Chapter 47.

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Mide picked up her laptop and went to the sitting room, placing it on the table. She then went to the kitchen and picked up snacks and a bottle of yogurt then went back to the sitting room.

Things between herself and Olami hasn't been too bad, but nowhere near their relationship before. It still hurts Mide everytime, but she was giving her all to make their falling relationship work again.

She did some of her work, then started watching a movie. Her phone rang and she checked it and saw the caller. "My world🥺❤️" she wondered to herself, is he really my world? Because she still couldn't believe her ears and what she saw. He didn't think of all the complications his actions could cause. She snapped out of her trance, when her phone rang again. She realised she missed his first call. She immediately picked it.

"Hey." Olami greeted.

"Hi, when will you get back?" She asked, she already made dinner for him and wouldn't like it to waste.

"I'm going to be late, don't stay up late. You could just put my food in the microwave, I'd warm it when I'm back." Olami explained. He infact sounded tired.

"What's wrong?" She asked. She atleast needed to know where he was.

"I'm still in the office, I need to complete some paper work, so I'll have Friday to Sunday off. I have a surprise for you." He said, his voice more better in the end. Mide smiled.

"You didn't have to over work yourself, but thank you. I'll try to stay up till you're back." She said.

They said a few words before hanging up the phone.

In the end, Mide couldn't wait for him as she slept off on the couch with her laptop on the table and snacks on her laps.

Olami came back and saw her sleeping uncomfortably on the couch, so he carried her bridal style to their room. Cleared the sitting room and ate his food.

The next morning, Olami made her breakfast in bed and made sure she was in a good mood.

Mide began to wonder what he was planning. Not like he has never given her breakfast in bed, but after they got back together weeks ago, things weren't so smooth anymore.

"Pack up, were going on a road trip to isle of Skye." He finally declared, making Mides face to light up.

"Are you kidding me?! Isle of Skye?" Mide asked, thinking she was hearing wrong.


"When did you make reservations?!" She couldn't stop herself from asking questions.

"Just pack up, we have a long drive ahead of us. We'll talk in the car."

Mide immediately stood up and started packing the few clothes she'll use there. Winter coats, nightwears, boots, and so on since it was the first week of December.


"Be my girlfriend." Toheeb blurted out. Ade turned to look at him. She walked to where he was standing in her room and touched his neck then his forehead. He moved her hands away. "Why are you touching my neck and forehead?!" He asked.

"Coz you sounded sick." Ade simply replied and went back to picking what she'll wear. 20 weeks now and only two dresses could size her. The dresses she got from Mide all became small after her 10th week.

"I'm serious. Our relationship should have a name." He said still in her bedroom waiting for her to pick a dress and they'll leave for her appointment. He was leaving for school that very day.

"Did you know my dad almost killed me when he found out I had a boyfriend? This happened in the hospital when everything happened. I don't want to be dead." Ade poked her head out of her closet as she had taken the hoodie she was putting on off and was only in a tube.

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