Chapter 18.

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Dedicated to every reader, I love y'all so much😘😘

Ade kept on laughing at how the ice cream guy was making funny jokes about ice cream. Then he looked over at Toheeb.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Ade turned around And shook her head.

"He isn't, he offered to get me ice cream and I couldn't say no." Ade lied. Toheeb walked closer and smiled at the guy, he smiled back.

"So which one, I'm serious now." The guy finally said, a smile still playing on his face.

"Alright, as you can see clearly, I can't take anything with alcohol, though that brown one looks lovely. I would prefer a scoop of chocolate, a scoop of vanilla, a scoop of mint and finally a scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream." He nodded his head and arranged all scoop of ice cream.

Ade collected the cone containing her ice cream and turned to Toheeb.

"You're not getting some?" Ade asked, he shook his head and Ade nodded. She was about to pay when Toheeb stretched out his arm, holding a twenty pound note. Ade was about to say no when he shook his head and she let him pay.

They got back and Ade told him to not yet start moving, she would like to finish her ice cream.

"Why did you do this to me?" Ade asked as tears welled up in her eyes. She's been smiling and laughing because she doesn't want her pain to be seen. Toheeb who didn't know what to say looked ahead and took a deep breath.

"I'm really sorry, I don't know what got into me. The alcohol was too-"

"Don't blame it on the alcohol, if you know you can't control yourself when you take alcohol you shouldn't have drank it. Now I'm paying for your mistakes, I'm going to be one year behind, all my plans has been ruined." Ade said looking straight into his eyes. Toheeb could see the pains she felt and how she's been using laughter to hide them. He felt disappointed and disgusted in himself. A tear finally rolled down Ade's cheek and he snapped out of his thoughts. He didn't know what got into him as he pulled her into a hug, she didn't pull back either. She cried into his shirt, pouring out all her pains, all her bottled up pain.

"I'm sorry." Toheeb whispered, rubbing her back. After sometimes, they both pulled away. Toheeb gave her a tissue which she used in cleaning her nose and face. She finished her ice cream and they began driving through the empty roads at 3:45am.

Ade started shivering, but tried to cover it up. She needs to sneak up to her room before she starts freezing. Toheeb noticed how she was shaking and looked at her.

"Are you alright?" He asked, glancing at her.

"Yeah." Ade nodded her head, sniffing. Toheeb wasn't convinced but decided to let her be.

"About the babies..." He trailed off. Ade looks at him.

"What about them?"

"Can I be in their lives?" He asked, he saw how her mood had changed from the sad one to a normal one, so he used the opportunity to ask. Ade laughed and nodded.

"As long as you'll always be there when I need ice cream in the midnight." She said and sneezed, making her head ache. Toheeb chuckled.

"You're sure you're alright?" He asked again as Ade kept on trying to stop the snort from coming out of her nose. They were in her neighbourhood now and she could see lights on.

"I'm good, but park here, I'll walk home." She panicked as she saw her dad and mom walk out of the house. She wondered how she was always caught.


"No no, I need to sneak in through the back." Tobeeb looked ahead and saw her dad and mom. He did as he was told and turned off the engine. Ade came off and bent down.

"Thanks for the ice cream, I might call you tomorrow." With that said, she took off and followed her neighbors yard, luckily for her, their dogs were inside.

Toheeb watched as she ran carefully with her slippers in hand, she jumped over the fence and his eyes widened. She stood up and showed him a thumbs up and continued her race. He finally drove off after she was out of his sight.


Ade started limping as she had hit her leg on a stone. She held her stomach tightly for dear life. She was in their backyard now and she needed to open the door. She peeped and saw no one, then she opened the door, only to hear series of pots and spoons hitting the ground, she knew she was caught. She saw a leg and looked up to see her mom standing there looking at her.

Ade sneezed and cough, trying to escape. Her mom still had a stern look and she know just one way she could escape. She clutched her stomach and groaned, holding the kitchen counter for support.

"When you're done with your drama, you'll come here." Her mom hissed. Ade opened one eye and saw her mom wasn't buying it and then she stood straight, rubbing her back. She went close to her mom and she started screaming as she got dragged by the ear.

"I won't sneak out again, I promise." Ade started crying as her mom dragged her by the ear to her room. They got to her room, her dad and Toyo watching the drama.

"You left the house in the middle of the night! God knows where you went and with who, it's like you've not learnt your lesson right?! Even with your op" Her mom shouted, Ade who wasn't affected by what she said, held unto her hot ear that was still throbbing. "Where did you go?!"

"I j-just went for a walk." Ade lied, rubbing her ear. She looked over to her dad who quickly averted his gaze.

"And you have ice cream on your jacket, you know you suck at lying." Her mom rolled her eyes and turned back as if to leave the room. Ade who was giving her mom the stink eye got stuck as her mom turned back.

"Very good, you'll wake up with cold, won't you?" Ade knew she was doomed. Her parents walked out leaving just her and Toyo in her room.

"You don't know how to lie, and you still don't know how to sneak in and out. I'm disappointed." Toyo said dramatically. Ade rolled her eyes.

"Thanks you can go now." Ade dismissed her laying on her bed. Toyo left and Ade's mind wandered to the ice cream she had and the person she had it with.

She picked her phone up to check if the girls had messages her, but there was no message, so she left herself fall into a dreamless slumber.

Let me drop this after a very long and fun filled day. My waist dey pain me, danced for more than two hours😂😂

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