chapter 42

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Ajoke woke up and felt like her head was repeatedly banged on the wall. The heavy pouncing on her head made her sit up while groaning in pain.

Ade who was in the toilet, came out to see her best friend struggling to get up from the bed while holding her head, "Are you alright, there is an aspirin beside you and water, take it to relieve the headache." Ade walked towards the bed wrapping a scarf over the steam cap she wore. She was deep conditioning her hair.

"Thank you." Came Ajokes hoarse voice from all the shouting.

Ade sat down and waited for her to finish swallowing the pill before she asked, "What happened? You got too drunk that I kept slapping you repeatedly but you felt nothing. AJ speak to me, what's wrong?"

Ajoke looked at Ade and remembered all that had transpired between her step brother and herself again. "He doesn't want to see me with anyone, especially Gbola. He told me he owns my body and if he sees me with Gbola again, he'll kill him and then fuck me to death. I have blocked Gbola on all ways he could reach me, as I don't want to implicate him with my own problems." Ajoke explained and looked outside.

Ade knew she had to do something about this, maybe she should tell Gbola herself or let Ajoke do the job, but she doubted Ajoke would tell Gbola. With the strong and final decision of telling Gbola about it, she rubbed Ajokes back in soothing circles. Both girls lost in their own thoughts.


Toheeb tried Ades number for the tenth time that morning and it kept repeating the same annoying answer. Switched off.

He figured there were two ways to get to her. One was calling her house phone or calling the only sane friend she had that wasn't trying to seduce him. The former sounded much better, but he didn't know the number by heart, so he picked the latter.

Dialing Ajokes number he got from Gbola, the phone rang until someone picked it. He sighed in relief until he heard her voice.

"Hello?" Ade asked, quite unsure of who was on the line.

"Ade." The voice was enough to send her breath hitching. It's been a while she heard his voice as she had destroyed her phone and the new one would be arriving that day.

"Toheeb?" She called his name to be sure she wasn't hearing things.

"Yes it's me, I've been trying to reach you but it keeps saying switched off. Are you mad at me?" Toheeb asked, remembering her reaction when his mom mentioned his name the previous day.

Ade shook her head unable to form words, but realizing he couldn't see her, , cleared her throat and replied. "No you didn't, my phone got broken."

"Okay, your appointment is at 11:25am today." Toheeb said. The fact he remembered made Ades heart skip a beat. Not just the date but also the time.

"Yes, your mom would be picking me up as we're both going together." Ade replied and they both became silent. Ade didn't know what else to say to him as they never had too much conversation before. She also didn't want to ask him about school so she doesn't sound too concerned about him.

"I'll be around for your ou-your next appointment." Toheeb quickly covered up his slip making Ade Wonder what he was going to say before.

"I want to thank your mom for the baby things she bought..." Ade trailed off not knowing what to say.

"That's a way of apologizing for what she said in the beginning of all this. She's a nice person." Toheeb defended his mom and Ade smiled. She felt Ajoke turn and she kept quiet waiting for her to get back to sleep.

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