Chapter 19

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Toheeb who had a smile playing on his lips as he remembered the moment he spent with Ade, he wouldn't lie she was a nice and fun person, he just had to make a stupid mistake and spoil everything.

Toheeb removed his durag and brushed his waves forward. Rubbing a hand over his face, he looked at the mirror and smiled genuinely after a very long time. He picked his phone and car keys and went downstairs, greeting the maids he met on the way, which surprised them as they knew their young boss has been in foul moods for a long time.
"Good morning mama." He pecked his mom who was making pancakes for him. She turned around and saw how smiley and happy her son was being and was glad, but was wondering what happened.

"Good morning. You look really happy!" She stated, smiling.

"Alright then, I'll go back to being sulky." He frowned his face, a smile still playing around.

"No no, I didn't mean it that way." He laughed and hugged her. Rahmat came down yawning, her hair in all directions.

"What's for breakfast, I'm really hungry." She said looking at her mom and brother who still had a smile on his face. "And why is he smiling like a Cheshire cat?" She rubbed her swollen eyes.

"I still haven't figured that out, but please go back and freshen up, your breakfast is almost ready." Mrs Badmus looked at her daughter in mock disgust. Rahmat rolled her eyes and turned back after muttering some incoherent words.

Toheeb picked his phone up and decided to text Ade, hoping he wasn't crossing his boundaries.

"Good morning." He looked at the text he wrote and sent it.

"Drop that phone and have your breakfast." Mrs Badmus scolded, passing the plate to a maid, who dropped it on the table for him. He put off his phone and sat down in front of his plate.

He added honey and nutella to his pancakes and looked up when he felt a burning gaze.

"Why would you add honey that's sweet and nutella? That's too sweet." His mom said looking at her son, who just rolled the pancakes and took a bite, not giving her a reply.

Rahmat came and sat down too, adding the same thing her brother did, but with a teaspoon of melted butter. Mrs Badmus angrily took the nutella jar away from their front earning disapproving groans from her kids.

"Rahmat, you're a girl and you always complain of menstrual pain, yet the sugar you consume, you never reduce it." She said and Rahmat shifted uncomfortably, wondering why her mom suddenly brought up her menstrual problems.

Toheeb cleared his throat and picked up his phone to check if she had messaged. He wasn't able to see anything before his phone got snatched away from him. He groaned and looked at his mom.

"Can I please have my phone back, I won't use it till I'm done." Mrs Badmus looked at him and gave him back hesitantly.


Ade looked at her phone screen and saw the message, sniffing, she looked at Ajoke and Ari who were both looking at her as she was wrapped in three blankets.

"I was craving it and the both of you were mad at me, I couldn't call you and even if I did, you won't get the ice cream and you'll still snitch." Ade confessed.

"And you had to call him?" Ajoke asked, rolling her eyes.

"He was the only one available and the fact he wants to get close enough to be in the life of the twins, I knew he would jump at the opportunity." Ade shrugged her shoulders, picking up a tissue and blowing her nose. Her mom was serious when she said she would act like she didn't know her.

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