Chapter 30.

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Ajoke turned at the call of her name and couldn't be more thankful. She quickly pulled away from Ahmad and ran to Ade and hugged her immediately, keeping her tears at bay. Ade hugged her back and narrowed her eyes at Ahmad, wanting to shove him so hard.

"What did he do?" Ade whispered in anger, preventing Toheeb from hearing her. Already knowing Ajoke's answer since she wouldn't say anything. Ade also tried to hold her tears back.

"Why won't you just speak the hell up?! And be free from him?!" Ade whisper shouted, holding Ajoke's hijab tight. She felt really frustrated and angry, her mood soured immediately.

Toheeb saw the way Ade held Ajoke and pulled her away carefully, holding her wrists together. Ade looked away from Ajoke and looked at Ahmad who only stood a few feet from them now.

She acted calm and when she saw Toheebs hold on her had faltered, she swung at ahmad, hitting him on the nose and then kicked him in where the sun doesn't shine. Toheeb ran and held her while she struggled against his hold.

"Leave her the fuck alone you pervert!" Ade whisper shouted, not wanting passers-by to hear, as tears finally escaped her eyes.

Ahmad who was still in pain, held his cracked nose and frowned. His actions were as clears as daylight as he wanted to hit Ade back but was held back by Toheeb, who pushed him backwards with so much force, he lost his balance.

Now it was three against one. Ahmad looked at Ajoke, giving her a sign that she would receive the punishment later on. Ade who saw the exchange shouted,

"Why don't you fight back, huh. You can't fight back a guy like you, perverted chicken hands." Ajoke tried to keep Ade from talking anymore when Toheeb finally dragged her away, though she was still talking.

"Be calm." Toheeb said and rubbed her back gently, though she liked it, she shrugged his hands off as she was still boiling. Toheeb and Ajoke watched her talk for almost five minutes, before she stopped and took a deep breath.

"Let's go." Ade said and began walking. She noticed Ajoke was also following her so she stopped. Toheeb wondered what the problem was again, but kept the comment to himself and watched as Ade looked at Ajoke in anger and mostly disappointment.

He didn't know what was happening, though he wanted to, he just knew it wasn't his business and he wouldn't even find out. He's not close to them and he wouldn't like to spoil the chances of getting closer to Ade like he planned.

"Why won't you just speak up? Is this how you want him to get away with it every fucking time!" Ade voice kept increasing with each word. She stopped and took a deep breath, then dragged Ajoke away from Toheebs earshot.

"A.J, you need to speak up. I promised to keep this to myself, he went away, you were happy again and now he's back and has continued from where he stopped. I never knew the amount of pain you were feeling, until it happened to me. Please, I'll do anything for you to speak up, tell aunty, she'll definitely do something about it." Ade said, tears running down her cheeks.

"I can't tell my mom, she definitely won't care. She's supposed to know something is wrong with me!" Ajoke said and swallowed the lump in her throat.

"She's supposed to know? Is she some kind of witch or does she magically knows what exactly is wrong with people? If you don't tell her, how would she find out? I know she loves uncle so much, but she would definitely choose you anytime and anyway, even uncle wouldn't be happy with his son and most importantly you and I. This has been going on for years A.J, speak up or I will." Ade said and cleaned her tears, before walking away, leaving Ajoke in her thoughts.

Toheeb watched the girls converse quietly and just waited patiently. When he saw Ade walk away, he quickly followed her, but turned back and saw the situation Ajoke was and how she looked. Confused on what to do, he was about to call her over, but she walked away, leaving him no other option but to follow Ade.

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