Chapter 38.

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"What was that about?" Ade asked immediately while Gbola left his position. She rose her brows high asking for explanation.

"It is nothing really, we were just saying hi." Ajoke lied, but Ade didn't believe her, so she pressed on.

"That didn't look like normal greetings, it's more like, you guys have been talking for a while. Beside, you have his number and he was asking to meet, in his house." Ade emphasized on the "in his house".

Ajoke groaned. "Fine.. We've been..." She trailed off, hoping she won't get judged by Ade, though that was highly impossible, the person that would most likely judge her was Ari. Ade urged her to continue,"Well.. We've been seeing for a while now, no we're not dating, but.... We're more than friends, friends don't kiss." Ajoke said intertwining her fingers together. Ade gasped and put her hands on her head, trying to do what her mom does whenever she found something shocking.

"You guys kiss?!" Ade raised her voice, forgetting that Ajokes mom could hear her and the other girls. But luckily, Mrs Ibrahim was on the other side of the store with Toyo. Ari and Mazida rushed to where they heard Ade's voice and met Ajoke trying to keep Ade from raising her voice higher.

"Who kissed?" Ari was the one who asked. Ade pointed at Ajoke, then outside, trying to indicate Gbola. The girls looked at her like she was crazy.

"She's having pains, so she's spewing nonsense." Ajoke laughed awkwardly and waved her hands. Ari put two and two together and her eyes widened. She remembered the text from Gbola and then Ade's gesture. She ran towards Ajoke and hugged her.

"Now, don't lie, I remember the text. And I quote "let's meet at my house"." Ari Air quoted with her hands and smirked.

Mazida who was lost just kept on looking at the girls. Ade was still in shock state, but this time her hands were on her stomach.

"Just shut up." Ajokes cheeks started to go crimson red and she blushed for some weird reason.

"Girl, but..." Ade looked at her, trying to remind her of something. As if they were thinking of the same thing, Ajokes heart started beating, almost leaping out of her chest. Ari looked at the girls, confused, but not as confused as Mazida.

"Do you like him?" Ari asked and started raising her brows at the same time, smirking. Ajoke looked away.

So what if she liked him, yes she did like him and she felt he like her too, but what if he hears about what her stepbrother does to her. He wouldn't see her in the same light again, he would see her as some sex slave and be disgusted by her. Realization dawned on her and she knew she had to protect her heart from liking him any further, or she'll bear the consequences of a heart break, though her heart was already breaking.

"No I don't like him, we just hang out casually. As friends." She added the last part in a rush.

"Nah girl, you lying." Ari said. Ade felt sorry for Ajoke, because she knew what was really happening. At this point Mazida was guessing what was happening and she also knowing the reason for her lies, she felt somewhat sorry for her step sister. Really sorry.

"Then suit yourself." She concluded and walked out on the girls. Ade was planning to go with her when Mrs Ibrahim called out to her. She walked to where she was and saw her holding a nursing mother's bra. Ade felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"What size do you wear?" Mrs Ibrahim asked, not noticing how uncomfortable Ade felt. She looked up when she got no reply and laughed. Ade's face was hilarious.

"I didnt know I was going to shop for these too." Ade let out a nervous and shy giggle. Mrs Ibrahim side-hug Ade and drew her closer.

"Don't be shy, now what size do you wear?" Ade mentioned her bra size, but Mrs Ibrahim picked one size bigger and picked three different colors. Ade left her and walked to where Toyo was standing, she was checking out baby trolleys.

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