Chapter 32.

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I didn't edit oo.

"How are you my dear?" Ajokes mom greeted Ade over the phone.

"I'm good Aunty, I missed you so much." Ade said and smiled, while playing with Toheebs hair and rubbing his bruise. She had mistakenly pushed the door a little too hard and it hit Toheeb on the face, leaving a bruise on the side of his eye. She made him sit on the floor in her room, while she placed his head on her thighs, playing with his hair and occasionally rubbing the bruise.

"I missed you more, come over during the weekend, I've decided to take a two day leave for my girls." Ajokes mom said and laughed.

"Really?" Are we going shopping, you know I love shopping and I haven't shopped in weeks, it's making me sick!" Ade whined and laughed. 

"You know how we do it girl. So uh, I've been trying to get to Aj, but I can't. Is she there?" Mrs Ibrahim asked.

"Uh, yeah she is, but she's in the bathroom. When she's done I'll tell her." Ade lied, making Toheeb to look up at her. Ade hosted at him, which made him to laugh silently, then he placed his palms on her protruding belly. He felt a pin on it and kept playing with it.

"Alright, thanks my darling and say hi to your mom. Bye." They hung up when Ade replied.

"What's this for?" Toheeb asked, holding the pin.

"My mom kept them on all my clothes. Don't know why and never asked." Ade said and shrugged her shoulders, while dialing Ajoke's number.

"Hmm, OK. When do you plan on going shopping?" Toheeb asked and stood up. Ade looked at him while the phone was ringing.

"I don't know yet. I plan on going with Mide when she's free, she always wanted to go baby shopping." Ade said and brought the phone away from her ear when Ajoke didn't pick up the call. She tried again, but she still didn't pick up. Toheeb looked at her as she dropped on the bed from her sitting position to a laying position.

She dialed the number again and she finally picked.

What?" Was the first thing she replied with. Ade knew Ajoke was mad at her, but she was only saying the truth.

"Your mom was asking if you're with me and I said yes, but I don't even know your whereabouts. I thought you'd go home!" Ade rushed out at once.

"I'm fine, I'll go home whenever I'm ready. Thanks for covering up for me." Ajoke said and hung up. Ade looked at her phone and sighed. She knew how Ajoke could be when she got angry.

"Where is she?" Toheeb asked and stood up, picking up his jacket.

"She just said she'll go home when she's done and then she hung up. Are you leaving?" Ade asked, sitting up properly, her stomach hindering her from standing. Toheeb quickly walked to her and helped her up, which she tanked him for.

"Yeah, I have some work to do and I also need to say bye to my mom before I get home." Toheeb replied and put on his jacket.

"You don't need a plaster for that?" Ade asked, pointing to his bruise. Toheeb shook his head.

"Ade! I made cookies, come and take some for Toheeb!" Mrs Olaitan screamed from the entrance of the kitchen. Ade looked at Toheeb and smiled embarrassingly.

"You didn't have to scream you know, we were coming already!" Ade screamed back and pulled Toheeb out of her room.

"You're still taking rudely to me?" Mrs Olaitan asked folding her hand. Ade rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen, bumping shoulder with her mom. Mrs Olaitan turned to her, fuming.

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