Chapter 7

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Ade looked at the tall London buildings. She was finally going home and was a little happy, atleast, she gets to lay on her comfy bed with no disturbance whatsoever. It's been a long uneventful week in the hospital, with Ajoke coming to visit her everyday, trying to lift little worry out of her best friend.

After she had told her dad about how long she had been dating Frank, he was really mad and had been giving her the silent treatment, only because she wasn't fully mentally and emotionally stable. So he let her be. He doesn't want to hurt her more than she's already hurt.

While her mom didn't even seem bothered making her dad think she knew something about the fact her daughter had a boyfriend. They almost had an argument in the hospital. Mide had to stop them, telling them it isn't worth it, since the person in question was frustrated with her life already.

Ade didn't know how her life would turn out. First she was raped, still living in that nightmare, she heard she's pregnant. She felt, she saw her life crumbling before her. While she could do nothing about it, she almost started crying again. Atleast she has the root to all her problems away from her and her future. That's what she thinks though.

"We're home." Her dad announced, helping her to open her door, which she stepped out and walked to the door, along with her mom. Mide had left, since she has responsibilities to attend to.

"Welcome back!" Toyo screamed immediately Ade opened the door and jumped on her, she had missed her sister so much.

"How are you?" Ade asked chuckling at her 16 year old sister, who always had to act like the baby of the house that she is.

"Don't injure her Toyo, she isn't totally strong yet." Mrs Olaitan scolded her daughter, which in reply only gave a her a look before smiling back at her sister.

"Let her rest first, you guys can do whatever you want later." Mr Olaitan added, bringing the bag Ade had used in the hospital. She wasn't at all comfortable with the hospital cloth, so she asked for hers.

"Let's go." Toyo dragged her sister to her room. Making her sit on her bed, she helped her take her clothes to the washing machine and arrange the clean ones back in her closet.

Ade sat still and was looking at no where in particular. She dragged her legs closer to her chest as she wondered how she was going to take care of a baby if her plan didn't work. All she prayed for was her plan to work, if not, she's not sure about her life.

"Ade!" Her sister screeched, making her snap her head upwards, to see her sister towering above her.

"What?" She asked so calmly. Toyo pouted, she was use to her sister's not so calm self. Now with the new found problem at hand, she's too calm. What still bothered Ade was the fact her dad had tried telling her to forgive him, since he had come to apologize. She felt there was a reason behind it all, last she checked her dad wasn't exactly the merciful type, once it came to things like this.

"I've been calling you since. What will you eat?" Toyo asked Ade.

"I'm not really hungry, I'll eat later." Ade groaned as she stood up, aiming to walk to the bathroom, but Toyo stopped her.

"C'mon, I have my niece growing in you, I want her to know big aunty is here. I'll cook noodles?" Toyo knew her sister was not at all happy, she knew her sister would never reject food no matter what happens, and whenever she sees the guy that had put her sister through all this, she won't spare him. That's what she thought though.

"Alright, don't forget the sausage." Ade lazily said as she walked to the bathroom. Toyo fist bumped the air and ran to the kitchen.

Ade came out of the bathroom and saw a missed call, she wondered who would be calling her. She checked it and it was an  unknown number. She didn't expect it to be Frank though, because he's literally out of her life now. He had stormed off and said he wanted nothing to do with her again and at that moment, she didn't care. She had something bigger on her plate.

She wanted to call the number again, but thought against it. If it was important the person would call back. She sat on her bed, her head in between her knees, she was getting used to the position. Her mind was a jumbled mess, she felt like killing someone, something, anything at all, but she just started crying. She had no idea her life would turn out like this. She sobbed and sobbed until she fell asleep, since it was easier that way.

Toyo came in and saw her sleeping and rolled her eyes, she won't let her sleep without having her eat her food. Toyo tapped her a little, making Ade stir before she fluttered her eyes open.

"What's wrong?" Toyo asked as she saw the tear stains on her elder sisters face. She felt really bad to see her sister in this state. The chatterbox of her sister was gone, not completely a chatterbox, but to those really close to her. She remembers how many people her sister had scared away from just her looks. She looks mean on the outside but a sweetheart on the inside. She doesn't want to forgive the person that did this to her sister, atleast not until she goes all violent on him.

"Nothing, just a little bit sleepy." Ade replied and sat up right. She collected the tray of soupy noodles and bottled water. She was glad she didn't have to rush to the bathroom to puke out her empty stomach. Like she had been doing the last week at the hospital. It was really frustrating and still is, but she has no choice. Just as the nurse that she later grew fond with had told her, its for a short while and you'll enjoy the rest. She always wondered how cute her baby would be and if it would look like her. She couldn't stop the smile that formed on her face as she unconsciously rubbed her bulging stomach.

"I can see you're getting used to my niece, very good, because when she arrives, I won't let you have her. She'll be with me, her favorite aunty-"

"La la la la la, I'm gonna be the favorite aunty. Don't try taking my spot." Ajoke cut Toyo off and the girls wondered when and how she got there without their knowledge.

"You're already her godmother, leave my responsibility for me please." Toyo rolled her eyes. Ade's pregnancy isn't even up to eight weeks and they are already fighting for responsibilities. Ade smiled and continued eating, she didn't care if they fought. Her plan would work. The thought of that made her heart constrict against her chest, but she had no option.

"How many weeks?" Toyo asked her smiling sister.

"Seven weeks." Ade replied before grunting and folding her legs.

"Alright, I still have lots of time to arrange sister Mide's old room for my niece." Toyo cooed, smiling at the slightly bulging stomach of Ade.

"How are you sure the baby is a girl?" Ade rolled her eyes. She wanted the baby to be a boy.

"Because I can see her, can't you see how small you still are? Your belly is supposed to be really big if it was a boy." Toyo stated, scrunching her face.

"My stomach might grow over night." Ade shrugged her shoulders.
"In ya dreams." Toyo said, slumping on Ade's bed knocking off her water in the process by mistake. Ade glared at her, making Toyo smiled guiltily, before picking up the glass cup.

"I can see you want a pregnant woman to have your head." Ajoke joked, laughing as Ade was still glaring at Toyo.

Ade was happy that everyone has accepted the fact that she was pregnant and made sure she is keeping the baby.

This chapter came a little late, I'm sorry. I've been packing since morning, also had to follow my mom out.

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