Chapter 45.

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Gbola paced around the hotel room he lodged in. This was where he and AJ would meet.


Gbola had been following Ajoke from the time she left Ade's house until now that she was in the mall. Judging from how sluggish she was being, he felt she was going to meet someone. But before then, he needed to tell her his mind.

He was a little behind her when she abruptly turned around and began walking towards the ladies room. He followed her and stayed outside, waiting for her to come out.

After waiting for several minutes she finally showed and he dragged her into the changing corner for females. Knowing she was about to scream for help, he quickly covered her mouth and turned her around.

Ajoke opened her eyes and was met with the smirking face of Gbola.

"Hey." He smiled this time and looked her her intently. Her stance immediately relaxed and she hugged him tight, letting the tears flow freely from her eyes. Gbola didn't waste a second as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

After a few minutes passed, AJ finally let go and looked at Gbola in the eye.

"I'm so sorry. I've ruined your hoodie." AJ apologized looking at his shoulder that had her snort on it.

"If it's yours, then I don't mind." Gbola said grinning. AJ smiled and looked away.

"Did I tell you you look pretty?" Gbola asked when she wasn't saying anything.

"No, because I started crying. I'm so sorry for blocking you on all ways to reach me. I had to." Gbola was about to start spilling out what Ade told him, but then remembered Aj mustn't know Ade said a word to him.

"Why did you? Did I do something wrong you didn't like or you saw me with another girl and you were extremely jealous?" Gbola decided to tease her.

"Oh, you wish. I'd just rip her head off." Ajoke said before she could stop herself, making Gbola laugh. He was really proud that she liked him as much as he did. Now he needed to take care of things.

"So where are you going to?" Gbola asked, looking at her.

"Um..." AJ looked everywhere but him, trying to find the perfect lie. "Um, I'm supposed to meet with my stepbrother. My mom asked us to get something together. That reminds me, I need to get going, he wont appreciate me being late." Ajoke rushed out and was about to escape from Gbola's hold but Gbola was faster.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you told him you saw your boyfriend, would he?" Gbola asked, gritting his teeth together that she was lying to him. Atleast he knew who she was going out with.

"Um..." Her fingers started shaking lightly. "That's the thing, he would kill me. He doesn't want me to have a boyfriend, saying they would destroy my life and shatter my dreams." She laughed nervously, not looking at Gbola.

"Since you're in a hurry, would you atleast meet me somewhere if I asked you to? Somewhere private?" Gbola asked raising her chin up to look at him. Ajoke looked I to his eyes and nodded slowly. "I need your words babe."

"Yes, I would. If it's somewhere private and not your apartment." Gbola nodded before placing his lips on hers. Surprised, Ajoke kissed him back before they both pulled away.

"Meet me here." He gave her an hotel card and watched her rush out hiding the card in her shirt.

Gbola waited a while before he followed her again. He wouldn't let whatever was going to happen on his watch.

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