Chapter 25.

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Ade finally walked up the stairs holding a spatula in her left hand. She got to the front of her room and knocked on the door.

"Have you guys settled your differences?!" She shouted so they would hear her.

"Yes, we have. It was just a stupid fight anyways." She heard Ari speak. Though she didn't want to believe them, she just opened the door and they both rushed out as if the room was on fire. Ade tried to run after them knowing they played her.

"The both of you are sick, come back here and stop making my pregnant self run." She shouted running carefully after them. They stopped when they got to the kitchen and laughed at how funny she looked holding her stomach and the spatula.

"Baby mama, be careful." Ajoke made fun of her and she just rolled her eyes and moved closer to them. When they didnt pay much attention to her anymore, she used the spatula to hit boh of them on their shoulders and back.

"Crazy fools." She hissed and turned to the cabinets of the pots. The girls only laughed, because they knew how she felt.

"What are you cooking tonight?" Ari asked, collecting a spoon of ice cream from Ajoke. Ade looked at the ice cream in their hands and gulped. She contemplated asking them, but knowing her friends, she decided against it. As if Ajoke noticed her body language, she teased her with the spoon of ice cream that was in its way to her mouth.

"Can I have a scoop, I promise I'll finish it before mummy comes." Ade pouted and the girls bursted out laughing.

"Nope, not happening." Ari said and took another spoon full of ice cream. Ade knew she would have to call Toheeb for ice cream later on.

"Mummy is having night shift, what should I cook for dinner?" She asked her two friends that were devouring the bowl of ice cream.

"Cook that middle eastern food, the rice and chicken." Ari said, waving her spoon in the air.

"You mean Biryani?" Ade asked to make sure. Ari nodded her head and Ade got to work. The girls put their ice cream aside and helped her in washing the chicken. Ajoke who was constantly looking at her phone and looking disturbed didn't really listen to what the girls were talking about.


Getting home that night, Ajoke went straight to her room, ignoring her step siblings and their dad. She could here the clanking of spoons and pots and a running tap, she knew her mom was preparing dinner.

She laid on her bed and removed her shoes, then sat up. She brought out her phone from her bag and saw unread messages. She opened the only one Ade sent to her, which was an invitation, then opened three other ones, before her eyes caught the message Gbola sent to her. Just when she was about to put off her phone, it almost fell but she caught it in time and mistakenly tapped on his message.

"I should have just let you fall." She muttered to her phone and looked at the message again.

"C'mon, its only for lunch. Again." She looked at the message and remembered the lunch he invited her to. She hadn't had time to tell Ade yet, but she knew she'll tell her the next time she visits.

"I'm busy." She replied and wanted to put off her phone, but was also waiting for his reply for some weird reasons.

"I won't take your time, I promise." He replied again. She figured he is an adamant person and thought that nothing would go wrong, if she accepts.

"Fine. When?" She replied and waited again for his reply that came in less than thirty seconds.

"How about tomorrow?"

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