Chapter 57.

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"I'm moving away." Ade mentioned to Aj, while adjusting her baby girl on her arm well while breastfeeding.

"Did you let him know? That you're taking his children away from him. Ade they're just two months for God's sake, let him experience his children's lives. He has always been of great help since your pregnancy." Aj lamented.

Moving away without letting Toheeb know has always been her plan after Ari happened. She wanted to be away from him and anywhere that has Ari's memories in. Even if it meant staying alone with three handful babies with no help whatsoever.

Her babies had become chubbier and ate at every chance given. Especially her baby girl, Mutmahinah and Zayyan, while Aayan really wasn't an eater. He tends to be more fussier when carried, while Zayyan on the other hand, wants to be carried all the time.

Toheeb found time to come visit every weekend, which gave Ade a break from the weekdays she spent, very busy and the sleepless nights. She would have time to sleep, take a walk and exercise to get her body back.

Ade and Toheeb's relationship never went back to the way it was before she gave birth. No one could intervene and just minded their business. Ade was really grateful for the privacy her relationship was given, especially coming from her siblings.

"Ade." Aj called out.

"I'll talk to him about it. But my new place shouldn't be disclosed to him or his mom. I would take the kids to his mom's whenever he wants to see them, I don't mind. But I can't keep living like everything's fine."

"You guys were very much fine until Ari happened, you can't blame him for that. He didn't ask for the boys to be taken away. And Ari has been taken to Psychiatric home, where your babies are safe from her. Ade, you shouldn't do this."

"I've paid and made arrangements for a new place, its four hours drive from here, just on the other side. It's furnished and its in a nice location, which isn't too noisy or too quiet. I'd drive down, whenever it's needed." Ade finalized her speech and Aj became quiet. After a few seconds, Aj hung up. Ade glanced at her phone screen and sighed.

After her baby girl dozed off in her arms, she gently carried and placed her in her cot and stood up to stretch.

She looked outside the window for a while before checking on her triplets one after the other and carefully shut the nursery room door.

She walked carefully, not wanting to produce loud footsteps. She met Toyo sitting on the stairs and sat down with her younger sister.

"Why are you leaving?" Toyo asked immediately she felt Ade's presence. Ade felt shocked her her sister had heard her conversation with Aj.

"You shouldn't pry into my business Toyo." Ade said. Toyo immediately stood up and tried to leave, but Ade held her back. "I love Toheeb. I really do, but it's hurting me. I know I'm not supposed to think about every bad thing that has happened to us, how we met, the consequences, the tears, everything, but he's a threat to the triplets. I won't live with myself if anything happens to one of them, we shouldn't think about all three of them. Ari had always been crazy, but I never thought it was to this extent of betraying us because of a man, a man that I love, the father of my kids. You can imagine the trauma I'm having to live with."

"Toheeb has been the best and what ever bad thing he had done in the beginning of all these, has been erased, I see him as someone very dear to me, but my babies are dearer to me." Ade said and stood up.

"Don't you atleast think about what your babies might actually need? They have a father, who is present and would always be present, no matter what. He has always been there ever since we found out you were pregnant, not only that, his family has also been of great help. His mom loves her grandkids just as much as mommy does too. You shouldn't do this, atleast let him know if you're going to be so adamant." Toyo walked out of the house, leaving Ade standing on the corridor. She started having second thoughts about her decision.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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