Chapter 31.

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Ajoke began walking home in anger. So what if she doesn't want to tell her mom? What if her mom blames her for it? What if she doesn't listen? What if she doesn't have time to hear her out? The questions kept rolling in her head and she wasn't even looking at where she was going.

The ear piercing sound of a car horn brought her out of her thoughts. The car was coming at a very high speed towards her, out of shock she couldn't move and just stood there, looking at the car coming towards her. Just centimeters away from her, the car stopped. Ajoke closed her eyes, waiting for the impact, but none came.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked up, people were already surrounding her. Gbola came out of the car and ran towards her, checking for any scratches.

"Gosh, are you OK?" Gbola asked and pulled her into a hug. Ajoke who really needed one, hugged him back, holding the tears from spilling. Gbola apologized to the crowd and took her into his car, used the seatbelt for her and got into the driver's side, apologizing to the little traffic he had caused.

He started driving and would occasionally glance at Ajoke. He finally decided to ask her but then she started crying, loudly. He kept his question to himself and drove to his apartment, while she cried all the way.

She stopped crying a few minutes before they got to his place. She cleaned her face and acted normal again. Gbola parked his car in front of his apartment building and came down, Ajoke did the same and they both walked to his apartment in silence.

"Do you need water?" Gbola asked, dropping his keys on the key holder by the door. Ajoke noticed three more key holders and couldn't help but ask.

"Do you have roommates?" She looked at him, still standing by the door.

"No?..." He followed her gaze and chuckled. "... Those are my other cars. I love cars and I'm planning to get more." He said and winked. Ajoke rolled her eyes at him and finally walked in the sitting room.

"Why do you live alone?" She asked again.

"Because, I wanted to?" He laughed and made her sit down while he went to get her water, but she followed him.

"I don't need water, do you have ice cream?" She asked and opened his freezer. She found an ice cream bowl and brought it out smiling. She opened it and her smile turned into a frown. Gbola laughed and took the bowl from her.

"I have an African mom, who puts soups in any large bowl she sees. Besides, I'm not really an ice cream person." Ajoke looked at him and frowned.

"I know we aren't meant to be together, or even meet in fact." She rolled her eyes and opened one of the cabinets down and it was filled with pots. She looked at him and smirked.

"Can you even cook?" Gbola looked at her and smirked back.

"I bet I can cook more than you." He said and smiled, folding his hand. His veins popped out and Ajoke looked at them and looked away before she gets caught.

"I never said I could cook." Ajoke said and tried to open the upper cabinets, but she couldn't reach it. Gbola noticed and walked over to help her, in the process, caging her in between the counter and him. Ajoke gasped and held her breath. He opened it and brought out all the bags of chips he had, but still didn't move away from her.

Ajoke turned around and was met face to face with his neck and shoulders, she gulped and looked up. Gbola held her face with this thumb and pointer finger, and went close to her. His breaths fanning against her face, she closed her eyes, thinking he was going to kiss her, but when nothing came, she opened her eyes and pushed him away and finally breathed out the breath she forgot she was holding. He held her wrists and pulled her into a hug, which she melted in, inhaling his scents.

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