Chapter 37.

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"Has he texted you?" Ari asked Ade, while munching on the salted flavored lays chips.

"Nope, maybe he hasn't gotten to school yet." Ade replied, trying to hide how hurt she felt that Toheeb hadn't texted or called her.

"He must have gotten to school, how long will it take him?" Ari asked again.

"He went on a long journey, maybe he's resting and would call her when he's free." Ajoke chirped, while putting on her shoes.

"Who knows if he's with some girl out-"

"Shut up Ari and let's go!" Ajoke cut Ari off and stood up.

"What, I'm only speaking the truth." Ari said but it irritated Ajoke so bad.

Ade stood up and they were all set for the mall like Ajokes mom promised them.

Ajokes phone chimed and she checked who had sent her a message. It was Gbola. They hadn't started dating, but they spent quality time together. She hasn't told the girls about what's going on between them, she doesn't know what to call her relationship with Gbola because they were more than friends, friends don't kiss multiple times a day. They met mostly in his house because she doesn't want Rahmat or any of the girls to see them together especially Rahmat, after the warning she got the last time.
She didn't tell Gbola about it, because she didn't know how to tell him. She felt it was all an empty threat and Rahmat can't do nothing about it. Her phone pinged again.

"Who's that?" Ari asked and pulled Ajokes phone out of her hands and moved to the far end of the room. Ajoke ran after her and tried to reach her phone, but Ari turned. Ade looked up at them and sighed.

"Message from G-b-o-l-a, how to pronounce that?" Ari asked and turned away again.

"Give me back my phone!" Ajoke shouted but it fell on deaf ears as Ari flew over the bean bag in Ade's room.

"Let's meet-" Ajoke pulled the phone away from Ari's grip and glared at her. Ade knew she was keeping a secret so she stood up and pulled the phone out of Ajokes hand.

"Let's meet up today, my house?" Ade read the messages out. Ajoke sighed, she couldn't fight Ade because of the complications she was facing at the moment.

"Give me back my phone." Ajoke put out her hand but Ade wanted to know who she was talking to.

"Isn't Gbola Toheeb's friend, the guy that has full hair." Ade asked, remembering Gbola.

"Yes he's the one, now my phone please." Ajoke was already mad, but was containing it.

Ade handed her back the phone and she stormed out of the room. Ari and Ade walked out and met Toyo on the way.

"Why is Aj mad?" Toyo asked as they walked back downstairs.

"Ari made her mad." Ade simply stated.

What Ade was thinking was so much different from what was wrong with her friends. She didn't know why she was letting Ari's words get to her. What if he is really with a girl, not that he likes me or anything, but some respect would do. After all, I'm in all these because of him. Ade thought to herself. She never told him how she felt, because of fear of rejection. The fact he was nice to her was simply because he got her pregnant and probably didn't want to be locked up in jail.

Ajoke and Ari were arguing terribly but she didn't mind them and just waited for Mrs Ibrahim to show up. The fact she felt heart broken and betrayed by someone she was getting to like was really hurting and she felt like crying. Maybe if she had secretly aborted the babies, she won't be in this position. She quickly disregarded the thought immediately and apologized to her babies for having such thought once again.

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