Chapter 48.

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Dedicated to Victoria_yemi
Your comments dey gimme joy😭❤️❤️ see me smiling like a fool early Monday morning 😂😂
One extra chapter today, because of her.🎉🎉

"We are going to execute the plan in three days, but we have to be really careful." Gbola said as he pulled AJ closer to him.

Ade rolled her eyes. Toheeb wasn't there, making her feel left out as Gbola and AJ kept being cute together.

Ade stood up and sat in their middle. Toheeb looked at her and laughed.

"When are you coming back home?!" Ade folded her arms.

"Babe, I just got back to school yesterday" Toheeb said and laughed.

"Babe?!" AJ asked looking over at Ade.

"Babe?" Gbola also said.

"We're together now." Toheeb declared making AJ to turn fully towards Ade.

"When did this happen?!" AJ asked and smacked Ade. Ade turned to her.

"I'll bite you." She warned but AJ took it as a joke and smacked her again, this time harder.

Ade grabbed Ajs hand abd bit her really hard, making AJ scream out in pain.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! You bit me!" AJ moved away and rubbed her arm. Gbola looked at Ade in horror.

"I was going to tell you to stop. Doctor said she's having gingivitis, which is caused by hormones. I got bit twice yesterday." Toheeb explained.

Ade started crying. Gbola and AJ looked shocked to see her start crying immediately, but Toheeb wasn't.

"Hey, stop crying." Toheeb said, wishing he was there for her.

"When will you come back?" Ade asked, her cheek was swollen and her eyes.

"I'll come home for the weekend." Toheeb said, he had to clear his schedule.

"That is five days from now?" Ade asked, ready to start crying again.

Toheeb decided not to answer her. AJ hesitantly went to hug Ade. She hasn't seen her friend this annoying before.

"What's the plan?" Ade asked. Everyone looked at her.

"AJ would wear a button up shirt, where I'll plant a camera as one of her buttons. We'll be watching from here so we can save the video. But you our mom-to-be, would hang around her. I don't want him to succeed, I won't watch my baby going through that. So you'll like barge in to make him pull away from her."

"Won't we need his words?" Ade asked.

"That's the problem, do you have any piercing like a bellybutton piercing?" Gbola asked AJ.

"No I don't." She replied. The one time she wanted to do it, she saw the person before her cry really hard and she immediately changed he mind.

"You'll have to get one." Gbola told her. AJ looked at him like he was crazy.

"I should go through the pain of bellybutton piercing just for what exactly?" AJ asked eyeing him.

"We need to put a speaker." Gbola explained.

"Can't you put it somewhere else? Like on my earring?" AJ suggested, she was scared of piercing her bellybutton.

"I want to pierce mine." Ade said out of the blue. Toheeb secretly glared at her.

"You don't have to." Toheeb said shaking his head no.

"You don't tell me what to do with my body!" Ade eyed him. Toheeb said nothing.

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