Chapter 20.

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After sitting down for one hour, Mide went out to see Toheeb still waiting, his hands above his head.

"Don't you want to come inside?" Mide asked, folding her hands and resting on the wall.

"Would she want to see me?" He asked, Mide felt pity for her baby sisters rapist. She saw how stressed he was.

"I don't think she's as mad as she was in the beginning, maybe if you try to console her, she might consider you. Who knows?" Mide said. Toheeb looked at Mide and sighed, before standing up and following her into the room.

He glanced at a pale looking Ade. She looked weak and tired. He blamed himself for her condition at that moment and the pain she must be feeling. He didn't realize he was still standing by the door until, Ajoke asked him to sit.

Ajoke who always hate guys that were attracted to her friend in some sort for protective reason, couldn't find herself to hate him. Maybe because he was trying his best on her best friend. A ringtone brought Ajoke out of her trance.

"Mama....... No, I'm in the hospital...... No, no, I'm fine, I'm fine, I came to visit Ade." He rubbed his face. "I don't know..... OK I will." He said, then hung up. He looked up and caught Ade's gaze. She had woken up.

Mide quickly got the Doctor, while Ola told her she looked like a drowning fish. She laughed so hard, she forgot her problems for that moment.

"Can a fish drown?" She asked, coughing.

"Your sister drowns in a swimming pool and she's a fish, I didn't say anything." He quickly added the last part, Ade and Ajoke laughed again. Ade came into the room with a doctor. Mide smiled unconsciously, wondering what was making her sister laugh so loud she was hearing it from the hallways.

"Uncle Lami said you're a fish." Ade said laughing. Mide glared at her husband and rolled her eyes, he always called her a fish, even in the house.

The doctor did a little test for Ade, while Ola kept making her laugh. Toheeb, who sat in the corner of the room admired Ade as she laughed. The way a dimple made its way to her left cheek and how her eyes got smaller.

Ade caught his gaze and they held contact for a while before Ade looked away.

"What was the test results?" Ade asked Mide.

"You lost a baby and have three left." Mide said and Ade looked at her, no emotion was displayed on her face. She nodded her head.

"Have you called mummy?" Ade asked.

"Nope, I was going to ca- Oh, she's the one calling now." Mide said.

"Don't tell her where we are." Ade said.

"Hello?... We went for a walk... I'll tell her... OK, bye." Mide hung up and looked at Ade. She was about to say something but Ajoke beat her to it.

"Why don't you want to tell aunty, she needs to know."

"Where's Ari?" Ade changed the topic.

"She left before we brought you here, saying her dad needed her." Ade nodded her head. She had no problem with it, more like she doesn't know why her friend would leave her like that, but she didn't care.

"How do you feel now?" Toheeb finally said something after a while.

"I'm fine, a little pain here and there." Ade replied plainly. Mide and Lami decided to go get them some food to eat.

"I'll be back, I want to get something from the vending machine." Ajoke said and carried her purse. She waved a little and walked out.

An awkward silence fell on both Ade and Toheeb. Ade who was pained with the fact she lost a baby. At first she didn't want it because of how it was made, but she isn't that heartless to not feel any pain towards losing a baby. And now, she found out it wasn't twins but triplets.

"I'm sorry." She heard Toheeb's voice and looked at him.

"For?" She found herself asking. She had forgiven him, but him apologizing over and over again was making all the incident flash against her eyes over again. She felt her head ache at the memory. Toheeb was already by her side, holding her shoulders as she rest against his chest. He gave her a cup of water, which she gulped down immediately.

"I was thinking of giving the baby up for adoption, until I heard it was twins, my sister talked me out of it and now I'm finding out it's not twins but quadruplets which I lost one now and they are triplets now. I can't take care of them all by myself. It's hard taking care of a baby, let's not talk about the triplets I'll be having." Ade sniffed, trying to not let the tears drop.

"Can I be in their lives to help. I know you don't want me to for reasons best known to you, but I could be of any help." Toheeb said.

"I don't want them to grow near a rapist." Ade said, not looking at his face. Toheebs heart constricted against his chest as the pain and reality of what she said hit him hard.

"Do you think I am proud of myself? Do you think I'm happy with what I did to you? Do you think I won't do anything to go back in time and not do anything stupid?" He asked, his eyes bloodshot red, trying not to cry. "I know it's hard to forgive me, but please, I'll do anything at all. Anything." He begged, kneeling down on the floor, holding Ade's hands in his.

Ade looked at their hands, she didn't know what to say to him or what made her say it. She removed her hands carefully, making him look at her.

"I just..." She trailed off.

"You just? I promise to do anything, anything at all. I know we're both too young for this, but I promise to try my best. Please?" Tears pooled his eyes as he begged. If she was kind enough to not report him, then she should be kind enough to consider his request. He wondered.

"I'll think about it." He didn't know if he was to be happy about it, but he had hope.

Ajoke came inside the room, she had heard all what they said and would try to talk her friend into it. Ade needed all the support she would need, she has lost a baby from stress and maybe if she lets him in, things would be a little better.

They sat in silence, while waiting for Mide and Lami. Toheeb kept glancing at Ade, which Ajoke didn't fail to notice.

Merry Christmas 🎄🎄💃

I would have dropped this update since, but damn! My dad had to undergo an operation and has been admitted, having to spend time with him I couldn't and there's no wifi in the hospital. Bear with me 😞

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