Chapter 3.

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She ran as fast as her legs could, with her friend hot on her heels. She got to the bathroom and almost locked the door, but her friend quickly caught up with her, blocking the door with her leg and winced. How do people do that?

"Ade, please, tell me. What's wrong? Please, just tell me," Ajoke begged. She felt bad her friend was going through a pain, she couldn't take away from her. "You know a problem shared, is a problem half solved. Please." She pouted, making Ade to open the door wider.

"I don't know where to start." Ade sniffled, her eyes were already puffy and really red.

"Why not start from the beginning?"

"L-last month, I was r-raped." She stuttered, her throat really dry. Her friend wasn't saying anything, so she looked up. She saw pain, betrayal, anger, regret and so many other emotions she couldn't place hand on.

"L-last month and yo-you're just te-telling me? Seriously, I thought we were friends? I thought we never hid anything from eachother, you were the first person I told when my step brother was sexually harassing me!" Ajoke screamed, tears and snort making patterns on her face, waving her hands in all directions. Ade felt really bad, now she regrets not telling her in the first place. If anything she wanted, was for her friend to never be angry at her.

"Ajo-" She began, but was cut off.

"Do you know the person?" Ajoke asked. As was about to lie again but, "And don't you dare lie to me!" Ajoke sounded really angry. The tears still falling down on the both girl's cheeks.

"I saw him in the food court. The table with five girls and two guys."

"You're sure he's the one?"

"A hundred percent su-" Ajoke didn't even wait for Ade to finish her sentence, before she stormed out of the bathroom. Ade realized what was going to happen before bolting up from the floor she was sitting and ran after her friend. But it was too late as her friend had already gotten to their table. "Ajoke!"

Ajoke had already poured a drink on his head, soaking the white shirt he wore. What Ade wondered was how she knew the exact person.

"Just know that you would pay for what you've done to my friend, I'll personally make sure you rot in jail." Ajoke said before dragging Ade to their table and picked up their bags.

"Ajoke, why did you do that?!" Ade said whilst still being dragged around by Ajoke. Ajoke abruptly stopped.

"Why did I do that? You're asking me? Remember you had done worse than all this when you found out about how my step brother had been sexually harassing me." She stopped what she was saying and looked over Ade's shoulder, anger radiating off her.

"Please I need to talk to her." Ade turned around and saw him. She began walking away but stopped when she felt a hand on hers. She pulled out her hand from his grip.

"What do you want to say to me, or do you want to repeat what you did?" Ade let out a humorless laughter. She saw the hurt flash through his face, but ignored it.

"Please, I just-"

"There's nothing you're going to say, that would stop me from making you go to jail." Ajoke snapped. On saying that, Rahmat came closer.

"What did my brother do to you? You're just harassing him." No doubt Rahmat already hated Ajoke's guts.


"Rahmat, stay out of this please, don't make things worse than they already are." He glared at his sister.

"Why would you do this to her? Heaven knows what kind of disease you have there." Toheeb could tell her friend was more affected than the victim herself. He looked over at her and started panicking, she didn't look good.

"I don't have any disease, I just want to apologize." He said, his gaze still not leaving Ade's pale face.

"Apologize?" Ajoke scoffed, "There's nothing to apologize for here, you already got your 5 minutes pleasure. And you won't go scott free. Mark my words!" That seemed to make Rahmat understand what her brother had done.

"Toheeb?!" She looked so shocked. Her brother had done a very shameful thing to their family. Of all the things he could have done, it was rape an innocent girl.

"It was a mistake, I was drunk!" He snapped dragging his hair before crouching down.

"You were drunk? You couldn't do any other thing, you had to do this. Lord help you when mummy and worse dad hears."

All the while no one knew how sick Ade was feeling at that moment and the look Gbola was using to look at Ajoke.

"I think I'm gonna be sick!" Ade said before running to a near-by bin and emptying her half empty stomach, she started seeing black dots, things were beginning to spin before she fell on someone's hands and blacked out.

"SubhanAllah." Ajoke said as she looked at her friend on Toheeb's arms.

"Someone should call an ambulance!" Toheeb shouted as he kept on tapping Ade's cheeks.

"An ambulance is gonna take long, pick her up. I'll drive." Gbola offered. Without a second thought, Toheeb picked Ade bridal style to a waiting Gbola's car.

"Pass me your keys, I'll meet up with you guys." Rahmat said, while Toheeb threw his keys over to her. They drove to the closest hospital, with Ade resting on Toheeb's chest.

When they got to the hospital, they rushed into the emergency ward. Two nurses came to help put Ade on a stretcher and wheeled her into the ER.

Ajoke didn't know whether to call Mide or wait, in case it's nothing serious. But with what Ade had told her, she called Mide immediately.

"Where are yo-" She said immediately she picked on the second ring.

"Ade's in the hospital." Ajoke rushed out.

"What? How? I'm coming and you must spill whatever happened to me." She said and hung up.

"This is all your fault!" Ajoke charged over to Toheeb, but was held by Gbola before she could get to him. Just then Rahmat entered. She saw the way Gbola held on to Ajoke and she wanted nothing but to rip them apart. She was jealous, she felt, Gbola already liked Ajoke. And for that reason, she hated Ajoke more than anything.

Rahmat went close to them and sat down, eyeing Ajoke all the while. Ajoke felt a burning gaze and looked around, her eyes met with Rahmat's and got openly eyed by her.

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