Chapter 9.

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Ade couldn't help the sob as she was looking at her phone. Why did he have to call? How did he get her number? She covered her red and tear stained face with her two palms. She sobbed silently, so she wouldn't wake anyone up.

After sometime, she was finally able to control her sob and tears, so she stood up and walked to her bathroom and washed her face. She decided to take a quick shower. She stripped and got into the bathtub, putting shampoo on her long bra length hair. She has a very long hair, whereas her sisters has shoulder length hair. She was envied by her sisters.

After washing her hair, she rinsed it with cold water to make the edge of her hair slip, making her shiver. She eventually got used to the cold water and used it to take a short shower. She was done in no time and came out of the bathroom and tied a towel around her body and another around her hair.

She rummaged through her closet and finally settled on a sponge Bob pajama pants and a black t-shirt. She removed her towel and rubbed oil on her stomach, the oil her mom gave her to rub whenever she takes a shower so, her skin wouldn't be dry, resulting in stretch marks.

Done with dressing up and sitting down on her bed, she got hungry and decided against going downstairs to eat. But her stomach grumbled and she stood up. Opening her door as quietly as she could she walked down the stairs tip toeing. She got to the kitchen and opened the fridge. What she saw didn't interest her at all. She saw apples, bananas, sandwiches, salads and lots more, but she wasn't interested in any of them.

"Why isn't there any food here?" She whispered to her self as she used her thumb and pointed finger to rub her chin.

"You mean, you can't find any single thing you want to eat here?" She jumped away from the fridge, holding her heart.

"Daddy!" She whisper screamed, making her dad laugh.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. But, you mean you can't find anything here to your interest?" Her dad asked again, almost forgetting she's pregnant and her food interest has changed. Remembering, he grits his teeth together.

"Nothing at all." She whined.

"I'll make spaghetti for you then?" He asked.

"Nope, don't feel like it." She tsked. "I feel something like..... Ice cream, chocolate and mint flavor. Yes, that's it!" She beamed, her pearly whites in full display.

"Ice cream at..." Her dad trailed off checking the wall clock on the wall of the kitchen. "1:30am." He raised his brows.

"It's still early, very sure they'll still be opened." Ade said bringing her hair forward to squeeze the water dropping on her back out of her hair.

"Your mom would complain." Mr Olaitan who knew his wife doesn't let them have cold food in the night, they always got sick whenever that happens.

"She won't know. We'll be back before you know it." Ade tried convincing her dad, since he has a very soft spot for his daughters, he nodded his head, knowing fully well, if Ade got sick, he would be to blame.

She quickly ran to her room to get a scarf. Picking a black veil, she ran back downstairs, hoping she didn't wake their mom up. Getting downstairs, her dad was already swinging his wife's car keys. His car is a sport car so, using it would make noise and wake his wife up.

"Where are you guys going without me?" They heard Toyo's sleepy voice. They turned around and found her by the stairs, rubbing her eyes.

"Um... To check something outside." Mr Olaitan lied, making the girls look at him in a "really?" look. He was a very bad liar and they knew it, which is a trait Ade got from him.

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