chapter 11

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Happy new month guys!!!!!🎊🎉🎉🎉

Happy birthday to all my December readers in advance, tell me when it's your birthday, so I'll dedicate a chapter you to you😘😘

Ade stood up to shower and wear a more comfortable and baggy clothes. When Ajoke and Toyo had asked her who she was talking to, she told them to wait and see for themselves. She then remembered her condition and quickly decided to change.

She wore a pink leggings and a big black sweater, the fact she was still feeling slightly cold made her wear the sweater. She opened her make up kit that she hadn't opened in almost a month. She started her make up, she was slightly good.

"You're doing make up and didnt call me?!" Ajoke said standing up to go close to her. She saw how good Ade was drawing her brows and decided she was going to do make up too.

"Sorry ma'am" Ade smiled. When she was done with hers, Ajoke sat down on her chair, touching her face and indicating Ade should do hers.

"Cant you handle the brushes yourself? Im tired." Ade lied. When she saw Ajoke wasn't going to stand up, she began the make up for her. In less than twemty minutes, she was done with hers Toyo also sat down. Ade groaned, she was beginning to have back pain, but she didnt protest. She did Toyo's make up and was also done in twenty minutes. She stood straight and stretched her back, making her belly bulge out.

She changed her bedsheets and pillowcases. There was a knock on the door, the door opened and revealed her sister with a tray full of food that made Ade's belly grumble.

"Miss is back on her feet, Alhamdullilah. Now all these are made by yours truly, you will sit and finish every single thing on the plate." Mide emphasised. She dropped the plate on Ade's bed side drawer and Ade went closer to the tray.

"Wait, am I not your sister?" Toyo said looking at the deliciously homemade Italian pasta and gingerbread.

"Ask your mom to make it for you, after all you're her last baby, she would gladly make it for you." Mide mocked, though she knew what Mrs Olaitan was likely say to Toyo.

"You know she'll tell me to make it myself." Toyo grumbled.

"Well I'm a visitor amd im sure mine was made together with that." Ajoke joked going closer to Ade who was already devouring the food in front of her.

"You're more like her twin, so back off. You and Toyo could make yours." Mide said, dragging her back with her long hair.

The two girls watched how slow Ade was eating just to tease them. In some minutes, she was done and patted her belly.

"That was one amazing food." Ade said, sighing and taking a mocking glance at her best friend and younger sister that looked like they wanted her to vomit the food she just finished consuming.

"Youre welcome." Her sister said, smiling. Ade looked at her sister and saw how lean she had become, she was afraid she knew the reason, but wont talk to her just yet about it.

"Ade! Toyo! Ajoke!" Mrs Olaitan screamed their names in happiness, making Ade stand up first already knowing what was happening. She ran so fast down the stairs that someone wouldnt know she is pregnant. She jumped on her second best friend, almost knocking both of them off the ground. Ajoke saw who it was and joined the group hug.

"Bitch! You were gone for too long!" Ade and Ajoke exclaimed. Ariyike, Ari for short was their third and missing puzzle. She was just the same as them but a more crazy and deadly girl. She smiled alot, but doesn't get too friendly with people. She was a very picky person when it comes to picking her friends. Her dad is a senator and a business man. All three girls were almost the same height. While Ade was 5'2 Ajoke was 5'1 and Ari was 5'3. The short triple A devils.

"I missed you guys!" Ari said hugging them tighter.
"We missed you too. See how fresh you are!" Ade exclaimed, making Ari turn around, grinning.

"See who's talking! Which beauty product are you using?! You're just glowing and shining and bright!" She exclaimed touching Ade's smooth face. The whole room became quiet. How would they tell her Ade wasn't using any beauty cream and it was her pregnancy that had changed her skin? Ade looked away sat down on the sofa carefully.

"What's wrong?" Ari asked looking at everyone.

"She would tell you when she's ready, I'm going out." Mrs Olaitan said picking her bag that was on the side stool. She walked out of the door after kissing all the girls forehead. She treated them like her own and also scolds them like her own.

"What did I miss?" She asked laughing awkwardly, looking at Mide who shrugged and walked to the kitchen to finish what she was doing.

"Ari, sit down." Ajoke said calmly, looking at her friends uneasiness.

"I'm pregnant!" Ade said all of a sudden feigning happiness and shocking the living daylight out of Ari. She looked at Ade and looked at Ade's covered big belly.

Thinking it was Frank's, made her blood boil in anger. Truth be told, neither Ajoke nor Ari liked the fact that Ade was having a boyfriend and as if that wasn't enough, she was also dating a total bully and jerk.

"Did.. I mean is it Frank's?" She asked in a whisper.

"No." Ade said standing up and acting unaffected, but deep down talking about it made her want to cry. Ari gasped, she had missed a lot and it pained her so much that Ade or Ajoke hadn't said a thing to her. She felt like they didn't trust her enough all because she was away from them for a short while.

She felt a tear drop on her fingers and stood up. Picking her bag up, she began walking out in silence until both girls grabbed her hands.

"We are really sorry. I know you're angry because we didn't tell you about it but Ade was just recovering from all that happened. She was down for weeks and wouldn't eat, we had to try something and....." Ajoke trailed off, not knowing what to say again. She looked at Ade who looked helpless.

"It wouldn't hurt if you gave me a hint atleast. I feel like a stranger now, she's now pregnant and I wasn't told? So who knocked her up?" She asked still not looking at them. She turned into look at them to see tears gushing out of Ade's face.

"It's a long story." Ajoke said sighing. Ade still hadn't said anything, she was getting emotionally drained all over again.

"Then summarize it." She said.

"I was raped." Ade whispered. Ari's hands flew to her mouth and she she gasped.

"R-raped?!" Her eyes widened after she had digested the information more clearly into her brain.

"Yes, atleast my baby would have two godmothers now right?" Ade joked sadly in between tears.

"I'm so sorry?" Ari threw her hands over Ade's shoulder and cried in her chest. "I didn't know all the happened  I would have come back sooner." She hiccupped.

"It's ok. What would you like to eat? Why am I even asking? I'll just take you to the kitchen and you'll cook African food for me, Nigerian food to be precise. I've missed it." Ade said cleaning her tears and trying to get rid of the tension that had built up.

They knew how she felt and decided to act along. But Ari wanted to know more. So she asked..

"Can I atleast know what happened?" She said slowly.

"Sure." Ade said with a straight face.

She told Ari and Ajoke how she had gotten raped, exactly when and where. How they had met him in the mall and how she had confessed to Ajoke. How he had confronted her and what Ari wondered was how a drunk person would remember what had happened but shrugged it off. She continued to listen to all Ade had to say and was shocked. Ade also told them how he had showed up out of nowhere when they went out for ice cream and every detail, not leaving anything out of it. By the time she was done, Ari and Ajoke had tears in their eyes, but Ade didn't. Instead, she had a straight face.

We finally met Ariyike, who feels she's gonna be more dramatic than ever?

We're finally getting to the story! I'll make sure to not rush this book like I did to Abiola😞

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