Chapter 56.

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Everyone was in distress. Ades mom imagined what would happen when her daughter wakes up and reality hits her.

Mrs Badmus was seated at a corner. Two of her grandkids were missing. How? Why? She immediately called her husband and told him what had happened.

Toheeb was talking with one of the police officers they had called.

"What exactly happened?" The police officer asked.

Toheeb explained how after Ade birthed the two boys, a nurse went ahead to clean them and put them in the pediatrics ward but they never saw her again. And how another nurse came to inform them about it.

The oficer took note of everything Toheeb said and jotted them down. He assured that they'll find the culprit and get their babies for them.

Toheeb thanked the Police officer and they both walked out of the ward and into the corridor.

"I have a question to ask you lad." The officer said. Toheeb nodded for him to go on. "Do you have an idea of who could have done this, like anyone?" The officer asked.

Toheeb being distorted, shook his head no. The officer eventually left the hospital.


Ade had woken up and hadn't said anything after she confirmed her babies were actually missing. Ajoke stayed beside her friend and tried to make her take something, so she'll be able to breastfeed but Ade vehemently refused. When she wasn't listening to anyone, Toheeb sat beside her and rubbed the back of her hand.

Her hair was rough and all over the place, her eyes were bloodshot, her face was swollen.

"Babe, you need to eat something. The babies would be found, I promise you." Toheeb assured her. She looked at him and tears began rolling down her face again.

"Where are my babies? Who took them? They are innocent and don't deserve the wickedness of this life." A loud sob escaped her lips, which made her baby girl to stir in her sleep.

Ajoke excused them, leaving the room.

"Baby, I know they are fine, we'll fi-"

"Don't tell me that, find my babies for me!" Ade screamed in anger, making her baby girl wake up with a loud cry. Toheeb left Ade's side and went to pick up the baby to pet her back to sleep.

Ade has refused to name her yet, saying she has to be named with her brothers, so until they find her brothers she won't be named.

When the baby girl won't stop crying, Toheeb took her to Ade for breastfeeding. Ade was about to refuse, but thought against it. She collected her daughter and kissed her cheeks.

"I'm sorry for being such a bad mother." With tears in her eyes, she began breastfeeding her daughter.

A couple of hours later, a call came in on Ade's phone. A facetime call, it was an unknown number.

Toheeb picked the call, because Ade had slept off with her baby girl on her chest.

"Well well well, Baby daddy. Aren't your boys cute?" Toheebs blood began boiling in anger hearing the very familiar voice. "Oops daddy, why is your face red? Are you mad?" The voice said in a babyish voice and laughed loudly.

"Why did you do that?" Toheeb asked in a whisper, moving away from Ade.

"Because I want you. Simple, sorry wanted you." Ari said and smiled sweetly. The smile was kind of creepy, since he knew the evil she was capable of.

"And you're letting these innocent souls pay?" Toheeb asked gritting his teeth.

"You can have your sons once you accept to be mine, it's no stress really."  Ari said with a smile. "Don't attempt to call the police, because once I suspect a police is around the location I give you, they would be killed immediately. Don't test me."

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