Chapter 17

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Dedicated to Symp_licit_tee and ayshkhana They made me update 😘😘 . Thanks girls 💋❤

Rahmat opened the door and stepped in, dropping her jacket on the jacket hanger by the door. She walked through the long hallways and walked straight up the stairs to Toheebs room. His door was wildly opened and she saw him seating upsidedown on his bed, his legs crossed on the wall and a bouncing ball in his hand.

"Here." She dropped the cupcakes Ade made on his bed. He glanced at her and got back to throwing his ball. Rahmat knew he was ignoring her so she decided to spill what she had done.

"Ade said I should give it to you." She said calmly, waiting for his reaction. She got none.

"I know I messed up, but you can't be angry at me forever, atleast not after what I help you do." Toheeb finally looked at her  and scoffed.

"Hope you haven't told all your friends I'm a rapist." The words rolled out of his mouth and Rahmat winced.

"You're not a -"

"Can you leave?" He cut her off.

"Ade said she has forgiven you and she's with twins." Rahmat said and walked out leaving Toheeb in his own thoughts. He stood up immediately and ran into Rahmats room. She was seated on the bed, obviously waiting for him to barge in.

"What?!" She asked, his eyes as wide as saucers.

"She said she's with twins and she's forgiven you." Rahmat repeated. She realized she has been repeating a lot today.

"How'd you know all that?" Toheeb asked, his eyes still wide. He's gonna be having twins, that's if she lets him in their lives though.

"I went over to her house today and spoke to her, told her how you've been morphing around the house. She said she has forgiven you all you have to do is leave her and her babies alone, she'll take care of them herself." Rahmat stated, looking at her brother.

"What she wants is the opposite of what I want, but I have to go with what she wants." Toheeb put both his hands on his head and slid to the floor. Rahmat sat beside him on the floor.

"Why not try to talk to her, she's actually a nice person, nicer than I thought." Toheeb looked at her.

"Don't you think I've tried? I've even asked her dad and sister to help me, but she's too stubborn and she ignores my messages." Toheeb rubbed his face and closed his eyes.

"Atleast, eat the cupcake she made. She made them with a little bit of happiness and love, though the love and happiness were the joy of seeing her friends laugh with her." Rahmat added the last part, hoping her brother would get the hint of what she meant. He looked at her and motioned to the cake, he stood up to get one and took a bite.

"How's she?" He asked closing his eyes as the soft buttery and sugary cake hit his taste buds. He wouldn't deny the fact she'll be a person that like sugar too much.

"She's glowing and her belly has grown bigger, though she tries to cover it with baggy hoodies, it still shows. I must say, she looks pretty hot." Rahmat said. She had a feeling her brother had extra liking to Ade.

"I wish I could see her, but I know how impossible that is." He chuckled and took another cake. Rahmat quickly took one, before her brother finishes all four cakes.

A knock was heard and they turned towards the door. Their mom peeped her head into the room and came in. Seeing two of her kids seating on the floor and having cupcakes, she joined them.

"How's she?" She asked Rahmat, collecting the last cake with Rahmat openly glaring at her mom, a cake she had planned to eat.

"She's fine, she said she's forgiven him but want nothing to do with our family after what you said." Rahmat made sure to make her mom get the hint she caused it.

Mrs Badmus looked at her son and saw how thin he'd become. He wasn't his usual self no more, though he wasn't really playful which only happened when his dad was around like now, he still used to play with his sister and mom. But for weeks now, he hardly ever came out. She hated seeing her son that way, her only son.

"Why don't we pay her a visit tomorrow." Mrs Badmus offered.

"Mom, she wouldn't appreciate that trust me. She wouldn't even invite me in, if not I had gone there on pretense of knowing her little sister." Rahmat said throwing the cupcake paper in the bin.

"I'll do something about it." Mrs Badmus said and left the room. Toheeb looked over at Rahmat, using his eyes to thank her then left her room.


Toheeb tossed around on his bed unable to find sleep. He stood up and went to the kitchen to get. A bottle of water, it was just 2:25am. He checked his phone for a message from her, the only thing he uses his phone for, waiting for a message from her.

He jumped on his bed and rubbed his face, then took a gulp of water. His phone pinged, but he ignored it, thinking it's one of his friends that has been asking him to play basketball together. His phone pinged again and he checked it, he immediately spilled the water in his mouth, resulting in him coughing. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing well. And he was.

"Hey, can you please come pick me up? I want to get ice cream." Was the first message that he saw. Then..

"I'm sure you're sleeping, sorry." He quickly replied.

"Oh, no no. I'm not."

"OK then, do you know my house or I should send in my address?" Ade replied in seconds.

"I don't know your house, the address would do." He replied. Ade sent the address in less than thirty seconds. He hurriedly picked up his jacket and stepped out of his room, making sure to not make noise. He picked up his car keys and opened the door carefully, having to pass through many security systems.

He made it out successfully and turned on the engine off his car, it made noise but he quickly drove out of the compound, hoping his mom and dad didn't wake up, more of his mom though. His dad sleeps like someone that got ran over by a truck.

He got to her house in less than 10 minutes and realised they didn't live far from eachother. He got a text when he got to her neighborhood.

"Park two blocks away, im coming."

He did as he was told and waited. In less than five minutes, he saw her walking and checking her back, while also holding her belly. He came down and opened the door for her after they exchanged pleasantries. She sat down carefully, her stomach was too big so he moved the chair backwards a little so she could relax in, all the while he was quiet.

When they were both settled in, he began driving. Then she spoke,

"Sorry if I disturbed you, I was craving ice cream and my dad wouldn't want to take me not after my mom was really mad at him the last time." Ade rushed out. He didn't know what to say so he just nodded his head. He was tongue tied.

"Are you always this quiet?" Ade asked. He wondered if this was the same girl he raped weeks back, though he didn't like that thought, he was just shocked.

"Not really. " His voice came out deeper than his normal voice. Ade looked at him and smiled.

"Your voice is pretty deep. Nice." Ade commented, he looked at her again before he focused back on the road. She directed him to the ice cream parlor that was opened the last time and it was the same guy that was there. She smiled widely at him and walked to the counter, her stomach had gotten bigger than during the day, that she noticed.

Toheeb then noticed she was still in her pajamas pants and a big jacket that still showed her stomach. His mind wandered to when Rahmat said she was with twins. He saw how she was smiling and laughing with the guy behind the counter, she was a free person.

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Much love ❤❤❤

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