Chapter 10.

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The next morning, Ade's eyes had bags underneath them and dark circles. She couldn't sleep over night, because she kept on shivering and was vomiting over and over again. She didn't dare wake her mom up, because not only her dad would get the silent treatment from their mom, but she would also get scolded, regardless of her condition. So she nurses everything by herself.

She ran into the bathroom to vomit immediately her mom came into the room to see how she was doing. Her mom followed her in quick strides. Getting to Ade, she helped her with her hair. Ade finished vomiting for the main time and sat on the floor, trying to catch her breath. Her mom continuously rubbed her back in circles, while Ade coughed. Mrs Olaitan remembered when she was pregnant with Ade, she was the hardest pregnancy she ever had. She always had swollen legs and had a very large stomach, that she always doubt it was just one baby. Her cravings were the worst, she could mix anything and everything to her cereal. The one Mr Olaitan hated but had no choice was cereal mixed with palm oil and fried fish. He wondered how a human being would combine all that in a plate and enjoy it. But he dared not complain.

"I need water." Ade's raspy voice brought her out of her trance. She quickly went out of the toilet to Ade's bedside drawer to get her water. She gave it to Ade, who was still seated on the floor. Ade gulped it in a go and dropped the cup on the floor gently. Her mom helped her to her bed and saw how she was shivering lightly and noticed the bags beneath her eyes and the dark circles.

"You know you're not supposed to have cold things in the night, but yet you never listen." Mrs Olaitan spoke softly to her daughter, before walking away to get hot water to press her body. Toyo came into the room a big blanket draped on her shoulders with hot mug of coffee in hand.

"You look like a raccoon!" Toyo mocked Ade, who no doubt did look like a raccoon.

"You're sick!" Ade spat in annoyance.

"I know, you made me have ice cream." Toyo blamed her even though it wasn't Ade's fault but herself for wanting to follow them.

"I didn't ask you to come with us." Ade said wincing as she felt her head ache.

"Better don't stress yourself. You always have it worse, yet you don't listen." Toyo mocked her again, but Ade paid no attention to her again.

Mrs Olaitan walked into the room to see her daughters, sprawled on the bed. She tapped them lightly and told them to lay straight.

"I sent your dad to get the medicines, and you're going to have it." She quickly added after she saw Ade groaning. Ade never liked pills, she'd rather have thousands of injection than a pill. "I didn't ask you to go have ice cream in the midnight." Mrs Olaitan said calmly.

"I'm having headache!" Toyo whined.

"Don't complain!" Mrs Olaitan snapped. She picked up the two hot towels and placed it on both their heads. "Next time, have ice cream again. I'll act like I don't know the both of you." She hissed.

After an hour Mr Olaitan came in with small pharmacy bags.

"This one's for Ade and this for Toyo." He said looking at the name tag on both bag.

"What took you so long?" Mrs Olaitan asked, raising her brows.

"Nothing." He didn't want to lie further so he left the room. Ade's bag contained syringes, while Toyo's bag contained pills.

Mrs Olaitan gave them the medications and left them to rest. Immediately she left, Toyo went to put on the TV.

"She's gone now, which movie?" She asked, while Ade sat up. Her stomach had grown a little bigger.

"Anyone." She muttered, picking up her phone to find a text message from Ajoke. She smiled, she hasn't spoken to her in a day.

Ajoke has texted that she was coming over. She went ahead to check her whatsapp statuses and saw her sister's. She laughed at her sister's husband playfulness, he was a very goofy man and treated them like his very own. She went back and saw over fifty chats, waiting to be opened.

She scrolled and scrolled, most of them were asking her why she wasn't online. She decided to reply a few, telling them things are happening before she put her phone down. Toyo had picked a movie, it was a romance-comedy. The kissing booth. Her eyes were on the TV but she didn't even know what was happening. Some minutes into the movie, Ajoke came.

"What are yal- you look like a raccoon." Ajoke said, referring to Ade. Ade groaned, she remembered she hadn't washed her face. So she stood up without muttering a word and walked to her bathroom. She looked at herself and cringed, she bent down and washed her face. Standing back up, the top she wore, rose up and she looked down to inspect her big stomach.

She then remembered she had a doctor's appointment in the next two days. She rubbed her belly and smiled, but it turned into a frown, when she remembered her encounter with Toheeb in the midnight. She rested her elbows on the sink and put her head in between her palms. She wasn't going to cry, she kept on chanting in her head. What has happened has happened and she just has to go with the flow.

She raised her head up and looked her appearance, she looked OK, but she has lost all the glow of happiness in her eyes, all the glow of playfulness and mischief. Her throat burned so she walked out.

"What took you so long?" Ajoke asked immediately she sighted Ade.

"Nothing." She said and went to sit on her bed. While her sister and best friend conversed, she only watched. She felt different, she felt like, she didn't belong here, so she better act like that.

She got a call and looked at the caller id. It said unknown. She decided not to pick it, maybe it was Toheeb again. She wanted nothing to do with him, after all, his mother had accused her of wanting to pin the child on her son. The number called again, but this time she picked it.

"Hello?" She said after picking the call, the caller said nothing.

"Hello?" She said again, this time her sister and best friend looked at her.

"If you know you won't speak up, why call?" She said before she hung up. Bunch of useless fools, she muttered under her breath.

The person called her again.

"Stop calling me, you psycho. If you have nothing to do, you can help wash the dishes!" She snapped.
"You still won't ta-"

"Calm down!" The person cut her off, laughing. She smiled. She can't ever forget that voice. Even if she was deep in sleep and she heard the voice, she would leap up to tackle the person.

"So it's you? Where have you been motherfucker?" She chuckled.

"Yes it's me." The person replied. "Hope you still live there, I'm coming to visit today." The person said and she giggled.

"Still there, you can come anytime." She smiled, forgetting about the fact she wanted no-one to see her at all.

Please, if there's any mistake, bear with me. I can't breath, my nose is blocked 😭😭

unmask_reader made me update, I was going to sleep. Enjoy😘😘

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