chapter 43.

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Ademide and Olamide sat, both facing each other in the dining room. Mide didnt know what to say to him. She had returned home without her parents knowledge and she would only tell them after she and Olami had settled things.

Olami cleared his throat and looked at Mide who raised her eyes and now they were looking each other in the eye. "I'm sorry-"

"Don't tell me you're sorry because the more you say it, the more I feel like going back. Let's just act like nothing is wrong or was ever wrong." Mide said and stood up about to leave the room when Olamis' words stopped her.

"Let's then have a discussion on how many kids you want?" He stood up to and turned to his wife he so much loves.

"Three." Mide replied and walked out of the dining. Olamide rubbed his face, thinking about when things would go back to normal or atleast get better between them.

The next morning, Mide woke up quite early and sat by the window. She had slept in the room while Olamide had slept on the couch. She felt bad at first, when she woke up in the middle of the night and saw how uncomfortable he slept, but she ignored him and went back to sleep after making sure he was covered properly. It was already autumn and everywhere was quite cold.

She noticed a green and yellow bird, which came to stand on the window sill outside and pecked on the glass. She watched the bird without saying a word or shooing it away and soon another bird which was mostly red with touches of blue come to join the green and yellow one. She smiled as she watched them both fly away and disappear behind the tall buildings.

"Good morning." She got startled and almost fell of the window sill. She caught herself right on time and glared at Olamide. She stood up and went to the toilet not wanting to stay in the same room as him any longer.


Ade was finally back home after her day with Mrs Badmus, she had concluded to stay with the woman whenever she was home alone.

Though the woman made her eat even when she wasn't hungry or gave her drinks and would constantly ask if she was okay or she should get her more pillows, or if she wanted more food, Ade was glad. She saw most of Toheebs childhood photos same with Rahmats' and heard lots of embarrassing stories about Toheeb. She would use them against him sooner or later.

As she entered the house, everyone was engrossed in the movie they were watching. She also noticed Ari was there but Ajoke wasn't. Toyo was the first to notice her enter and just waved at her who then focused back on the tv.

Ade sighed and went up to her room and saw the package she ordered had arrived, she jumped in delight and immediately tore the wrapper open and brought out her new Iphone. Without wasting time she started up the phone and entered all her necessary informations and downloaded her apps then her pregnancy app.

She first texted Ajoke to send her the pictures she took that morning with her phone and luckily, Ajoke was online and sent her everything.

Ade had started to accept her fate and won't hide herself anymore and not even her first babies. She went straight to her Snapchat story and posted one picture of her and then another of her bump. It didn't take two minutes when he phone started blowing up with messages from friends and schoolmates.

The first one she opened was of her seatmate, Hanna.

"What the hell?! You're pregnant all along? You hid it very well. That explains why you stopped coming to school, I missed you. Who's the baby daddy, he must be really cute 😏"

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