Chapter 41.

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"Your phone is ringing." Ade said and stretched her hands forward with the phone on it towards Mide.

"Who is calling?" Mide asked, not in the mood to speak to anyone. It was as if she knew Who was calling already.

"Lami." Ade simply mentioned. She kept the phone away seeing that Mide wouldn't pick it up and she herself wouldn't interfere.

Mide had been distancing herself from everyone except Ade who wouldn't let her be for a while. Whenever Toyo comes in, she always sends her back and tell her to let her be.

"Will you come with me to my appointment tomorrow?" Ade asked, trying to get something out of her sister.


"Don't Ade me, you have to come with me." Ade laid down on the bed, making sure her head was on Mides thigh. Mide raked her fingers through Ades hair.

"Have you spoken to Toheeb?" Mide asked, playing with Ades hair.

"No, I-"

"You what? You're pushing him away again right?" Mide asked. She knew just how her sister can be.

"I'm not pushing him away, I just don't know what to say to him. It feels weird talking to him while I'm just seated here and he's at school. It makes me feel like some dropout which I'm not." Ade started to tear up. Mide rubbed her back, soothing her a little bit, before she starts crying.

"You're not a dropout. You're a fabulous mom to be and you're doing all these for your babies. They would grow up and appreciate all your efforts, so don't worry and just live your life. You know, Toheeb would be a great dad. He's trying his best to be a better person. He knows he put you in this condition and he's sorry about that." Mide raised Ades face up to look into her eyes and smiled. Ade smiled and pecked Mide.

"Thank you. I wanna eat peanut butter smashed on watermelon with chocolate syrup." Ade rubbed her belly and smiled. Mide looked at Ade with disgust and shuddered.


Mrs Badmus couldnt keep quiet as she gushed about Ade to Toheeb.

"I want her to come stay with me even if its just for a few hours. She was so nice and boy oh boy." Mrs Badmus sighed. Toheeb chuckled at his mom's behaviour and changed his position on his bed.

"Her next appointment is supposed to be tomorrow mom."

"Oh really?! She didnt mention it to me." Mrs Badmus frowned her face, but just then the house phone rang. She didnt want to pick it up, since she wasnt expecting any call. The phone rang again, so this time she told Toheeb to hang on while she picked it up.

"Hello Mrs Badmus, its Ade." A large smile broke out on Mrs Badmus face and she waved to Toheeb.

"Oh my dear, how are you doing?"

"Im doing good. I wanted to tell you about my appointment tomorrow if you'd like to come?" Ade asked.

"Yes darling, I would love to. Im just speaking with Toheeb now and he was asking about you." There was a long pause from Ade making Toheeb confused. They heard whispers before Ade cleared her voice.

"Oh, Toheeb. Um no problem. I have to go now." Ade Quickly said and then hung up.

Mrs Badmus waited to hear a word from Toheeb, but he said nothing instead.

She decided to ask,"What's going on?"

On the other side of the phone, Toheeb cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his curls. He didn't know what he had done wrong this time as he could obviously sense that Ade didn't want to speak to him.

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