Chapter 29

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Mrs Badmus watched as Ade and Toheeb walked into her room and smiled faintly, Mrs Olaitan followed behind them. Tubes were attached to her nose, and some tubes disappeared into her hospital gown.

Toheeb walked to his mom and held her hands, smiling at her. He raised her hands to his lips and kissed it.

Ade watched the gesture and knew the mother and son bond is a strong one. She liked the respect he has for his mother and generally for elder people, he even respects her parents.

"How are you?" He asked and helped her to adjust the bed when she motioned she wanted to sit up.

"Better than before, don't listen to whatever you dad tells you." His mom said immediately, making him confused as they weren't talking about his father here.

"Good morning ma'am. I'm really sorry for how things ended the last time we met, it's all my fault. I shou-" She was saying when Mrs Olaitan cut her off.

"Shh, it OK, I understand. Atleast he realised his mistakes and he's owning up for it." Mrs Olaitan said holding Mrs Badmus fragile hands. She had become thinner than she used to be lately.

Ade who didn't know what to say diverted her eyes and just sat down in a corner. Toheeb kept conversing with his mom, asking her about random things. Ade found it really cute at how much he cared for her.

"Did Ani later come?" Toheeb asked, pouring a cup of water for his mom.

"She came yesterday and spent some minutes, then left saying she had work. I can't stop her of course and let her go." Mrs Badmus replied and tried adjusting.

"OK." Toheeb said and looked at Ade, who was already dozing off. She folded his jacket and kept it in between her neck and shoulder for support. His mom followed his gaze and smiled.

"She's pretty, yeah?" His mom asked him. He looked at her and smiled.

"She is." He smiled and looked away avoiding the look his mom was giving him. Mrs Olaitan woke Ade up and asked her to go sleep in the car instead, which Ade nodded and stood up.

Mrs Badmus asked Toheeb to go with her while Mrs Olaitan stayed with her in the room.

"Can we get the ice cream now?" Ade asked, the sleepiness already vanished from her eyes. Toheeb looked at her and chuckled.

"We might take longer if we go now without your mom." Toheeb said and Ade looked at him and walked faster, letting him know she didn't like that idea at all. She decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator.

"Hey, hey, wait! Fine, let's go." Toheeb gave in and Ade ran to hug him, catching the both of them off guard. She pulled away and coughed nervously, looking away from Toheeb.

"I'll just tell my mom we went for a walk instead." Ade said, breaking the awkward environment. Toheeb nodded and collected Ade's bag while she went to call her mom, telling her they were going for a short walk.

Mrs Olaitan who already had an idea of them going to get the ice cream just accepted and got talking with Mrs Badmus.


"So... " Toheeb said, trying to make a conversation.

"So what?" Ade asked, totally focused on her ice cream to notice anything.

Toheeb didn't know what to say and just kept on looking at how focused she was having the ice cream. How she would be careless enough to stain her top lip and the side of her mouth, then lick it off with her surprisingly long tongue. He watched how she finished her ice cream and then looked at his hands.

His eyes followed where she was looking and noticed that the ice cream she forced him to get had started melting. When she told him to get for himself also, he had refused and all she did was glare at him and he surrendered.

"You're not even having your ice cream!" Ade whispered in annoyance.

"I told you I didnt want it, didn't I? I'm not really a fan of this.... cold milk." Ade widened her eyes at him.

"How dare you call ice cream just a cold milk!? It is goodness filled and you're very weird to not like ice cream. You're not meant to know me." Ade said and started walking forward. Toheeb gawked at her wondering what he did wrong this time.

"Now what did I do?" He asked when he caught up with her.

"First, you don't like ice cream, that is enough for me to dislike you, " Toheeb scoffed making Ade roll her eyes at him. "And secondly, you called my best friend a cold milk." Ade said and folded her hand, resting it on her stomach. Toheeb finally let the chuckle he's been holding out and wrapped his hands around Ade's shoulders.

"Wait, I thought Ajo- what's her name again, your friend that almost had my head off the first time we met. I thought she was the best friend and the mysterious one that came out of nowhere." Toheeb asked and Ade face palmed.

"I only love them cos of nature, ice creamically? I hate them, they don't let me take it."

"Ice what now?" Toheeb looked at the short girl girl he had his hands wrapped over. "You're very weird. No cap."

"Says the psycho who calls ice cream a cold milk." Ade retorted, eyeing his cup of ice cream.

"You can have this, just stop making excuses. I know you want it." Toheeb said handing over the cup of ice cream to Ade.

"And who said I won't just take it from you even though you refuse to give me? Not like they'll let you into an ice cream shop if they knew how much of an enemy you are." Ade said and scooped the already melted part. Toheeb chuckled and looked straight ahead. 

They were already close to a supermarket which was near the hospital.

"Wait... Isn't that your friend?" Toheeb asked, narrowing his eyes to see clearly. And indeed, it was her.

"Who?" Ade asked and looked up from the ice cream she was concentrated on and gasped.

"A.J!?" Ade gasped.

Yeah, don't have my head please 😭😭😭, I'm sorry.... I got netflix and it distracted me😞😞

I'm back tho, I'll start updating like normal again. But......... Hehe, I have a small surprise, I'll be travelling, so I might not update if there isn't wifi in the airport, its gonna be a long journey which is going to be starting ending of this month✨🌹 like a three week journey.

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