Chapter. 1

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"I can't go out." Aderonke said, rocking herself on the chair beside her wall sized window. Gazing out unto the busy streets of London.

"Why? You said your mom's not home!" Her boyfriend, Frank, said frustratingly.

"I said my mom's not home, doesn't mean I can go out!" She snapped. She was tired of all this. Lately she's been cranky, very cranky and snaps at every little uncomfortable thing.

"You've been acting weird lately and it's annoying, you know?" She rolled her eyes. She's not supposed to date, according to her religion, being a Muslim. But she went ahead and dated.

"I don't care Frank, bye!" And she hung up. She stood up and went to the bathroom, not to talk about the constant peeing she's been facing lately.

Her baby sister barged into her room, looking for her. She was about to leave when she heard the toilet being flushed, at the same time her sisters phone flashed. A call entered, seeing her sister hadn't come out yet, she peeped.

Call id ; Babe. She gasped, her eyes widened.

"Babe?" She whispered.

"Toyo!" Ade shouted, startling her sister. "What are you doing near my phone, haven't you heard of privacy?" She asked, raged.

"I'm sorry," Toyo said looking at her feet. "But, you're not supposed to have a boyfriend." She stated matter of factly.

"And how's that your business?!" Ade snapped.

"What's wrong with her?!" Toyo mumbled.

"Leave my room please." Ade said, almost crying. She had no idea what's wrong with her. Immediately her sister left, forgetting what she had come in for, she sat on her bed and curled herself into a ball and cried her eyes out.

She doesn't know what's wrong with her, not at all. Atleast she tried to not remember the unfortunate event that happened in her life not too long ago. She never told anyone because, she knows it's a life time scar and just wants to keep it to herself. She kept on crying until she heard her door creak open. She quickly acted like she was sleeping, hoping the person would just leave her alone. But, that wasn't happening.

"Ade?" Her elder sister, Ademide, Mide for short called out to her. She still acted like she was sleeping. "Ade, I know you're not sleeping." Ademide said calmly.

"Yes?" She replied sluggishly.

"What's wrong? You been acting really closed off lately." Mide asked, concern lacing her tone.

"I'm fine, just really tired." She lied.

"You've been sick too, will you say what's wrong, you're not supposed to keep things from me you know?"

"I know." Ade sighed as she almost began to tear up, but held it back.

"Now tell me what's wrong." Mide stated, playfully glaring at her sister. On a norms, Ade would have laughed at the gesture, but now she found nothing funny.

"I don't want to talk about it, please?" Ade said, hopeful her sister would forget about the topic.

"Why? But anyways I'm always here for you." Mide sighed deeply, before hugging her sister. She knows her sister is falling into loneliness, she just prays she won't continue to stay away and fall into depression. "Let's go downstairs and have dinner."

"I'm not hungry." Ade said and turned over before picking up her phone.

"Ade......" Mide trailed off, know her sister is stubborn, she gave up and left the room.


"What in the world have I done?" Toheeb said to himself, dragging his hair out of frustration and disgust. He kept pacing around his room. He regretted the day he left the house to go drink and is still regretting it, that was the first time in his 21 years of living he had ever drank alcohol and gotten terribly drunk, which resulted in him doing things, he would forever regret.

"How in the world can I right my wrongs?" He muttered to himself. Still pacing around in his room.

"Toheeb, come downstairs now!" His mum's voice echoed around the large mansion. No doubt his mum was a lousy woman. He walked downstairs, his head banging from thinking too much.

"Why have you been in your room since?" His dad's calm yet commanding voice welcomed him. He rolled his eyes mentally, he and his father never had this father-son relationship, no matter how hard his mum tried.

"Was busy." Was all he said, before sitting down. His father kept his calm and said nothing at his son's two words reply to him.

The maid served their food. They all began eating in silence, before his younger sister, Rahmat, the third and last child, cleared her throat.

"Daddy, can I go out with my friends? We just want to go shopping." Mr. Badmus cleared his throat.

"Of course, your brother would have to go with you." Toheeb and his sister both groaned. Why does their father think they have to be together all the time. Last time he checked, he's four years older. He's not her bodyguard.

"I have more important things to do, than follow Rahmat around like her bodyguard. You can get one of your guys to follow her." Toheeb stood up, his food untouched before leaving the dining room.

"Toheeb, why do you always have to make things hard for me? You know very well I try my best to make you and your father to try and bond, not the other way around! Please Toheeb, listen to your father. I don't want the last time to repeat itself. You came home drunk." Mrs. Badmus said immediately she got into her son's room.

"Why would he say I should follow her? He has bodyguards to do the job." Toheeb said trying really hard to not snap.

"Toheeb!" His mother said on the verge of crying. She's tired of her son and husband's constant fight. There's no day her husband's home and a fight or serious argument doesn't break out.

"Fine, I'm doing this all, just for you." He said while he went closer to his mom and enveloped her into a hug, she hugged him back then pulled away and kissed his forehead. She left his room not before muttering some silent prayers for her son and husband.

Toheeb sat on his bed, his mind wandered back to the day he had gotten himself drunk, all because his dad came home, only to tell him he has to take over his business because he is now a Nigerian senator and would hardly ever be home. He had always wanted to be a Engineer.

Now he can't forgive himself, until he has right his wrongs and made things easier for himself. He hasn't been eating well, let's not get to the sleeping part.

I couldn't hold it in anymore, seeing 15 chapters sitting in my draft. I was like, kaii lemme drop one.
What do you guys think about the first chapter?!

I'm so excited!!!💃💃Who will dance with me bayi?

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