Chapter 2.

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"Addy!" Aderonke's best friend, Ajoke, shouted before jumping on her, who was laid on her bed.

"Joky!" Ade shouted with the same enthusiasm. Earning a slap from Ajoke.

"That's not my name." Ajoke scowled.

"That's also not my name." Ade mimicked.

"Let's go out, you've not been coming out for like weeks now." Ajoke said holding unto Ade's hand.

"I'm not feeling too well, I told you."

"Cmon, it's not gonna hurt. Ok, just to the mall, nothing else." Ajoke said jumping on the bed, her hair flying around.

"No, I'm not in the mood. Besides I'm really tired." Ade stood up from her rocking chair and went to the toilet. She came back some minutes later and plopped back on her chair.

"You've gone to the toilet more than ten times." Ajoke realized and voiced out her concern.

"I drank too much water today." Ade lied.

"Ok. Please baby, please. Just the mall, only the mall." Ajoke said trying to make her best friend give in to what she wants. After all, Mide had called her over to come and get her out of her room.

"Gosh, you're too adamant." Ade said finally giving up.

"Yay! So we'll first go to H&M then-" Ajoke began but, was cut off by Ade.

"I'm going to only one shop with you, just one." Ade said her tone hard. She was already getting irritated.

"What's wrong, you were never like this? If I remember well, you never went to just one shop. You would literally go into any shop."

Ade looked over at her best friend, her heart heavy. She wants to talk, she wants to tell someone what happened, but she's scared of judging eyes. No doubt if she talks, her dad being a lawyer, the person won't go scott-free. She opened her mouth to talk, but closed it again. Did it for a few more times before closing her mouth. She wasn't ready.

"Ade, is there anything you wanna say, you know I won't judge you, no matter what it is." Her best friend moved closer to her and held her hands.

"It's nothing, let me get ready, so we could leave before I change my mind." Ade quickly changed the subject, but not failing to notice her best friends concern gaze. She shrugged it off and went to get dressed. After some minutes, they were ready to leave for the mall.

They got to the mall and Ajoke dragged them to H&M.

"Babe, checkout this top!" Ajoke said showing Ade a red crop top that had glitters on it.

"Yeah, it's nice." Ade dismissed whatever Ajoke was saying and kept on looking outside. She saw a girl pass with food and her stomach grumbled, she realized she had been refusing to eat for more than a month now, only when her sisters forces her to.

"Seems like you're not really in the mood, let's get food." Ajoke carried the two bags, that were filled with clothes just for her and one she had managed to force Ade to buy.

They got to the food court and got their food. Ade decided to look around, her eyes stopped at a particular person, before tears started welling up in her eyes again. After all, that person is the cause of the unfortunate event that happened a little less than two month ago.


"Lets meet at the mall." Toheeb said to his friend. After giving in to taking his sister and her friends to the mall, he needed someone to go with him, so he called his hommie, Gbola.

"Sure, I'll be there in a bit." Gbola hung up and continued driving.

"Toheeb, I'm ready!" Rahmat said, barging into his room.

"You know there's something called knocking?" He said picking up his keys. They went downstairs together, his eyes not leaving his phone for a sec.

"Mummy, we are leaving!" Rahmat stated, pecking her mom on the cheek.

"OK, my love. Be a good girl and don't stress your brother."Mrs Badmus pecked her baby on the cheek. After all, she's the last baby in the house.

They left the house and got to the mall in less than twenty minutes, with him trying to make his sister keep her mouth shut. She was indeed a talkative, which no-one failed to notice.

"Yo bro." Toheeb greeted Gbola, before they did the bro shake thingy.

"Yo," He said before turning to a frowning Rahmat. "Hey Rah-rah." He ruffled her scarf as if it was her hair, making her frown deepen.

"That's not my name." She mumbled, her cheeks getting hot.

"Let's go in." Toheeb brought them out of whatever they were in, before walking away with both of them behind him.

Some minutes later, Rahmat saw her friends and ran over to them, forgetting her brother and his friend, who also happens to be her crush.

Toheeb and Gbola had to go around with them, and silently talking about the mess his friend had brought upon himself, that is if the police isn't already on his tail. He knows he's going to jail and his father who was never proud of him wouldn't be moved. The only person he knows would be utterly disappointed in him was his mom.

After sometime, the girls finally decided to call it a day. But before leaving, they branched at the food court. The girls all ordered what they want and extra, after Rahmat had said the bill was on her brother. He glared at her, but she shrugged it off.

He didn't order anything, not because he wasn't hungry, but because he wasn't in his right mind to eat. He couldn't bring himself to, knowing someone is out there, punishing themselves for his own mistakes.

He looked at his sister who was talking animatedly with her four friends and wanted nothing but to leave. He turned around when he saw a little commotion. It was two girls who were running towards the bathroom. He couldn't get a glimpse of who or what exactly was happening, so he got back to looking at his annoying sister.

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