Chapter 6

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Dedicated to OLUWA_SHINDARA her comments made me laugh, when I wasn't supposed to.

Ade was sleeping like a baby, no one disturbed her. Everyone was still outside her ward. Toheeb's face was still bruised, even worse than before. He sat far away from the rest, regretting the fact that he might never be forgiven.

His mom hadn't even glanced at him, and if they should have eye contact, she would give him a stink eye and turn away. He was angry at him self, if his mother- that everyone knows he's her favorite child- is angry at him, then he's finished as he and his dad never got along. They had called his eldest sister and told her about it. She had promised to bury him alive when she gets there. He didn't care about what she had said, all he wanted was for her to come and help him out here, even though he knew the chances were thin.

Someone's phone rang, bringing everyone out of their various thoughts. They turned to Mide, who's phone was ringing. She excused herself and walked out of earshot.

Ade's mom was still resting on her husband's chest, sobbing quietly. She had slept, but then woke up all of a sudden and started sobbing, her husband was already tired of telling her to calm down, so he let her be.

Mrs Badmus was still having a hard time believing her son had done what he was guilty of, after all she didn't raise him like that. She wanted to cry, but didn't. Her husband was still very much pissed, which no one failed to notice. He had work, but needed to clear the mess his son had put them all in. As much as he wanted his son to suffer for what he did, he doesn't want his wife fall into depression. He knows his wife can't do without her son, and she's beating herself up for his mistakes. He looked over at his son who seemed deep in thought, no doubt he wanted to make amends, though the damage has been done. Can't cry over spilled milk. He's atleast grateful for the fact that his son had decided to acknowledge his wrongs, because there are many out there who even ends up killing the victims. He won't lie, but he's a little proud of his son, not on the rape part though, but the fact he wanted to make sure his victim was alright and safe.

A nurse came in to check on Ade, as she had been sleeping for almost four hours. Indeed she was exhausted.

"Hey, you're awake." The petite brunette nurse smiled at her, while she only nodded. She still wants to sleep, atleast that way she would forget all that had happened to her.

"We have to run a quick test, is that alright?" The nurse smiled again at her. This time she managed to smile back and nodded her head again.

The nurse did all was needed before packing all her equipment back on the stainless hospital trolley.

"Am I really pregnant?" She asked, hoping the doctor was lying in some ways, or the test was wrong.

"Of course dear, such a blessing. All your family members are waiting outside for you to wake up I guess?" The nurse was still smiling and she thought whether her cheeks weren't hurting. She smiled slightly at the nurse before resting her head on the headboard of her hospital bed. She wanted to stand up but the hospital gown was too revealing. It literally had no cover at the back, so she sat back down.

"OK dear, I'll tell your family you're awake now." The nurse said to her. She didn't want to see anybody so she feigned headache.

"No, you can send them in later nurse, I'm a bit dizzy."She said adding effects by pressing her hands hard on her head.

"Oh dear, stop adding pressure, you can just lay there. Dinner would come in a bit." She smiled at the nurse before asking what the time was.

"It's past seven now, so just rest and I'll be right back." The nurse said and walked out of her ward.

She looked at her bloated belly, it had been like that for a while now and she only thought it was too much water, since she had been drinking water to avoid eating and seeing anyone. She didn't know she was pregnant. She let the tear drop roll down her face. She would like that, the only people that knew she was pregnant right now, were the only people that would ever find out till she does what she wants to do. She won't be telling anyone her plans. She needs someone she trusts, that would help her with her plans.
Someone knocked and she was about to quickly lay down and act like she was back asleep but the door swung open.

"Really?! That's why you've been ignoring my calls because you cheated on me and now you're pregnant? So much for being a muslim!" Frank screamed immediately he saw her laying on the bed. She was shocked was an understatement. What she kept wondering was how he found out. Definitely, Ajoke wouldn't tell him because, she hated his guts and no one else knew she was dating anyone. Except her sister.......

"Frank, what are you doing here?!" Ade whispered. She looked over his shoulders and saw her dad and mom with confused looks. While Ajoke was glaring daggers and Frank. If looks could kill, he'd be six feet under.

"Frank, I'm very sure you aren't blind. She's admitted and you're shouting at her for cheating?" Ajoke scoffed.

"What is going on here and who's this young man?" Mr Olaitan asked as he was shocked at how the young man had walked into his daughter's ward and started screaming at her.


"She's my girlfriend!" He said trying to calm his heart. He had found out when his friend's girlfriend told him. She said she had saw them when Ade fainted and a guy was the one holding her, that alone made his blood boil. Then she continued and said they went to the hospital and she had followed them, just to know what's was wrong and she heard when the doctor said Ade was pregnant he hadn't waited for her to finish before he hung up and stormed over to the hospital.

"Girlfriend?" Ade's mom asked, she looked at her daughter, who was contemplating whether to lie and deny it, but she was easily read when she lied so she looked down at her intertwined hands.

"When did you start having a boyfriend? Is that how you were taught?! Having a boyfriend?!" Her dad's angry voice boomed around the room. Everyone couldn't do much but watch.

"I... he...." Ade stuttered not knowing what to say.

"Is my son even responsible for the child your carrying?" Mrs Badmus asked Ade. "Or you just want to frame my son for your misfortune." Ade's head whipped to the voice of Mrs Badmus, where she was standing near the door.

"What?! I would lie about being raped by YOUR son? Really woman, really?!" Ade couldn't contain the anger anymore, her parents and Frank already forgotten. "I would lie about the pain YOUR son caused me? I would lie about being pregnant with HIS child? Why in the name of Allah would I do that?" The tears that started running down her face together with the snort made Mrs Badmus feel guilty for saying that in the first place. "You know what? It's OK, it's fine. Really. I forgive you. I just need one favor from you, please and please, you and your family can leave. Like I don't want to ever set my eyes on your any of you again. I will take full responsibility, I'm not poor, neither do I need your money. It's all OK." Ade said rubbing away the tears and snort with the back of her hands.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Mrs Badmus immediately said.

"No, really, it's all OK. In fact he didn't rape me, I raped myself, I got myself pregnant. Right, yes, that's the answer. But please just go." Ade said almost starting to sob again.

"Please." Ajoke said turning to Rahmat, who in return hissed and walked out. The family finally left the room and Toheeb had left reluctantly, he was angry but couldn't just say anything.

"Now, explain this boyfriend I just heard about." Her dad said sternly, and she gulped.

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