Chapter 27.

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Dedicated to my wonder woman💪, my gist partner👥, my drama queen👸, our prayer warrior🙏🙏. I wish you a happy birthday, long life and prosperity momma, you'll enjoy the fruit of you labor, in good health and wealth🙏🙏 untimely death is not your portion mummy, you'll tie your gele high and mighty on each of our weddings and carry your grandkids and great grand kids, inshaAllah. I love you❤❤😩

              (The woman on gold)

When Ajoke got home, she went straight to her room, Mazida tried to stop her and tell her something, but she walked away before she could speak, since she was taking so long to talk.

Her phone pinged and she checked it. It was Gbola asking if she was home. She decided to ignore his messages and ignore him in total as she didn't want any problem. She knew she also needed to tell Ade.

She went to take a bath to wash of all the dirty on her body and came out and dressed up. Her phone kept on pinging and she knew it was Gbola, so she ignored him and went to bed.

She heard something hitting her window, but she ignored it and thought it was a bird again. But it sounded again and harder this time. She knew someone might wake up if she doesn't check what it is.

She peeped through her curtains and gasped as she saw Gbola standing and was bout to throw another stone but stopped when he saw her. He motioned for her to come downstairs. She shook her head no and he did as if he would throw another stone, she quickly stopped him and motioned she was coming.

She picked up her robe from the chair and and put it on, wore her slippers and snuck out of the house. She saw Gbola resting on his car and walked a distance away from her house and he followed behind her.

"Hey, sorry for disturbing you. You weren't reading nor replying my texts." He said and looked at her.

"I slept off." Ajoke half lied. Gbola who didn't believe her just nodded his head. He liked how she was playing hard to get, it was only a matter of time before she would be his.

"Is that why you wanted to wake my whole family up?" She asked quite annoyed.

"I'm sorry. Can we meet up tomorrow?" He asked. She looked at him and scoffed, her encounter with Rahmat made her refuse. She doesn't know how to. The person that can fight for her is pregnant and the second one is angry at her. She knew she just have to tell both girls eventually.

"I'm sorry, but I'll be quite busy tomorrow." She said and turned around to leave but he held her hand back.

"Is something bothering you, or did I do something wrong?" He asked looking intently at her lips. Ajoke followed his gaze, but before she could say anything, he kissed her. Her eyes went wide and she didn't kiss back. When he pulled back, he looked at her shocked face and placed his thumb on her lips.

"See you next time." He said and walked back to his car, leaving a shocked Ajoke standing. She snapped out when his car roared to life and zoomed off. She quickly ran back inside the house and rested her back on the door to calm her harsh breathing. Unconsciously rubbing her arms, goosebumps made its way to her skin and she walked to the kitchen only to get the shock of her life.


Mr Badmus got to the hospital, but found none of his kids in the waiting room. He knew they can't be in the ICU so he asked a nurse that passed by.

"I saw a young boy walk out with a pregnant girl from this hallway and since it's only your family here, im guessing that's whom you're looking for." The nurse said and walked away.

Mr Badmus cussed under his breath and walked to the window where he could catch a glimpse of his wife. After sometime of looking at his fragile wife Toheeb strolled in. Seeing his father, his mood soured immediately.

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