Chapter 34.

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"Someone is looking human!" Toyo exclaimed. Ade smiled while walking down the stairs with Toheeb. When she woke up an hour later, she felt how light her head was and free from all the tangle mess it had been in. She then proceeded to check the mirror and smiled.

"So you could make me this pretty. I haven't really had time for my self after all this... " Ade demonstrated, pointing to her belly. ".. that happened. But thanks for the hair." She thanked him.

"Wow, you haven't made your hair for a long time and now you did, you look different." Mrs Olaitan commented as she saw her daughter looking more better.

"He did it for me." Ade stated, making a satisfying facial expression.

"Wow, the day I told Lami to make my hair, lets just say I had to trim it." Mide shook her head at the memory. The girls laughed.

Toheeb checked his watch and it was time for the hospital visiting hours. He felt and intense gaze on him and he knew who it would be. He glanced over at Ari who smiled at him, he looked away and smiled at Ade.

"I have to go now." He stated. Mrs Olaitan looked over at him.

"You're going to visit your mom right?" Toheeb nodded. "Very good, I made this for her. Give it to her when it cools down a little. There are a few fruits there and some cookies." Mrs Olaitan explained and gave him a white picnic basket. Toheeb thanked her and prostrated.

"I'll go-"

"I have to-" Ade and Ari said at the same time.

"Go first." Ari said to Ade.

"I was going to say, I want to go with him as well. I'm craving McDonald's, so I'll just get it on the way." Ade explained.

"If you buy any ice cream, I'll know." Mrs Olaitan warned.

"Daddy didn't stop you from having what you craved when you were pregnant. Don't stop me from having what I want." Ade said and went to her room to get changed. Mrs Olaitan ignored her statement.

Ade opened her drawers and got new underwears and put them on, then she went on to pick one of the dresses Mide sent to her. It was a pink and blue floral printed dress. She put it on and decided to do little make up. She dragged her vanity chair backwards and sat down, then proceeded to bring out all her make up kit.

She started with cleaning her face and then her brows and was soon done, then went over to her eye shadow, which she painted blue with silver glitters. Then went on to use her face primer and then her foundation. She contoured her cheek bones and then jawline and her nose.

"Ade, don't keep him waiting, what are you doing?!" Mrs Olaitan shouted from the end of the stairs and Ade just simply ignored her.

She used her bronzer on the tip of her nose and on her cheek. When she was done with every other thing, she lined her lips with brown lip liner and then used her glossy nude gloss with glitters.

She felt this ecstasy within herself and she felt oddly too happy. Maybe it's because she's looking more human than she used to before or the fact she wanted to look much better since she was going out with Toheeb. He was being so nice and acting like a gentleman and that was making space in her heart. She ignored the feeling that she was starting to feel and took her blue sandals.

She dropped it on the floor and and carried her scarf. She tied it in a way it was showing half of her hair and the blue and pink and white hair pins Toheeb kept on her hair.

She looked at the sandals she wanted to wear and knowing she couldn't just bend down to pick it for the safety of her babies, she knelt down carefully and figured that was the worst idea ever. She hadn't even picked her bag yet so she crawled to where her bag was and picked it up, put her phone and card in it then crawled out of her room.
Mide who stood by the staircase, talking on the phone turned around when Ade use the shoe to hit her. She looked at Ade and smiled, telling the person he would call them back. She went over to help Ade stand and wore her shoes for her.

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