Chapter 16.

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"Who are you looking for?" She asked.

"I'm looking for Toyosi." Rahmat said looking straight at Ade.

"I'll get her." Ade said, turning around. Rahmat's eyes fell on Ade's belly, she looked away immediately.

"Toyo!" Ade called. "You have a visitor." Ade walked into the house, not bothering to invite Rahmat in. Toyo walked to the door and on sighting Rahmat, she screamed and hugged her.

"I didn't know you were coming!" Toyo smiled. If only she knew that's her sister's rapist sister. She had only met Toheeb once and she hadn't really even seen his face.

"Yeah, I didn't know too. Was passing by and decided to say hi." Rahmat said, as if that was honestly what she came for.

Toyo decided to invite Rahmat in and with the agenda Rahmat had, she didn't hesitate before she walked in. Toyo guided her to the kitchen where Ade, Ari and Ajoke were seated. The three girls turned to the door as they heard footsteps. Ajoke's eyes met with Rahmat's and they both locked eye contact as if it was a game. Rahmat wondering what Ajoke was doing in Ade's house. With the quiet environment, tension could be felt.

Ade and Ajoke who knew Rahmat and the situation that got them knowing eachother and Rahmat hating on Ajoke for no reason. While Ari and Toyo knew nothing about what was wrong. Ade finally stood up and cleared her throat stretching her back in the process.

"I'll be right back." She walked away and went to her bathroom. She stayed there for a while before coming out, only to get a shocking scene.

Rahmat was sitting on her bed, holding the book she had kept on her bed side table. Luckily, she wasn't reading it.

"What are you doing in my room? And why are you invading my privacy?!" Ade said, obviously angry. She walked briskly to where Rahmat was seated and snatched the book from her glaring at her immediately.

Rahmat only had a calm look on her face, which pissed Ade more than she would like to admit. Rahmat also being quiet was annoying her, she felt like slapping her. Now she didn't know why she was feeling this way towards her.

"I just want to beg on behalf of my brother." Rahmat said, her tone still calm.

"I just want to beg on on behalf of my brother." Ade mimicked. "And you had to invade my privacy?" Ade asked, a hand on her waist.

"I'm sorry." Rahmat said. Ade moved a little, making her stomach visible in the baggy hoodie and yoga pants she was wearing.

"Well, what do you want?" Ade said walking out of her room, making Rahmat follow her.

"I wanted to apologize on behalf of my brother." Rahmat repeated. Ade stopped walking abruptly and turned around, letting out a laugh.

"I've forgiven him, can you and your family let me be now? After all, your mom said her son isn't responsible." Ade said looking calm, no emotion could be seen on her face.

"Please don't listen to my mom, she always want to prove her son is always right. But my brother isn't himself, he's been miserable." Ade shrugged her shoulders and continued walking. She didn't care how he felt, it's not her problem. If he had kept it in his pants, they wouldn't be having this discussion.

The fact she'll also be one year behind school and how she's planned her life, thinking she'll be out of school before the age of 22, travel around for a year with her two best friends and start working by 24. Now all her plans have been ruined. Man imposes, God disposes.

"I said I have no problem with your brother again, whatever he's going through is none of my business." Ade turned towards her, she wondered where the girls were, until she heard noises in the kitchen.

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