Chatper 53.

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"Where is Toheeb?" Ade asked Toyo as she looked around, but couldn't find him. She hasn't seen him since she came out of her room and she was beginning to get worried. Where did he go?

"I don't know, he stepped out for a while and I didn't see him, maybe he went to get something." Toyo said and walked away.

Ade was feeling uneasy, very uneasy and it made her stomach churn. She was having a bad feeling.

"Mom?" She called Toheeb's mom after sighting her with some women of the same age group. Mrs Badmus turned to her smiling. She excused herself from the women and focused on Ade.

"Yes love? Any problem, your face looks pale?"

"Have you seen Toheeb? I can't find him anywhere, and besides he's supposed to be here, he planned and paid for all these." Ade said.

"That's true, he just stepped out and since then also, I hadn't seen him." Mrs Badmus looked confused.

"Ade, it's time for your pictures." Mide called her as she walked towards her.

"Do you know where Toheeb is?" Ade asked not caring about the pictures she was supposed to take.

"No....., I haven't seen him also." Mide trialed off and began looking around. The party was already in full swing with everyone eating and talking.

Mrs Badmus asked Ade to rest that she was sure Toheeb would come back. Ade sat down and received the gift people brought and took a few pictures, but she wasn't smiling in any of the pictures, just a lift of her cheeks.

After waiting for two hours and Toheeb still didn't show up, Ade stood up. She walked to where her dad was.

"Daddy, I can't find Toheeb. He's supposed to be here." Ade asked her dad. She didn't know tears was already sliding down her cheeks.

"Hey hey, stop crying. I'm sure he's just stuck in traffic, he told me he was going to get something." Mr Olaitan held Ades hand.

"Can you go find him please, he told you the name of the store? I'm not having a good feeling dad. It's getting worse every second."

"Alright, I'll try to get him, but you just have fun okay?" Mr Olaitan said as he picked up his phone.

Ade started feeling dizzy, she was having strong feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Mide sat down after being scolded by Ola that she had been walking around without resting and then she'll complain of leg pain later and make him massage her legs till she slept off.

"I'm feeling funny." Mide said as she felt a funny yet painful kick by her lower abdomen.

"You just need to rest-" Ola said but stopped mid sentence as he saw the white trouser his wife was wearing getting stained with blood.

"What are you looking-" Mide began asking but kept shut as she saw her white trouser was now red. She screamed and started feeling dizzy.

Ade heard and immediately stood up and walked to where her sisters were.

Everyone was looking now and murmurs could be heard around.

"Take her to the hospital?" Someone screamed.

Ola who was already dashing out of the door with Mide in his arms.

"Party's over everyone." Mr Olaitan said loudly and slowly everyone started trooping out slowly, some giving Mrs Olaitan encouraging words.

After all the guest were gone, Ade wanted to go see her sister, but was told to stay back with Mrs Badmus.

Immediately Mr and Mrs Olaitan left the house, leaving Mrs Badmus, Toyo, AJ, Gbola and Ade at home, Toheeb barged into the house looking battered and dirty.

Ade immediately shot up not caring about the pain she felt from the sudden movement.

She ran and went to hug Toheeb. She looked at him to see that he was beaten mercilessly.

"What happened?!" Ade screamed as she held his face in her palms. Mrs Badmus also came close to examine her son's face.

His eyes were purple and swollen and he had a busted lip, with numerous cuts on his face and arms. His clothes was torn and had cuts on his chest.

"I-" Toheeb coughed out blood attempting to speak. Ade gasped as she began tearing up.

"Let's take him to the hospital." Gbola calmly said as he assisted Toheeb in walking.

"Ade isn't safe here, take her somewhere else." Toheeb managed to crook out ignoring the pain of talking.

"What?" AJ asked looking confused.

"She has to go away from here, now!" Toheeb said again and groaned as he felt as if his throat was being torn open.

Mide and Mrs Badmus immediately took Ade out of the house, ignoring her protest of wanting to go with Toheeb.

They drove off to Mrs Badmus apartment and had to calm her down. She kept calling Gbola every second until she slept off on the couch.


Ola paced around the hospital corridor as he waited for news on how Mide was doing.

Mrs Badmus sat down quietly, muttering prayers after prayers. Her daughter must be fine, her grandchild must be fine. She rubbed her face and closed her eyes, folding her arms. .Mr Olaitan sat down beside his wife and also waited.

After 20 agonizing minutes, a doctor came out and looked at all of them.

"Um...good evening, there's a bad and good news." The doctor said then looked at everyone present.

"She lost the baby but she's fine and stable now." The doctor announced.

Ola turned around in pain as he continuously hit his fist on the wall. Maybe this was his fault.

Mrs Olaitan looked at Ola in pain as a tear slid down her eyes.

"Can we see her now?" Mr Olaitan asked the doctor.

"Yes you can, but she doesn't know about the news yet. It would be nice, if you don't let her know just yet as it could make her bp rise."


*Writers POV*

"How could you all not take him down? Bunch of bastards!" The person thundered and raised their hands to slap the person that delivered the message.

"We tried boss, he escaped before we could drug him." The person that was slapped replied calmly, not caring about the stinging pain he was feeling from the impact of the hit.

"I need him or her and I give you just three days, three fucking days. Whatever happens to her pregnancy, I don't give two fucks." The person walked away with two men behind.

Hello guys!!!!

Am I supposed to make this chapter longer because I delayed you guys? Yes I am, but I'm lazy!!!

Guys!!! I've always wanted boy drama in my life because I thought my life has always been boring and hearing my friends talk about boy drama always makes me want to see how it feels.

I got into it finally and I want out!!!! I can't deal with the stress. I'm still a fragile baby please 😭😭😭

I can't let the main catch me with the side that so not a side since we're not dating and I only confessed I had a crush on him🥴, which just a day after I confessed, the main asked me out and I accepted (because he's been asking out for long and I also like him) and then there's one that I dunno where he even came from asking my not so side to back off from me because I'm his🙆🤔 like sorry sir, you say?!🤨 Yes he asked me out before but I told him, I'm a singleton for life and we only catch cruise, because cruise is life😋 so yes..... I'm doomed.

Had to deal with all these plus work so yeah, I got too lazy to write 🥴🥴.

In a way I'm enjoying it😭😂😂💔

Bad bish like me dey rant😭😭💔

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