Chapter 12.

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Toheeb paced around his room waiting for just a phone call to come through his phone. He rubbed his palm over his face. He raised his phone again to check, but there was none. He groaned and waited.

Early that morning, he had met Mr Olaitan had changed numbers with him. He got a call and he checked the caller id, he picked up immediately.

"Hello sir?" He said, his voice shaky.

"Hello. You won't be able to talk to her, she's sick and apparently, her friends that are waiting to have your head are around her. But I'll let you know when it's more safe. If I may ask, how'd you know it was my daughter you knocked up? Because honestly, if you had let me find out myself and you didn't turn up, I would have killed you myself and serve the punishment." Mr Olairan said, his tone hard.

"I had seen her face clearly sir." Toheeb stuttered.

"But you didn't realize what you were doing?" Mr Olaitan asked, wondering how he's helping his daughters rapist get forgiveness. Although, he feels it's him paying him back for saving his life some years back somehow.

"Um....." Toheeb didn't know what he was saying. Truth be told, he knew what he was doing, but went ahead with it. Eventually, he knew he had committed a crime. Now, he couldn't say that to Mr Olaitan, because, he might not be getting the forgiveness he's asking for.

"Should I be guessing you knew what you were doing, but decided to go ahead with it and in the process, getting my daughter pregnant?" Toheeb rubbed his face. The question he was being asked by his 'baby mama' father was hitting him on the face harder than normal.

"I'm really sorry sir, I was just..." He trailed off not knowing what to say again.

"Releasing stress? It didn't have to be my daughter or anyone's daughter out there because, what happened to my daughter right now, I wish for no one's daughter. Learn how to control yourself, you're human." My Olaitan said, finally expressing anger. Toheeb felt disgusted by himself and almost blamed his father for telling him to take over some stupid family business. But he knows he can't.

"I would let you know when you can meet her." He ended the call without waiting for Toheebs reply.

He knelt on the praying mat in his room, facing the Qibla, he let out a hearty sob. What had he done? He let out prayer after prayer, he wanted to be forgiven, but what about Ade. It was clear she wants him no where near her, not to talk about 'thier' baby.

He stayed in that particular position for an hour without moving, tears running down his face and muttering prayers. He felt a hand on his shoulder and tensed, because he knew it was his mother. Not only has he failed his existence in life, but also his heart, his mother. He couldn't look her in the eyes anymore, he couldn't joke about her having wrinkles on her face then she would slap him playfully, he couldn't cook with her anymore and keep on making a mess and adding to her work but feeling he's helping her. She rubbed his back and he placed his head on her laps, finally having their moment in weeks since he hasn't been having peace of mind.

She kept saying things that wasn't entering his head at all and he couldn't make out a word she said. Slowly he fell into a much needed slumber. Slumber that would gain back energy in his drained frame. His mother kept on rubbing his back. Though she felt disappointed in him for what he had done, she also felt like she has failed as a mother. For her son to knock up someone's daughter, it meant she hadn't trained him well. She felt her eyes watering but she didn't move, he needed sleep, his conscience was eating him up. If she had to stay like that for hours, just so he could get sleep, she would.


Ade ran into the toilet to throw up after she smelled the potato porridge her mother was cooking, she knew for sure she won't be eating that. Ariyike who noticed her, followed her immediately to help her. She threw up and sat on the bathroom floor, feeling weak and light headed at the same time. She rubbed her face, trying to get rid of the feeling. Ari helped her to her room before calling Mrs Olaitan she came in to check on her.

"What's wrong?" Mrs Olaitan said going close to Ade.

"Light headed and weak." Ade mumbled, running her face.

"Sorry, I'll get you something to eat and you can sleep." Though Ade felt hungry, she wasn't in the mood to eat.

"I'll pass, just want to sleep." Ade said, getting under her covers.

"You have to eat something-"

"I'm not in the mood." Ade concluded with finality in her tone, forgetting she has a Nigerian mother. Ari laughed as Mrs Olaitan pulled the covers away from her body.

"C'mon get up, you need to eat. My grandchild needs to be fat." Mrs Olaitan joked and Ari laughed.

"True, my god-child needs to be fat." Ade glared at her and stood up.

"I'll cook noodles." Ade said, going to the room.

"Remember you have an appointment a day after tomorrow, I won't be able to come along, but your dad should." Mrs Olaitan said, arranging Ade's bed. Ade nodded her head and walked out of her room.

"Should we order pizza?" Ade heard Ajoke shout immediately she got to the ending of the stairs with Ari.

"I think I'll pass." She said and went into the kitchen. The girls shared a look before shrugging, while Toyo picked the house phone to call and order a pizza.

Ade cooked her noodles and walked to her room, making sure to lock the doors in other to not be disturbed. When she was done eating, she dropped her plate on her bed side table and laid well under the covers before drifting off to sleep.

"Come here." A deep voice commanded. She was shaking and sweating.

"Please, just let me go!" She cried in agony.

The person dragged her and tore open her shirt, leaving her in her bra. She cried and struggled but she was weak, she couldn't fight anymore. She screamed as she felt pain shoot through her legs, trying to fight the stranger away. He pinned her hands over her head while she kept on screaming.

She shot up from her bed, sweating and panting profusely. She heard banging on her door, but didn't open it. She rubbed her face before taking a deep breath.

"Ade please open the door." Her mom begged crying.

"Ade, open up. What's wrong?!" She heard her dad's voice. She finally stood up and opened the door. Her dad hugged her immediately while she sobbed on his chest. He rubbed on her back until she stopped crying. He led her back into her room and sat her down on her bed. Her mom brought in water and Ade gulped it all at once, she was feeling extra weak and dizzy. Her dad tried to get her to lay back down but she wasn't going to try and sleep back, she didn't want to have another afternoon-mare (A/N; if that's a word).

Since her friends had gone back to their various houses, she was left with Toyo.

"I'm tired of all this!" Ade said said, sobbing into her palms. Toyo just rubbed her back and kept whispering everything would be fine, but Ade wasn't believing it.

Hey guys!!!!!!!

So I was supposed to update this yesterday, but... I honestly have no excuse, I'm sorry😪

My Abiola lovers, Abiola would be going off wattpad soon😭😭😭😭😭😭

My second baby😭😭

Do you think Toheeb deserves forgiveness?

My poor Ade😭😭😭

Comment down your thoughts!!!
And vote!❤❤

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