Chapter 15.

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Ade woke up in the midnight, feeling pressed. She went to the bathroom and came out sitting back on her bed. She rubbed her eyes and took her phone from her side table. She couldn't go back to sleep so she played games, it was just 3am. After playing for some time, she tip toed down the stairs and went to the kitchen. She put on the lights and opened the fridge for the leftover ice cream she hid at the back of numerous plastic bowls in the fridge.

She sat down on the kitchen Island and started checking her instagram feed and also eating her ice cream. She knows having ice cream at this time of the morning, she'll definitely be sick later, but who says no to ice cream?

A message popped in and she tapped on it. It was from Toheeb, she had saved his number.

"Hey." He sent, she contemplated answering him.

"Hello." She sent it, kinda regretting it.

"I'm sorry." He replied in less than thirty seconds. Ade put off her phone and concentrated on her ice cream.

Toheeb on the other hand waited for minutes, thinking of why she wasn't replying him anymore. He rubbed his face and sat on his bed, he couldn't find sleep. He checked all his unread messages  and just ignored all of it. He went to his story and saw Ade's story, a video of an ice cream bowl with the time and a caption that said.

"Ready to be sick."

He tried his luck and texted her again, it showed that she read it but she didn't reply. He concluded she was ignoring him, so he put off his phone.


"Toheeb, Toheeb!" He felt a tap on his back and looked up to see his mom looking at him.

"Hmm?" He stretched and rubbed his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him. He picked up his phone to see if she sent a message, but she didn't. "I'm asking you a question and you're checking your phone, even without a good morning." His mom said, eventually dragging his ears. He winced and held her hand immediately.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, good morning." He said quickly, she hesitantly let go of his ear.

"Why did you sleep here? Is there something chasing you from your bed?" His mom asked, wanting to know why he slept off in the kitchen.

"Was using my phone and slept off." He yawned and stood up. The cleaners had arrived and were waiting to begin their works.

"In the kitchen?" His mom pressed on. He wanted to tell her to stop disturbing him, but in a more polite way, but nothing polite came to his mind, so he pecked her and walked away.

On his way, he met his sister, Rahmat. He has been ignoring and avoiding her ever since she served as his mouth piece in the hospital. They had eye contact, she tried to talk but he walked away.

She has been wanting to apologize after what she said in the hospital, but Toheeb had been ignoring her. She also had one of the maids cook his favorites and she took it to him herself with an apology letter, but he didn't touch the food nor read the letter.

She regretted ever talking that day, but she spoke out of anger of what her brother had done. She also learnt from Gbola that Toheeb has been trying to get Ade to talk and forgive him and the fact Ade's dad and elder sister are also with him, only because they want the baby-babies- to have a father, so he's making little progress. She wish to help and hopes her mouth won't worsen the situation at hand.


"Ade!" She heard Ari call. She was currently washing the dishes, since she sent Toyo to help her get something from the store. 

"In the kitchen!" She replied. Ari came into the kitchen with a tray. Ade who was hungry but lazy to cook washed her hands and leaving half of the plate unwashed. She went to check what Ari -Ari's mom- had made. She opened the foil off the tray and was met with a very mouth watering Mac and cheese. She was really glad she didn't feel like vomiting or she would have started crying.

She opened the drawers for the cutleries and picked up a spoon. Ari watched her eat, trying to hold in her laughter at how Ade was concentrated on the food. When Ade had eaten to the fullest, almost finishing the whole tray, she rubbed her stomach and patted it a little.

"Now we're full right?" She asked her babies looking at her stomach. Ari smiled and decided to talk.

"I guess I'm supposed to receive a thank you." Ari said. Ade looked up at her and hissed.

"I'll be thanking aunty later." Ade said to spite Ari.

"So I don't get a thank you for delivering? Next time you gonna pay." Ari said, feigning annoyance. Ade laughed and gave her a side bear hug.

"Oh, baby! You get jealous too much." Ari rolled her eyes, but hugged Her back nonetheless. She wouldn't deny the fact she was always jealous when it came to Ade.

Ade went back to washing her plates when Toyo came back with a plastic bag from the store.

"I didn't get your regular chocolate flavor, so I had to get the one mixed with cookies." Toyo said, dropping the plastic bag on the kitchen island.

"Thanks, put it at the back of the salad bowl." Ade said, rinsing the last plate. Toyo picked the ice cream bowl and hid it. One thing was, if they both get caught-Ade especially-She would have a ear full from her mom.

"You know you're not supposed to have ice cream." Ari stated looking at Ade who just sat down on the chair, using her phone. She had no option but to get used to the fact that she's pregnant.

"In the night time." Ade corrected her. Ari rolled her eyes, knowing how stubborn Ade is.

Ajoke came into the kitchen when she heard the girls talking about ice cream. The girls are all allowed to come in without knocking as Ade's house is literally their house, same goes to Ade too but, her life now, she doesn't want to be seen outside. She isn't planing on going to school. She can be one year behind all because of her babies, the world isn't ending soon, neither is school ending.

"I heard ice cream." Ajoke said, making her presence known. Ari low key rolled her eyes, though they are friends, or so everyone thinks, even Ade and Ajoke, but no one knows Ari doesn't really fancy Ajoke.

"Ari was just telling me how mom not supposed to be having ice cream, but forgot to add at night." Ade replied. Ajoke laughed and came to sit beside Ade, patting her stomach in the process. Ade whacked her hands always and playfully glared at her.

They began talking about Ade's baby, she hadn't told them she was having twins yet. While they were arguing of the gender, Ade just watched them while she ate the fruits on the table. The doorbell rang, stopping the girls from arguing further. Ade stood up to go get it and the girls were still looking between them who would go.

She opened the door to be met with a familiar face, one she can't forget.

Thanks guys, we got the amount of reads I requested for. ❤❤

This time, let's get to 30 reads, 15 votes and 10 comments 😊😊😊

I know we can.

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