Chapter 14.

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Toheeb could see the look of anger and sadness in Ade's eyes. He felt guilt eating him up on the spot. Their eyes met and Ade stormed out of the hospital, Mide hot on her heels. Toheeb ran and quickly stopped her. She raised her hand and slapped him immediately.

"Get the fuck out of my life! You've done enough damage, you bastard!" Ade screamed in his face, trying so hard to keep her tears in check.

"Please, ju-" He was cut off by another slap. He has never received a slap as hard as that in his entire existence. Ade looked shocked that she had slapped someone that hard, but concealed it by pushing him away. Toheeb ran back to her front again and stopped her.

"Don't you get it? Get out of my life! I'm pregnant with two babies, all because of you and I'm not even done with school!" Ade wiped the stubborn tears that fell down her cheeks roughly. Toheeb held her wrists tight, she was strong. He would give her that. Ade finally calmed down and he released his grip on her wrist a little.

"I just need one or two favor from you, please." He said searching her eyes for any emotion, the only one present was pain, anger, regret? She didn't say anything and he took that as a go ahead.

"I just want to right my wrongs. Firstly I really want to appreciate not having the police on my tail, but if you'll let me....." He trailed off. He didn't know what reaction he would get from her. "...... If you'll let me take responsibilities." He said. Ade looked at him and felt like she was hearing things. She snatched her hands away from his and walked to Mide's car. She saw Mide and Mr Olaitan talking to Toheeb and he had his hands on his head.

She wondered if she should let him, but the fear of having her babies grow around him for some reasons were scaring her. If she happens to have a boy, she wouldn't want him to grow up and spoil a girls life like his father just did. She wiped the tears on her face away and started playing with the ring on her fingers.

Mide finally came and joined her. She looked at her sister and wondered how broken she would be, and it won't be helping matters knowing how secretive her sister can be.

"Do you know I've been married for two years now and I haven't even been pregnant, talk more of having a baby." She asked. Ade turned to her sister and wondered why she was telling her that. True, her sister is four years older than her and had gotten to her highschool boyfriend. Their parents had nothing against it when Mide told them, but Ade couldn't tell her parents because she was dating a Christian. Not that her mom would find anything wrong with it, but her dad was more protective of her and the fact he knows Mides husband's parents.


"And I would do anything to have one. Let's face it, you wanted to go for abortion at first, what if this is your only chance at having a baby? You would have gotten rid of the baby and won't have the chance to mother any child again. I'm not saying I'm in support of how it happened, but he's ready to take responsibilities and I think you should give him a chance." Mide concluded. Ade looked away from her sister and gazed at the trees moving past them.

"I wanted to give the baby up for adoption, but now it's babies, I can't give them to different families." Mide looked at her sister in surprise.

"I'm saying A you're saying G and you wanted to give the baby up, don't you think that's heartless? How would you feel if you found out the people that raised you aren't really your parent or the fact you don't know what your baby would be going through, you don't know the intention of the family that would take them." Mide wondered where the soft hearted Ade was and how she had slipped through her fingers from being too secretive. They didn't say anything again.

Ade pondered on what her sister had said and she found truth in it. If she found out the people that raised her weren't really her parents, nothing would make her go back to her real parents and she wouldn't want that with her babies. Neither does she know what her babies would go through if they went into the wrong hands. She gave her sister a side hug and thanked her. She felt happy she had told her sister her plans and now she's free from any future hatred from her babies. Or so she thought....

They got home and Mide immediately went to cook lunch. Ade went to her room immediately and got into the shower, fully clothed. She was having immense headache and she always got into the shower to calm her head. Her thoughts wandered to Toheebs requests. She wondered if she wanted him close to her, she wouldn't deny the fact that he's cute and any girl would kill to have him, and she would count herself any girl only if the circumstance didn't turn out this way.

She heard a knock on the door and came out, water dripping from her wet clothes. She opened the door to meet Mide standing there.

"This habit of yours, when will you stop?" Mide scolded her as she saw how wet Ade was. She dragged Ade out of the bathroom and asked her to put off her clothes, while she searched for clothes for her. Ade did as she was told with no argument whatsoever. Removing her clothes, she looked at her big stomach and remembered she would be having twins in months to come.

Mide gave her clothes, which she changed into and sat back down on her bed. She loosed the hair band, making her curly natural hair all down her face and back, she pushed her bangs backwards and clipped it in place. Mide gave her her food to eat, she was hungry, so she ate it.

"Why is this room so tense?" Ajoke asked coming into the room with Ariyike, who was holding a plate of Ade's favorite pie. Apple and chicken pie.

"We'll have to get matching clothes for the babies." Mide said, shocking the living daylight out of the two girls. Their eyes immediately went to Ade's stomach and looked at Ade. She smiled at them and one would think she was happy, but they knew better.

They both went to hug her and Ade rested her head on Ajoke's shoulder. Ari felt a pang of jealousy hit her, but she acted like everything was fine. She rubbed Ade's back and opened the foil used in covering the tray. Ade rubbed her eyes immediately and focused on the opened tray of deliciousness. Ajoke who didn't know Ari did that to gain Ade's attention, brought a table closer to Ade, so she could eat well. Ade dug in immediately.

I was aiming for 20 reads, 10 votes and atleast five comments.

If I could get that before tomorrow morning, I'll update the next chapter 😃

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