Chapter 5

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On behalf of PhatymaSalisu and unmask_reader they said I should drop another one, so here's it is

He watched as his dad and mom make their entrance. His heart began beating fast. Very soon the private hallways would be filled with both families.

"What happened?" His mom said as she hugged her kids and kissed their foreheads. She got no reply, not from Rahmat who had called them, neither from Toheeb who didn't want them here.

If he could hide the whole situation from them, he was ready to do whatever it takes, for his parents to not find out. Not long after, with his parents patiently waiting for what was to come, did Ade's parent come.

"Where's my daughter?" Her mom asked immediately she got close enough Ajoke.

"She's inside with Mide." Ajoke scratched her head through her scarf.

"What happened to her?" She asked as she looked at the others.

"He raped her." Rahmat said, dropping the bomb, then looking at her nails afterwards, not feeling remorseful. Toheeb looked at her in disbelief. How could his sister do this to him? Besides he was supposed to say things himself and not some mouthpiece he calls a sister.

"Raped who?" His dad calm voice was heard, Toheeb gulped. "Your brother can't do that, I didn't raise him like that!" His voice was still calm, but with the saying, calm before the storm.

"Toheeb, talk to me. I know Rahmat knows nothing and she is probably saying this maybe because you did something. But....." Mrs Badmus trailed off. Seeing her son's guilty expression, she moved closer to him. "Toheeb, please tell me it's not true." She said holding his face, looking for some kind of hope that all she heard was a lie.

"It is." He whispered, then held his mom's hand. She removed her hands from his hold. She looked at him hard, before her palms landed on his cheek, followed by a painful sting. His head whipped to the side, his hands held unto his stinging cheek. He pushed his tongue to the stinging side, a punch following the movement. He staggered backwards and looked up.

"You're a bastard and I didn't give birth to one." His dad said before landing another punch square on his jaw. He winced. He must admit, his dad throws pretty good punches.

"What have you done to my daughter." Ade's mom whispered resting on her husband.

When Mide had called them, she only said she was admitted in the hospital and even when they asked what was wrong, Mide said they just had to get here. Now that they figured what has happened, Ade's mom was broken. If only she had paid attention to her daughter, but she was always hardly home. She started sobbing as she recalled the weeks Ade had refused to eat or come out, she had dismissed it as Ade wanting to start her wierd diet. What she didn't know was her daughter was in pains and she wasn't there to console her.

She sat on one of hospital chairs, her face in her palms as she sobbed harder. She didn't know she was about to get a more shocking news.

Meanwhile, Ade's dad, Mr Olaitan was looking at Toheeb to be sure he was seeing correct. Indeed he was.

"Toheeb." Mr Olaitan called out to him. Toheeb had saved his life, which his family knew nothing about. He just never told them as it was nothing serious. But he was willing to repay that favor, even though he already knew where the whole story was going, since he had seen Toheeb receive several punches.

"Mr Olaitan?" Toheeb called out. He was disappointed in himself once again, totally forgetting about his bleeding mouth and sobbing mother. "I'm really sorry." He said as he went over to Mr Olaitan and held his hand, "I didn't mean to, I swear, I was just drunk."

Mr Olaitan didn't know whether to just forgive him, but then realized, it's not his choice to decide, it's his daughter's.

Ade on the other hand just wanted to know what was happening outside those closed doors. No one was coming in and she couldn't hear a thing. She contemplated removing the IV drip line, but she knew better, besides, she didn't want to face anyone at the moment. So she stayed back and laid carefully back on the chair.

After sometime, there was a knock, she wanted to ignore but decided against it.

"Yes?" She said her voice really small. She turned a little and saw a woman, probably in her late forties or early fifties. She looked so much like Toheeb, so that's his mom, she thought.

"My dear," She said as she moved closer to Ade. "Please, I'm really sorry for my son's behavior, he didn't mean it, that I can assure you. I will make sure he takes responsibility for the bills and anything you need." Ade looked at the woman. She can't recall telling the woman she needed help to cater for her bills, it's something she could foot, even without her father's help. Besides she was very sure the woman didn't know she was carrying her grandchild.

When Mrs Badmus saw how quiet Ade was and the way she was looking at her she asked,

"My dear is everything alright?" She hated that question, but wasn't in the mood to talk back or be rude, because clearly the woman is older than her mother.

"No ma'am, nothing's alright. Congratulations, you'll be a grandma soon." Ade sarcastically said almost scoffing. Mrs Badmus's hand flew to her mouth. Her son had just impregnated someone's daughter out of rape. She was really disappointed, but the mother instinct wanted her to still beg.

"My dear, please, forgive him. I'll do anything, anything at all. I don't want my only son to go to jail, please." Mrs Badmus begged, tears slipping from her eyes.

Ade didn't know what exactly to do. She can't watch someone old enough to be her mother cry, she felt like the villain here. Not to talk about the weakness of seeing older people or babies cry. She stood up and went close to the woman crying in front of her.

"I forgive him, only because of you. All he has to do is leave me alone and....." Ade suddenly burst out crying. She wanted him to suffer, physically and emotionally. But this woman here, begging her to forgive the rapist is removing that idea from her head. "I don't think I can forgive him that easily, he's ruined my life. Now I can't pursue my career." Ade said sitting down on the floor, the tears still falling from her eyes.

"My dear, I will take care of the baby. You don't have to worry, I'll take care of everything. Please just forgive him." Mrs Badmus said, but Ade wasn't in her right mind.

"No! He must suffer, just as I suffered for all this weeks. He raped me, he won't get away with it. Unless I die." Ade shouted in anger. She never gets angry, atleast she doesn't let it show that she's angry. But this time, she couldn't help it. Her parents rushed in, hearing her shout.

"Ade, what's wrong?" Her dad asked her, as he helped her up from the floor.

"Can I be alone?" She asked looking at her dad. He sighed and nodded.

"Let's leave her to herself first." Was all he said, before helping her sobbing mom out of the room.

Ade curled herself up on the bed, before fresh tears started falling from her eyes. She was ruined.

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