Chapter 26.

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"She keeps on mentioning an Ade, you need to get the person here quick." The doctor said as he barged out of the room.

"No! No, she wouldn't do this to me." Toheeb looked like he would go crazy the next minute while dialing Ade's number. She picked on the fourth ring.

"Hello?" She sounded really sleepy and he felt bad for waking her up, but his mother's life is at stake.

"Hey, please can you come over to the hospital, I beg of you." He tried to sound more collected, while he was losing it.

"Why?" Ade still sounded like she really wanted to end the call so she could go back to sleep.

"Please, my mom needs to see you, it's urgent. I beg of you." This time  he couldn't control the sob that came out Ade's eyes became a little clearer and she heard his mom needed to see her.

"Why me of all people, I'm afraid I can't come." Ade said and was just about to hang up when she heard his sobbing voice.

"She's dying!" He screamed over the phone and threw it across the hallway. He continuously banged his head on the hospital wall and looked more than miserable.

"It is all my damn fucking fault. I shouldn't have left the fucking house!" He screamed and banged his head so hard, it was by God's grace it didn't crack open.

The doctor came out and looked at his bleeding head. He called a nurse but Toheeb screamed at her to leave him alone, that it was his blood and they should leave it.

The doctor and nurse were so scared, but still tried to get him to let the nurse clean and bandage his head when Ade jogged as fast as she could and entered the hospital.

She looked like a mess. Her scarf was in a wierd shape and the mascara she forgot to clean was a mess on her face. The sweater she was wearing because of how cold she was had tomato sauce stain on it and she wore two different shoes.

She jogged to where Toheeb was after making enquires from the receptionist and lying she was his mom's step daughter, before she was let in.

She saw Toheeb struggling with the doctor and jogged towards them. On sighting her, he didn't waste any second in pulling her into the ward and the nurses and doctors stayed out to give them privacy with just a nurse with them.

"My daughter," Mrs Badmus hoarse voice called and she stretched her hands out for Ade to take. Ade looked at Toheeb and went over to take the woman's hand. "Please  I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a bad mother and I'm sorry for my son's behavior. If I had paid more attention to him, all these-"

"Shh, don't speak like that. You're not a bad mother." Ade cut her off whispering to her. She was already getting emotional, but tried to hide it.

"I have failed, I even accused you. I'm honestly sorry. I hope you forgive me from your heart. I'm also sorry for whatever my husband may cause you, I'm honestly sorry." Mrs Badmus sobbed kissing Ade's hand.

The tears was already forming in Ade's eyes before they were escorted out by a nurse. When they got out and the nurse remembered Toheeb about his bleeding head did Ade notice it.

"What happened to you?!" Ade asked, her eyes going wide. She went close to examine his head.

"Nothing I'm fine." Toheeb tried to cover the view from Ade, but she turned his neck, it almost broke.

"How did you get this?" She asked, still shocked. Toheeb, tried to move away from her hold, but she glared at him and he stood still.

The nurse directed them to a small room where she cleaned it in front of Ade. Toheeb kept glaring at the nurse, who would occasionally tap Ade when she looked away and he tried to stop her.

When the nurse was done cleaning the opening and bandaged it, Ade and Toheeb walked out of the room.

"Thank you so much for coming." Toheeb thanked Ade while he made her sit down and he used his jacket to make the chair a little bit more comfortable for her.

"You don't have to." She said and rested her back on the jacket and his scent invaded her nostrils. She knew she found her new favorite scent.

For the past days, she would go to her mom and lay in her laps and keep on inhaling her mom's body. Toyo found it weird, but said nothing about it. She openly inhaled his jacket and sighed in content. Toheeb looked at her and scratched his head.

She made him sit and rested her head on his shoulder and slept of immediately.

He hoped his mother was fine and took Ade home.


"Bitch!" Ajoke heard someone call, but ignored, knowing she wasn't the one being referred to.

"Whore!" she heard again and got yanked hard by the arm. She winced and turned around, only to be met with a hard and painful slap. She looked up after sometime from the shock.

She saw Rahmat standing at her front, hands folded and a smirk present on her face.

"I see you don't know your new name and you don't know eye language." Rahmat said and she wondered what she did to her. She saw that she wasn't alone and she can't just ignore her, unless she wanted to be beaten to pulp by the four girls.

"What did I do?" She asked, while using her eyes to secretly search for a way to escape them.

"I'm just here to give you a warning, I won't be nice next time." Rahmat said and Ajoke almost scoffed but she knew better.

"What is it?" She asked, as if she wasn't scared of being beaten. One of her greatest fear, being beaten by a group of people.

"Stay away from my man." Rahmat went straight to the point.

"And if I may ask, who's your man?" The way she asked, you would think she isn't scared at all.

"Gbola and I wont repeat  myself, stay away from my-"

"Last time I checked he is single, well he told me he's single, so why are you claiming him?" Ajoke said before she could control her tongue but still looked unfazed.

"She isn't even afraid." One of the girls said, giving a short laugh. Her face was all dolled up and looked like plastic.

"She isn't." Rahmat said, narrowing her eyes towards Ajoke. Rahmat pushed Ajoke so hard and unexpectedly that Ajoke wasn't able to catch herself and fell hard on her butt and elbows scratching it in the process. Times like this she curses not having as much butt to cushion her fall and make it less painful.

"Stay away or you'll regret ever meeting me or Gbola." Rahmat made her tone clear and sound before they walked away.

After they've walked a distance, Ajoke let out the breath she didn't know she was holding and stood up. She dusted her pants and her elbows, wincing at the pain, before walking home like nothing happened.

Hey guys😬😬 I would have posted this since ooo, but..... I was just plainly lazy🤗🤗

School has resumed, and the assignment I was given is💔💔  Updates might get slower, but I gat yall😘

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