Chapter 23.

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Dedicated  to ayshkhana I promised two chapters, she said I'll have to add one more before I can know her name😂😂 now, I have nothing drafted 😂😂

"Mummy!" Rahmat screamed as Mrs Badmus fell to the ground hitting her head on the glass table. Both men turned to look at what happened.

"Fucking get off me!" Toheeb screamed pushing his dad away. He ran to his mom and carried her, resting her head on his chest. He tapped her cheek gently but she wasn't responding.

Aniola immediately got her car keys and Toheeb carried her to the car. Mr Badmus collected the keys from Aniola immediately and got into the driver's seat and drove out of the compound, not waiting for his daughters.


They rushed Mrs Badmus into the emergency room. Toheeb, who's face was bloody and swollen. Mr Badmus who only had a few bruise here and there because of how Toheeb had tried so hard not to hit his father back.

They stayed far away from eachother. Mr Badmus knowing he's the cause of his wife's hospitalization, groaned and paced around. A nurse passed by and saw Toheeb's state and offered to help him clean his wounds and dried blood, but he declined the offer. She hesitantly walked away.

The doctor finally came out placing his stethoscope around his neck firmly. He looked up to meet the worried gaze of Mr Badmus and Toheeb.

"Well, she had a mini heart attack and her blood pressure is really high. Seems she's been thinking more than she should and also stressing her self, it would be very good if she stops stressing out, it's not good for her heart. She'll be awake in some hours and I've prescribed some medicine to get before she does." They nodded their head, taking the paper from him.

"When can we see her?" Toheeb asked.

"Anytime." They thanked the doctor and walked into the room.


Ade walked to her room and threw her shoes across the room, not caring where it lands on. She has been to the hospital more more times in the past few weeks than she has in her entire life.

"Ade!" She heard Ari call out. She turned around to meet Ari holding two Starbucks cups. Ari handed one over to her and she gladly collected the iced coffee and took a sip immediately, moaning at the coldness. She giggled and sat down on her chair that faced the roadside, all anger and frustration going out the window.

"Thanks. I haven't gone out except to the hospital since all these started. Do you know how frustrating that is? All the parties I've missed? I've even stopped replying many messages, I never left up to 10 messages unread, but now, I have over 100 if not 200 but where do I start from? I even ignore calls!" Ade started sniffing, while sipping on her drink. Ari was shocked, where did this come from? She didn't know. She moved closer to Ade and patted her back.

"It's gonna be fine." Ari assured her.

"I'm thinking of going to the park, even though I won't be let on any rides," Ade laughed. Ari looked at her and shook her head. The mood swings were funny to her.

"We'll go on saturday and also say hi to the beach." Ade nodded her head.

"With Toyo and Ajoke. Nice!" She stood up and stretched. "I'm hungry," She emptied her cup and threw it and it went straight into her opened bin. She did a victory dance dragging Ari's hair.

"Your hair, when last did you braid it? It's looking too thick girl." Ari asked Ade dragging her hair too.
"Like, last two months? Maybe even more, can't remember." Ade removed her hair from Ari's hold and divided it into four big sections. She realised she hadn't had time for her hair in the last few weeks, so she went downstairs with Ari trailing behind her. She went to do the herbs she always kept on her hair for hours, to keep it strong and shiny.

"Ade!" She heard her mom call out. She muttered her reply when Mrs Olaitan walked into the kitchen.

"You have a call," Her mom handed her the house phone and she collected it, giving her mom a questioning look.

"Hello?" Ade said, her voice muffled due to the cake in her mouth.

"Addy, it's Jade." Ade smiled, remembering her classmate.

"Oh, hey Jade," She smiled quickly swallowing the cake.

"I wanted to ask if you could come for my birthday, it's next week Saturday. It would also be like a get together before school resumes." Ade looked at the cake she was eating, thinking of a lie.
"Sadly, I'm really sick, but Maddy could come and a friend of mine in my place." Ari started waving her hands in refusal. Ade rolled her eyes and ignored her.

"Aww, get well soon. Alright then, I'll send you the venue and time." Jade replied. They said their goodbyes and hung up.

"Hell, I'm not going!" Ari quickly said. Ade rolled her eyes and dug into the cake again.

"For my sake. I don't want to show my face." Ade said moving to where she saw a bowl of custard. She knew it was either Toyo's or Ajoke, so she quickly took two spoons but Toyo screamed, making her jump away.

"Make yours!" She snapped. Ade rolled her eyes.

"It's not even sweet." Ade frowned her face. Toyo rolled her eyes and dug into her food, using her phone.

She finished making her hair mixture and went up the stairs to her room. Ari followed her and sat on her bed as Ade went to wet her hair. She came back outside and sat on her chair, shifting it backwards to have more space.

She began applying the mixture on her hair, using plastic gloves. Almost done with applying it, she turned exactly the moment Ajoke walked in. 

Ajoke sat down in the far end of the room when she noticed Ari sitting on the bed. Both girls still hadn't started talking to eachother and Ade was glad she didn't have to choose whose side to be on.

"Can you both settle out your differences? I'm not too strong and you know it." Ade said calmly, finally done with the treatment and putting on her bonnet to let it sit for a while.

Both girls turned to her before looking away. Ade groaned and got up. She walked to Ajoke and held her hand, dragging her up, she dragged her to where Ari was seated and held their hands. She tried making their hands meet but they pulled away like two same polls of magnet that don't attract.

"Why are the both of you acting this way? I don't have y'all strength, but still you're stressing me." Before they could comprehend what she was doing, Ade ran out of the room as fast as her big belly and heavy legs could carry her and locked the door from outside.

"When you're ready to start talking like the two fools I grew up with, you'll call my name." Ade laughed and walked down the stairs, both girls banging on the door.

Ade walked to the sitting room and sat on the chair. She turned on the TV and and raised her legs up, putting them on the table.

Ajoke and Ari on the other hand, were quiet and weren't talking to eachother.

Next update in three days😘😘

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