Chapter 46.

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"We came here for a reason." Ajoke announced, after they had settled down. She noticed Ades Smoothie on the table and took a sip, receiving a glare from Ade.

"Yes, it's about AJ and her stepbrother. We need to plan how to catch, with solid evidence. We know how these police works, no solid evidence, nothing they would do about it." Gbola said looking at Ade.

"See that's the thing. He knows people in the station that could help him, we do know how corrrupt these officers can be. Do we really need to involve the police? What if they don't do anything about it?" AJ asked trying to steer clear away from having a total stranger see her being molested.

"AJ, that's the only way, you don't expect us to kill him and get rid of him you know?" Ade said looking at her best friend. They heard a knock on the door, before it opened revealing Ari. Ade stood up and slowly walked towards where Ari was still standing.

Ade felt bad she hadn't contacted her for weeks. She wondered what kind of a friend she was.

"Hi everyone." Ari said looking at everyone in the room. The four people occupying it. Her eyes lingered a longer on Toheeb. AJ and Toheeb noticed this, making Toheeb to clear his throat.

Ade who noticed nothing went to hug Ari.

"I'm so sorry. We haven't spoken for a long time. I'm such an horrible friend, forgive me please." Ade said pouting. Ari smiled and hugged her back. Chuckling slightly.

"It's okay." Ari said after pulling away from the hug.

Ajoke cleared her throat and stood up, give Ari a smile that didn't reach her face which Ari returned. It was no news the girls can't like each other and would only be there for Ade.

Everyone sat down and the room became quiet. One for sure, AJ didn't want Ari to interfere with her life.

"So.... What were you guys up to?" Ari asked looking at everyone.

"We were just about to play some games, nothing much." AJ quickly answered her before Gbola could.

"I would quickly get some snacks, I'll be right back." Ade smiled and stood up, wanting to get away from the tension going on in the room.

"Yeah, I'll help you." Toheeb said and stood up too.

They both disappeared into the kitchen and Ade started laughing quietly. Toheeb smiled at how cute she was being.

"You're also trying to get away from the awkwardness, right?" Ade asked and Toheeb nodded. More like he didn't want to be in the same room as Ari if Ade wasn't there. He felt really uncomfortable around her.

"Toheeb,, I wanted to tell you that..." Ade was disrupted by AJ who walked in.

"You said you were getting snacks right? That girl is giving me the stink eye, I can't stand her anymore, I would really be honest." AJ said bringing out the lays chips from the cabinet. Ade looked at Toheeb before she wobbled to her friend.

"I don't know what's going on but c'mon we've always been friends for a long time, just a little slack and things are already going bad between us." Ade said putting more chips in the table basket. Toheeb decided to leave them when he heard what he didn't expect.

"Did you even notice how she looked at Toheeb." AJ said before she could stop herself. Ade looked at her surprised.

"AJ, I get that you don't like Ari again but you shouldn't accuse her of that. She can't be interested in Toheeb, he's-" Ade stopped herself and glared at Aj before leaving the kitchen. Toheeb glanced back at Aj then went to meet her.

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