and they started crying. Anytime he said something they didn't like, that was their only way to express it.

"You guys need to sleep in your own beds, and you'll get a reward. How about a cupcake?" They shook their heads no. "What why not?" They cried in my arms and I just laughed. "My little Christian Jr," I said to Mason and kissed his head.

"Hey can we name our next kid, Christian Jr?" I looked to see if this man was serious and sure enough he was.

"No," I said and watched the boys cry for a couple more minutes. "Daddy said if you guys sleep in your crib, we can get a pet."

"Daddy did not say that," Christian said and I shrugged. These boys were still super upset about not being able to sleep in bed with us. Well when Christian was gone, they could sleep with me, because I didn't mind.

"Let's watch a movie?" I asked the boys and they nodded. We found something and it kept us occupied for a while. This trip was going to be long and exhausting with these three.

Everything I Need; Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now