Chapter 28.

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Dedicated to IbraheemKudirat You asked for one more update before you go to school, even though I saw the notification late, I'm sorry😘😘

And Symp_licit_tee gurllllll😂😂😂 shift joor😂😂😂😭

Ajoke hugged her pillow to herself and let the tears flow freely without trying to stop them.

"Why can't he just let me be?!" Ajoke held her pillow tight, biting her lip until she tasted blood.

The previous night

"Missed me?" His gaze raked over her body from head to toe, licking his lips. Ajokes hands started to vibrate in fear. Remembering what she wore as his eyes feasted on her body.

"I asked you a question." He whispered, moving close to her. Ajoke shook her head no as he raised his hands to touch her.

"Just stand still and be a good girl." He said and cupped her left breast. She closed her eyes as her breast hardened in fear, tears already slipping out of her eye.

"Can you just let me go?" She tried to sound confident, but her body language was saying something else.

"Shh, I won't take long, and don't scream or you'll regret it." He whispered carrying her over his shoulder and placed her on the kitchen island.

"Please, don't do this. You can stop, I promise to forget about it, get someone willing to do it." Ajoke sobbed silently, holding her legs together. Ahmad chuckled lightly and placed his big hands on her thighs. She shivered and held her legs tighter, but he dragged them open. It wasn't helping that she wasn't wearing any panties. Ajoke whimpered in pain and fear as he slid in two fingers.

Mazida looked at her brother and Ajoke, she knew something had been going on between them for some time when he was around, but always minded her business. She would see her brother going into Ajokes room at night, when he thought everyone was sleeping.

She saw how the tears flowed heavily down Ajokes cheeks and she decided to just do something, even though she knew she won't be getting any thankful remark from Ajoke.

She yawned loudly, making Ahmad move away from Ajoke immediately. Mazida opened the fridge and got a bottle of water she didn't need.

"What are you guys doing awake?" She asked and looked at Ajoke, who quickly came down from the island and walked away. Her face still stained with tears.

Present morning

She rubbed her tears away and raised her knees to her chest, still cuddling her pillows, when her phone pinged.

"I'm on my way to the hospital with Toheeb!" Ajoke read the message and smiled, somehow, she was glad Ade had forgiven him and is letting him in.

Even though her life was not all rainbows and sunshine, she was still happy to see Ade happy, after all, she kinda got it worse than her.

"Don't do too much." She replied and put off her phone.

She decided to get up and clean her body when Mazida walked in, give her a look she interpreted.

"Thank you." Ajoke said and waited for her to just walk out.

"Why don't you report and break free from all this? I know we haven't ever had that sister bond whatsoever, but I'll advice you to speak out. I knew something has been going on, but thought it was my over thinking ass. Tell someone, your mom preferably and be free from him. He's my brother, but I don't fancy such. You can choose to keep it to yourself if only you enjoy suffering." Mazida said and left her room, leaving Ajoke in her thoughts.


"How many weeks gone?" The brunette nurse asked, smiling while Ade got comfortable on the bed.

"Almost 14 weeks." Ade said and Toheeb was surprised at how fast time have flown.

Ade raised her shirt up and Toheeb looked away, his ear already getting red in embarrassment. It was just the two of them in the room and the nurse, Mrs Olaitan told Toheeb to go in with Ade because she needed to make arrangements for her classes.

"Look at that, your babies are doing just fine." The nurse beamed and Toheeb looked towards the screen. Looking at the sonogram machines screen, he smiled. He got the chance to see her and he was really glad for that.

Ade smiled and looked at Toheeb who was still smiling at the screen and glanced at her stomach, she unconsciously rubbed it when the nurse got her attention.

"Would you like me to print it out?"

"Yes please." Toheeb answered before she could talk. He quickly looked at Ade and gave her an apologetic smile, scratching his head in the process. Ade waved it off and sat up to clean the gel of her stomach. Toheeb handed her a paper towel which she gladly collected it and rubbed it off while Toheeb awkwardly looked away. Ade found his reaction cute.

"What's wrong with you?" Ade scolded herself whispering, but Toheeb heard her.

"Me?" He asked. She looked up at him and shook her head, smiling awkwardly. She tucked in her shirt and put back on her jacket as the November wind was really chilly.

They both walked out, with Toheeb holding the door for her, while she carefully walked out and saw her mom with the printed picture of her unborn babies.

"I thought your dad was kidding." Mrs Olaitan said and Ade looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?" She asked making sure her jacket was properly worn. Mrs Olaitan looked at Toheeb and then at Ade.

"You guys are having triplets?" She stated more like a question. Ade chuckled.

"You got me scared there and maybe I forgot to tell you." Ade said and hooked her hands with her mom's hand, forgetting her bag on the chair.

"You're gonna be a grandma to three beautiful boys that would look like me." Ade smiled, while Toheeb just followed them, Ade's bag in his hands.

"How do you know they'll look like you and why do you think they are boys?" Mrs Olaitan asked, wanting to continue seeing the genuine smile on Ade's face while talking about her pregnancy.

"Coz I'm the mom and I can feel it. Who cares about the dad? They'll love me more." Ade beamed and Toheeb couldn't help but chuckle out loud making Ade turn to him, folding her ands above her belly.

"Why did you chuckle? It's the truth!" Ade said and held her mom's hand again.

"I see." Toheeb simply said.

"How's your mom?" Ade asked stopping a little to walk along side Toheeb, she was craving ice cream again and knew her mom might not let her.

"She's fine, I would be seeing her when we're done."

"We could see her now, we still have time before it's time for my meditating classes." Ade smiled and he looked at her. He nodded his head and when Ade saw her mom was distracted by a phone call, she used the opportunity.

"Can we get ice cream without my mom finding out?" Ade pouted, raising her head to look at him. Toheeb chuckled and shook his head.

"I see why you snuck out." He laughed. Ade nods her head and shone her teeth.

"Can we?" Ade asked to make sure she would be getting ice cream.

"Yes, we can." He assured her and they walked side by side out of the maternal wards and into the private wards.

Mrs Olaitan followed behind them and watched how they randomly conversed. She heard Ade ask him for ice cream, but acted like she didn't hear. She'll let this one pass, since it isn't late yet.

School isn't doing me good oo😭😭😭plus my lazy self😭😭😭ehh, Lord help me. I don't have any draft again oo, I wonder when I'll type again like this😭😭

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