Chapter 49.

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So Announcement!! 🎉🎉

I wish to carry out a competition, where I'll have just 10 questions and the first three persons to answer atleast 6 questions correctly would get the following prizes.

Winner 1:
A follow back on Wattpad and a follow on Instagram (if you have)
2,000 naira Airtime or cash(anyone you prefer)
And a Chapter dedicated to you.

Winner 2:
A follow back on Wattpad and Instagram
1,000 naira cash or Airtime (anyone you prefer)

Winner 3:
A follow back on Wattpad only
And 500 naira cash or Airtime (anyone you prefer)

This would happen during the first week or second week of December. I would have prepared the questions by then. There would be no cheating whatsoever, I won't say because I know you, you'll be the winner, no. It's according to how much questions you answer correctly.

Gbola and AJ rushed Ade into the hospital as nurses came to help them. She was immediately wheeled into the emergency room. A doctor came out and asked what happened. AJ and Gbola looked at each other, AJ couldn't utter a word as she was still crying.

"We were having a pillow fight like we always did, then I had hit her a bit too hard and she fell backwards, hitting her back on the edge of a table in the process." Gbola half lied. The doctor nodded his head and went back inside the ER. AJ immediately rested her head on Gbola and began crying profusely.

"Nothing must happen to her, I won't be able to live with myself. We shouldn't have gone ahead with the plan." Ajoke sobbed before sliding down to the floor. Gbola held her close.

"I promise she'll be fine, the triplets too would be fine." Gbola assured her and kissed her forehead.

They waited for hours yet, the doctors weren't out yet. AJ was starting to be restless.

Just as she stood up, a Doctor finally came out and she breathed out and quickly went to meet him.

"How is she and the babies?!" AJ asked.

"Who are you to her?" The doctor asked.

"I'm her sister." AJ replied.

"She's stable now and the babies....we can't tell for now, she'll need more check ups for us to find out. She hit her back really hard which caused an impact on one of the babies. We'll do more check ups to be sure. But now, she has to be conscious first." The doctor explained and Aj sobbed out in relief. Atleast her friend was okay, she was praying nothing would happen to them at all.

"Thank you." AJ thanked the doctor and turned to Gbola, who smiled at her.

Ades phone began ringing. AJ checked the caller and glanced at Gbola.

"It's Toheeb and he's face-timing." AJ showed the phone screen to Gbola who collected the phone and picked the call.

"Hey ba-" Toheeb stopped and looked confused. "Why are you with Ades phone?" He asked raising a brow.

"She's in the hospital unconscious." Gbola told him.

"She said not to tell him!" AJ hit Gbola.

"What do you mean unconscious? We spoke yesterday and she was perfectly fine. I was supposed to call her this morning, but I had classes." Toheeb explained looking really confused.

Gbola explained everything that happened to Toheeb and in the process, Mrs Olaitan called. AJ rubbed her face and started crying, how would she explain now?

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