Chapter. 4

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Ajoke looked over at the emergency room door. It was all his fault, if he hadn't forcefully deprive a five minute pressure from her best friend, she wouldn't be in an emergency room. She kept pacing around waiting for Mide to come.

"Calm down, she'll be fine." Someone said to her, she looked up. It was Gbola.

"She'll be fine? If your friend hadn't done what he did to her, we all wouldn't be here." Ajoke snapped. Gbola realized he wasn't supposed to approach her like that, so he stylishly pulled away from her. He looked over at his friend who looked like he would pass out soon. He knew what he was thinking.

"Where's she?" They all heard a very worried voice and turned towards it.

"Mide!" Ajoke ran over and hugged her. The rest just watched as Ajoke and Mide kept whispering to themselves. The next thing that happened, none of them were prepared for it. Mide charged towards Toheed and swung her bag towards his sides, aiming for his face, but she missed horribly.

"You bastard, how dare you?!" She held unto the collar of his shirt, crying. "You've destroyed my sister's life!" Toheeb didn't do anything, neither did he fight back.

"I'm sorry, it was a mistake." He said calmly, while Mide's hands fell to her sides and she slid down to the floor.

She was not only angry at her sister but also disappointed. How could someone she shared her secrets with, her first kiss, first everything to, keep something this important away from her. She knew something was wrong with her sister the moment she started locking herself up and hardly eat, but she was too focused on her marriage to concentrate on her beloved sister. She stayed on the floor for sometime before looking over at Ajoke.

"How did she get here? What happened?" Mide asked, but didn't get an answer as the doctor came out just then.

"Hey, are you related to her?" The doctor asked Mide.

"Yes, I'm her elder sister." Mide nodded her head vigorously.

"I would like to see you plea-" The doctor began, but was cut off.

"Can you say what's wrong with her here? What ever should be said must be heard by me too." Toheeb said, while Ajoke glared at him.

"Well......?" The doctor trialed off looking at Mide for approval. She nodded, only because she couldn't wait to hear what's wrong with her sister.

"Well, congratulations, She's seven weeks pregnant." The doctor beamed, while Mide, Ajoke, Toheeb, Gbola and Rahmat's jaws dropped open.

"S-seven?!" Mide whispered. She looked up at Toheeb, who's face had contoured into that of fear. He was doomed, that he knew. He looked over at his sister, who was no doubt calling their mom.

The doctor looked at all their faces most especially that of Toheeb who seemed like, he wanted nothing but a painful death right at that moment.

Ajoke's hands flew to her mouth, her best friend is pregnant, seven whole weeks. She looked at Mide, who was sitting on the chair not too far from them, talking on the phone.

"Can we see her now?" Ajoke asked the confused doctor that stood stood in their front.

"Apparently, she said she wants to be on her own for now and she also needs rest. She looks too weak for her health and the baby." The doctor said before nodding his head and then leaving afterwards.

Ajoke was still tying to get used to the fact that her nineteen year old-almost twenty year old- best friend was pregnant.

"Mummy and daddy are coming." Mide said, resting her face on her palms.

"Mine too." Rahmat said, looking at her brother with pure disgust. Toheeb didn't care about the fact his parents are coming, what bothered him was the fact that he has not only ruined his family's reputation, but also an innocent girls life.

"I will talk to her before they come." Mide offered before going in.

"Can I do that instead?" Toheeb asked hoping Mide would say yes.

"As much as I would want you to own up to your mistakes, don't go near my sister anytime soon, if you dont want your parents to mourn you." Mide said and without another glance stepped into the new room they had transferred Ade to.


Ade sat on the bed, her legs dragged up to her chest as she buried her face in between her knees. Mide was guessing she already knew.

"Ade, you have to calm down, everything would be fine." Mide said unsure of herself. She knew her sister took little words to heart, she got offended easily, but she never or hardly shows it. This one of the times.

"Fine? Everything will be fine? That bastard has destroyed my life and you say fine? I'm here at the age of nineteen, still in uni and I'm pregnant out of wedlock, by some bastard and you tell me everything would be fine?" Ade scoffed afterwards.

"Ade, everything happens for a reason and you know that. Nothing happens without the consent of Allah and you know that. You dont know what he has in store for you." Mide walked over to her sister and held her hands. "Sure, he would have to get punished for his crime. No doubt." Ade nodded her head before she began sobbing, her body shaking.

"Why me? We all know mummy would skin me alive. I'm pregnant!" Ade whispered the last part, her head hung low.

"We are all here with you, and you know that. Mummy won't do anything, it's not even your fault, you ju-"

"I'm going for abortion." Ade said with no emotions whatsoever. Mide's jaw dropped.

"Are you crazy?! Abortion, do you want to die?! Why would you even think of killing an innocent soul for his/her father's mistake?! You have always hated people that kill, you going for abortion and you'll be classified as a murder by me."

"It's just... I'm not even thinking." Ade said after some silence. Why would she ever think of abortion. "Can I atleast give it up for-" A loud slap echoed around their ears. They looked at eachother before Mide said,

"I'll check I'm coming." Mide stood up and went to open the door. She stopped on her tracks as she saw the commotion outside. No one was prepared for this.

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