Chapter 33.

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This is a filler chapter. Decided to drop this because Aunty Shade dragged me here lol. Not edited or proof read at all. So there would be lots of mistakes, if you don't understand any, just comment down and I'll correct it immediately, thanks. Happy new month guys🎉🎉

"Where's Aj?" Ari asked, folding Ade's cloths for her. Her belly looked weird and she had to not make any sudden movement to prevent pains.

"She's mad at me, she won't come." Ade said and brought her iced sweet water to her mouth.

"What happened? I've been so busy to really come around." Ari said and put all the folded clothes in Ade's closet. And came back to sit on the bed.

"Nothing much, just... Forget it, I'm tired of speaking already." Ade lied and changed her position as it was getting tiring.

"You guys are being a little distance from me, and ever since I left and came back, it is very obvious. We met eachother before we met Aj, but it seems she's more important than I am, " Ari said, a little teary. She looked up to prevent the tears from falling. "You know how jealous I can get, but I still let her in our little group, but..." Ari trailed off. Ade looked at her, feeling bad.

"Ari, it's not like that." Ade pulled her closer and placed Ari's head on her chest, playing with her hair.

"It's exactly like that." Ari sniffed, Ade kissed her head.

"Fine, I'll tell you. It's a secret we've both kept and it's not a nice one. Aj, is always sexually harassed by Ahmad, you know her step brother," Ade whispered. Ari's eyes widened and she gasped. "I've told her times without number to speak out, because the manipulating idiot she is made me promise to not say anything. She always said, things would soon be over and she won't have to keep up with him. I and Toheeb saw her when we went to have ice cream and he was literally harassing her openly," Ade didn't notice the change in Ari's behavior when she mentioned Toheeb. "I was so mad and told her to speak to her mom or I will and she got mad. I even called her later that night and she kept giving me one word answers." Ade sighed and picked up her water again.

"When did all this start?" Ari asked.

"Hmm, like five to six years ago. No, don't look at me like that. I promised to not talk, you know I keep my promises." Ade quickly defended herself when Ari looked at her disappointedly.

"Well you did now, we need to help her out of this dilemma, we know how Aj never thinks with her brain." Ari stated and stood up. "Let's get you food to eat." Ari said and helped Ade up.

They walked downstairs, but met Toyo on the way.

"I was coming to call you. Toheeb is here and he wants to see you." Toyo collected the cup from Ade and they all walked downstairs. Ade had been treated like a baby ever since she came back from the hospital. Mrs Olaitan already forgot about the argument she had with Ade.

"Hey." Toheeb stood up and walked to Ade to help her sit down properly.

"Hey, did you bring me ice cream like you said?" Ade quickly asked, glancing at the white plastic bag he was holding. He chuckled and handed her the bag. Mrs Olaitan walked into the room and caught the bag with Ade. She looked at Toheeb.

"Toheeb, you're giving her too much ice cream. She gets s-"

"Bop bop bop, he doesn't need to know." Ade cut her mother off and took a spoon of the chocolaty goodness. Toheeb chuckled and looked down. No one noticed the Ari on the other hand.

"Hello everyone." Ajoke said, coming in and dropping her bag. Ade was happy she came and tried to stand up, but couldn't even raise her upper body. Ajoke laughed.

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